Status Report

2nd International Workshop: Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues – Update and Announcement of Student Funding

By SpaceRef Editor
February 16, 2007
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Dear colleagues,

The 2nd International Workshop: Exploring Mars and its Earth Analogues is fast approaching. This is a joint conference being organized by the Canadian Space Agency and Italian Space Agency and we hope that many of you will be able to attend – particularly those involved and/or interested in the Canadian Analogue Research Network (CARN). The conference website has been updated and the online abstract submission form is now available. The abstract deadline is April 05 2007.

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is pleased to be able to offer funding for students (undergraduate and graduate) and post-doctoral researchers to be able to attend this conference. Applicants are eligible for CSA funding if they are full-time students and/or post-doctoral researchers currently at Canadian universities.

It is anticipated that this funding will cover travel expenses, accommodation, and registration. To apply for this funding, please submit the online form available on the conference website by March 25th 2007.

Any applications received after this date will only be considered if funding permits. In addition, please send an e-mail to Camille Desportes saying that you have submitted this online form and attaching a copy of the abstract that you intend to submit – funding will only be provided to those submitting an abstract for a poster or oral presentation.

Please note that the age limit of 32 (noted on the website) will not apply for this CSA funding. Applications will be evaluated based on the scientific and technical merit of the abstract and the short CV submitted on the online form.

Gordon “Oz” Osinski, PhD
Chercheur invite | Visiting Fellow
Sciences spatiales | Space Sciences
Agence spatiale canadienne | Canadian Space Agency

SpaceRef staff editor.