22 July 2000: Marc Boucher’s Personal Journal: Base Camp, Devon Island

Note: Information on the current field season, as well as past seasons can be found here.
Wow, What a Day
Today the last six side panels were erected. We now have a complete shell bolted together. It was quite a sight to see. I
was not sure it could all be done today. Yesterday four panels went up and the day before two panels. So getting
six up seemed like it might be stretching things. However with the construction technique developed by Frank
Schubert and Matt Smola everything went quickly, smoothly and above all else safely.
I spent most of the day video taping the events, taking pictures and manning the webcam on the SFU/NASA PlanetNet
Rover. I should mention the live images you saw were being transmitted wirelessly from the rover
running on only a battery and solar panels.
I did lend a hand with the construction when they needed me. I have to say that I was skeptical that the construction
technique used was safe and could be done.
But after watching the pros with their years of experience I have to say I was dead wrong. Using a strong winch,
scaffolding, guy wires and little muscle they managed to safely lift each 750 pound panel.
In the evening the crew celebrated their success with some medicinal alcohol. Everyone was relaxed and smiling
then. 🙂
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Video File