Space Stations

NASA Space Station Status Report 26 May, 2022 – Normal Schedule Resumes

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
May 26, 2022
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NASA Space Station Status Report 26 May, 2022 – Normal Schedule Resumes
The Expedition 67 crew pose together for a dinner portrait. (May 14, 2022)

The seven Expedition 67 crew members are resuming their normal schedule of science and maintenance activities following Wednesday’s departure of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft.
The orbital residents focused on vein scans, robotics, and a host of other space research onboard the International Space Station today.

NASA and Boeing completed its Orbital Flight Test-2 mission on Wednesday. NASA Flight Engineers Kjell Lindgren and Bob Hines monitored the crew ship’s arrival last week, conducted cargo and test operations inside the vehicle, then closed the hatch on Tuesday before finally seeing Starliner undock from the Harmony module’s forward port at 2:36 p.m. EDT on Wednesday.

Lindgren started Thursday with a hearing assessment for the Acoustic Diagnostics experiment then setup the Astrobee robotic free-flyers for the Kibo Robot Programming Challenge 3. Hines set up hardware that will measure blood flow in the brain for the Cerebral Autoregulation investigation.

Both astronauts later joined astronauts Jessica Watkins of NASA and Samantha Cristoforetti of ESA (European Space Agency) for vein scans on Thursday. The quartet used the Ultrasound 2 device to scan each other’s neck, shoulder and leg veins. Doctors on the ground monitored the downlinked biomedical scans in real time to gain insight into how the astronaut’s bodies are adapting to microgravity.

Watkins and Cristoforetti began their day collecting their blood and urine samples, spinning them in a centrifuge, and stowing the samples in a science freezer for future analysis. The duo then joined Lindgren in checking out the U.S. spacesuits.

The station’s three cosmonauts from Roscosmos also contributed to the array of space research taking place today on the orbiting lab. The trio, including Commander Oleg Artemyev, with Flight Engineers Denis Matveev and Sergey Korsakov, took turns exploring ultrasound techniques to improve locating landmarks on Earth for photography. Artemyev also completed a session that monitored his cardiac activity for 24 hours. Matveev assisted Korsakov, attached to a variety of sensors, as he worked out on an exercise cycle for a fitness evaluation.

On-Orbit Status Report


Acoustic Diagnostics: The Acoustic Diagnostics measurements were performed. The Acoustic Upgraded Diagnostics In-Orbit (AUDIO) investigation tests the hearing of ISS crew members before, during, and after flight. This study assesses the possible adverse effects of noise and the microgravity environment aboard the ISS on human hearing. The investigation compares the relationship between the detection of otoacoustic emissions, sounds naturally generated from within the inner ear, and hearing loss levels when exposed to noisy environments.

Cerebral Autoregulation: The Cardiolab Portable Doppler hardware, laptop, and cables were setup in preparation of Cerebral Autoregulation Data measurement. As the body’s most important organ, the brain needs a strong and reliable blood supply, so the brain is capable of self-regulating blood flow even when the heart and blood vessels cannot maintain an ideal blood pressure. The Cerebral Autoregulation investigation tests whether this self-regulation improves in the microgravity environment of space. Non-invasive tests measure blood flow in the brain before, during, and after a long-duration spaceflight, and provide new insights into how the brain safeguards its blood supply in a challenging environment.

EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Racks (EXPRESS Rack): Updated software load was performed on the Express Rack-2 laptop. The EXPRESS Racks support science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.

eXposed Root On-Orbit Test System (XROOTS): XROOTS plants were checked, photos were taken, and observations were documented. Unfortunately, based upon downlinked photos, microbial growth was confirmed on modules 3 and 4. The investigators have requested these module cartridges be trashed. The XROOTS investigation uses hydroponic and aeroponic techniques to grow plants without soil or other growth media. Video and still images enable evaluation of multiple independent growth chambers for the entire plant life cycle from seed germination through maturity. Results could identify suitable methods to produce crops on a larger scale for future space missions


ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA) Helmet Water Tests: Today, the crew ran multiple tests on the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) EVA helmet to investigate the anomaly during EVA #80. Today, the crew completed two water flow tests and a swish test on the EMU helmet to examine how the water forms in the helmet and to help determine the origins of the water seen during US EVA #80.

Water Recovery System (WRS) Contingency Water Container (CWC)-Iodine Fill: The CWC is a soft container with an inner bladder that can store a variety of liquids including humidity condensate, wastewater, and other unique fluids such as Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) wastewater. Originally, CWCs were used for the transport and resupply of potable water from the shuttle to the ISS. Today’s activity involved transferring water from the Potable Bus into a CWC-Iodine container using the Potable Water Dispenser (PWD). The crew monitored the offload time as a secondary control to protect the CWC-Iodine from over-pressurization.

Completed Task List Activities:

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

PRO Payload Application Software Install
Cold Atom Lab Ops Commanding and Downlink
HRF Rack 2 Rack Power Up Commanding
Look Ahead Plan

Friday, May 27 (GMT 147)

Astrobee Prep and Stowage Replace (NASA)
AstroPi Relocate to COL and Camera Pointing and Imagery (ESA)
CAL MTL Jumper leak Check (NASA)
Cerebral Autoregulation Measurement and Closeout (JAXA)
HRF1 Supply Inventory (NASA)
Optical NAV (Moon Imagery) Camera Ops (NASA)
POLAR-5 Transfer (NASA)
SABL-2 CO2 Cntl Valve (NASA)
Standard Measures Postsleep Question (NASA)
XROOTS Fluid Recovery (NASA)
ZR Units Test Ops (NASA)

Temperature Humidity Control (THC) Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurement Survey
Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain
Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Cable Arm Rope (CAR) Install
Saturday, May 28 (GMT 148)


Crew Off-Duty Day
Sunday, May 29 (GMT 149)

SABL-1 CO2 Cntrl Swap (NASA)
XROOTS Nutrient Mix. Fluid Recovery and Plant Thinning (NASA)

Crew Off-Duty Day
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

Transfer CST-100 Cargo Operation [Deferred]
Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test [Deferred]
PSC Laptop Relocate [Deferred]
Acoustic Diagnostics Big Picture Words
Acoustic Diagnostics EveryWear Questionnaire
Acoustic Diagnostics Operations – Calibration and Measurement
Astrobee Prep
Cerebral Autoregulation Activity
EVA HAP Extender and Helmet Absorption Band Installation
Express Rack 2 CLS Software Start
Extravehicular Activity Helmet Water Flow Test
Extravehicular Helmet Swish Test
Glacier Desiccant Swap
Ultrasound 2 Post Exam
Venous Thromboemboelism (VTE) Scan Prep
Venous Ultrasound 2 Scan
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Activity
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
HRF Generic Urine Collection
MELFI Ice Brick Insert
Robot Programming Challenge 3 Technical Rehearsal
Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 2 Power On
Video Camera Setup for EVA Absorption and Wick Tests
Water Recovery System CWC-Iodine Fill Terminate
XF705 Camcorder Setup
Xroots Status Check

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.