Status Report

6th Huygens checkout on 28 July

By SpaceRef Editor
July 27, 2000
Filed under

The 6th Huygens in-flight checkout will be executed on Friday 28 July from 16:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT. The Huygens activities will be carried out while Cassini will be in view of the Goldstone Deep Space Antenna. The Huygens telemetry data will be routed via the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, to the Huygens Probe Operations Centre (HPOC) at ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany. Arrival of the first data in HPOC is expected at around 17:00 GMT (19:00 Local Time).
Like the previous checkout, this one will also be performed while Cassini’s High Gain Antenna (HGA) is pointed at Earth. The Sun will be at about 10 deg. away from the axis of the HGA, well outside its main lobe. This is illustrated by the image provided by JPL Solar System Simulator, accessible at . The attached image shows the position of 25 July 2000, which will not be very different on 28 July 2000.
Only a small amount of radio noise is expected to be picked up from the Sun, therefore the radio environment should be excellent for another calibration point of the Huygens receivers.
Since Cassini’s HGA is nominally pointed at the Earth, Huygens large heatshield helps the HGA to shadow the rest of the spacecraft. The probe temperatures are continuously monitored by the Orbiter when the Probe is sleeping. A summary of the Probe temperature since early February is shown in the second figure.
The temperature of the batteries is currently about 12 C, which is well within the range acceptable before executing a checkout. The battery temperatures are expected to increase by about 20-22 C during a checkout, which will bring them to < 35 C, well within the acceptable upper limit of 45 C.
* Detailed report on 5th checkout
* More about Huygens
* Where is Cassini/Huygens now?
* Cassini homepage at JPL
[Image 1:] Cassini/Huygens position on 25 July 2000
[Image 2:] Huygens probe temp. monitoring
The spacecraft attitude and several key Probe temperatures are displayed since 1 Feb 2000 when the Cassini/Huygens spacecraft was nominally pointing its High Gain Antenna (HGA) to the Earth. The top panel indicates the angular distance between the Earth and the Sun as seen from
The bottom panel shows key Probe temperatures. The temperature of the of the Power Conditioning and Distribution Units (PCDU) indicates the temperature inside the Probe. This is also the temperature of the batteries. It may be noted that the partial exposure of the Probe to the Sun is only barely affecting the temperature inside the Probe. The plot labelled LNA is indicative of the Huygens Receiver Low Noise Amplifier temperature. It is mounted on the Orbiter bay 7. The temperature of the 4 Probe Separation mechanisms (SEPS 1 to 4) are also indicated.

SpaceRef staff editor.