A Chance To Send Questions to Army Astronaut Colonel Timothy Kopra

Note from Mary Elizabeth Sisk on behalf of U.S. Army Accessions Command:
“As you may know, space shuttle Endeavour is scheduled to launch on June 13, 2009. On board, U.S. Army Astronaut Colonel Timothy Kopra will travel to the International Space Station for his first mission, scheduled to join Expedition 20 as flight engineer after launching to the ISS with the STS-127 crew. Throughout his mission, Col. Kopra will be sharing his story about what it’s like to be a U.S. Army Soldier aboard the ISS.
I’d like to share the opportunity for you and your readers to send questions to Col. Kopra at http://www.goarmy.com/space. You’ll be able to submit questions starting today, leading up to the Endeavour launch and throughout the Expedition 20 mission, and Col. Kopra will be answering submitted questions from space throughout his stay at the ISS.
As part of the U.S. Army’s NASA detachment, Col. Kopra is currently one of four active duty Soldier astronauts. Facebook users can become a “fan” or learn more about the U.S. Army Astronauts here: http://www.facebook.com/usarmyastronauts.”