27 July 2000: Marc Boucher’s Personal Journal: Base Camp, Devon Island

Note: Information on the current field season, as well as past seasons can be found here.
Today the construction team worked on finishing the floors of the habitat, tightening dome bolts, and installing the
temporary interior furnishings. The weather was not good as clouds, rain and the cold came back. The good news
of course is that the windows and roof had been installed and the crew worked in relative comfort indoors.
Tomorrow the first of a series of short shakedown simulations will begin. The sims will feature four crew rotations.
The first will see a one day crew enter the habitat, followed by another one day crew then two 3 day crews. The crew
is comprised of six people. A Commander, Biologist, Geologist, Engineer, Communications Office and lastly a film
crew person from the Discovery Channel. I’ll have a list of crew members sometime tomorrow.
In the evening we cancelled the house warming party in favor of doing more work on the interior. Tomorrow in the afternoon
we plan on hold an inauguration ceremony.
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