23 July 2000: Marc Boucher’s Personal Journal: Base Camp, Devon Island
Note: Information on the current field season, as well as past seasons can be found here.
Habitat Construction, Day 4
Today was another beautiful day. We have been very fortunate with the weather since actual erection of the
habitat started. The forecast is for sun today and tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday will be partly cloudy with
higher winds. We need to have the dome panels in place before we get any significant winds.
The construction team got off to a slower start then usual start after a late night of relaxing. When they did get out
to the site they were very productive and put in the first floor and started the second floor. They had to wait awhile in
the afternoon for more lumber to come in from Resolute. Once you’re inside the habitat you really get a sense
of how big it really it is. I just imagine this “simulated craft” landing on Mars and I’m in awe. I’d love
to be a part of that.
I spent a good portion of my day getting caught up on the Haughton-Mars project web site as well as producing
the seven minute video file I posted yesterday.
I when to bed before 1 AM for the first time in awhile so I could get up earlier and get ready for the erection
of the dome panels. I’ll try and broadcast the images of construction starting at 11:00 CDT from the PlanetNet
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