Space Stations

Washington, DC Viewed From The Space Station

By Keith Cowing
Press Release
July 5, 2021
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Washington, DC Viewed From The Space Station
Washington, DC
ESA/NASA–T. Pesquet

Thomas Pesquet: Washington D.C., you can clearly see the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument and the park that connects them. Above that the White House! Ever since the film Independence Day and the speech by Bill Paxton, I too know that 4 July is a special day for my US friends!
It would have been a holiday on the Space Station in fact, but it falls on a Sunday this year so… it is just a normal Sunday but we’ll have traditional US food and flags and… no fireworks obviously. To celebrate, here are five major cities, we have all seen a film or two based in anyone of them! Happy 4th of July.

Washington. L’antre du pouvoir… y compris spatial : outre la Maison Blanche, on y trouve le siège de la NASA ? La NASA est un acteur incoutournable de l’ISS et en a construit, lancé et assemblé une grande partie, alors forcément la fête nationale américaine du 4 juillet est incontournable ici ! En hommage à nos amis de l’autre côtés de l’Atlantique, voici un post avec *beaucoup* de photos, à la hauteur de ce pays XXL. Voici donc quelques villes américaines iconiques – un point commun très visible entre toutes, malgré leurs identités résolument différentes : le plan quadrillé so American. ?? ?

Credits: ESA/NASA-T. Pesquet larger image

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.