NASA Space Station Status Report 11 April, 2022 – 11 Crew Members Working Busy Schedule

It was very busy on the International Space Station on Monday with the orbiting lab hosting 11 crew members including the four-member Axiom Mission 1 (Ax-1) crew.
The private astronauts and the seven-member Expedition 67 crew were engaged in a multitude of tasks today such as packing a U.S. cargo ship, researching life science, and preparing for a pair of Russian spacewalks.
NASA astronauts Raja Chari and Kayla Barron swapped cargo in and out of the U.S. Cygnus space freighter today. The duo replenished the station’s galley with food from Cygnus while stowing trash and other discarded items inside the resupply ship ahead of its departure at the end of May. The astronauts were also joined by NASA Commander Tom Marshburn and ESA (European Space Agency) Flight Engineer Matthias Maurer during some of the cargo work.
Maurer spent the majority of Monday setting up hardware for the Transparent Alloys physics study and the AstroPi computer that students can program from Earth to understand the space environment. Marshburn helped the four Ax-1 astronauts get up to speed with space station operations and emergency procedures.
Former NASA astronaut and Ax-1 Commander Michael Lopez-Alegria is on his fourth space flight and his first as an Axiom Space astronaut. He partnered with Ax-1 Pilot Larry Connor today exploring how living in microgravity affects cellular aging and cardiac cells. The other two Ax-1 astronauts, Mark Pathy and Eytan Stibbe, explored DNA sequencing, brain dynamics, the cardiovascular system, and tested holoportation, or transmitting mixed-reality, 360-degree images of humans to space.
Two cosmonauts continue gearing up for a pair of spacewalks later this month to configure the Nauka multipurpose laboratory module for the European Robotic Arm (ERA). Roscosmos Flight Engineers Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev had a fitness test, checked their Orlan spacesuits, and installed pressure tanks in the Poisk module as part of standard pre-spacewalk preparations. Russian Flight Engineer Sergey Korsakov set up hardware to assist the spacewalkers during the ERA work outside Nauka.
On-Orbit Status Report
Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom-1 (Ax-1):
Ax-1 PAM Dock: SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour successfully docked to the ISS on Saturday, April 9th, at 07:42 AM CST. The docking was delayed for approximately 45 minutes due to issues transmitting video from the Dragon centerline berthing camera to the Station Support Computer (SSC) on ISS. With the arrival of the four private astronauts, Michael Lopez-Alegria, Larry Connor, Mark Pathy, and Eytan Stibbe, the ISS crew complement has increased to 11. The Ax-1 crew participated in a live welcome ceremony and successfully completed the ISS safety briefing, crew handover time, Double Cold Bag unpacking, and setup of sleeping arrangements.
ISS Familiarization and Emergency Overview: The Ax-1 crew completed the Emergency Roles and Responsibilities discussion with the full crew and Emergency On-board Training (OBT) by themselves. Emergency response hardware was also installed in the Ax-1 Crew Dragon following successful troubleshooting of a hardware configuration issue; SpaceX has confirmed that the Crew Dragon Endeavour is in a good configuration. The Ax-1 crew also completed on-orbit handover/familiarization and discussions with the ISS PAM Facilitator.
Public Affairs Office (PAO) and Payload Activities: Multiple NASA-sponsored and ESA-sponsored PAO events have been performed, including an Ice Cubes Media Set live event downlink with PA-3 Eytan Stibbe and the President of Israel. The Ax-1 crew completed ISS National Lab sponsored payload activities associated with Monitoring Stress, Reflective Eye Test, NanoRacks Module 9 OBT, Urine Collection Setup, Actiwatch, Snowcone, CRISPR, and Bio-Monitor.
Aging and Heart Health: The ISS crew gathered Velcro Bars into the Aging and Heart Health hardware and inserted the assembly into the Life Science Glovebox (LSG). BioCell Habitats were then retrieved by the ISS crew from Cold Stowage, placed into Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL) units, and eventually installed into the LSG. Finally, the Ax-1 crew changed out the Medium bags in the LSG. Aging and Heart Health on the Ax-1 PAM analyzes human cells for genetic markers of cellular aging and explores how cardiac-like cells adapt to microgravity. A better understanding of the mechanisms of cellular aging and cardiac adaptation could support crew health and success on future missions. PAMs are privately funded, fully commercial flights to the space station on a commercial launch vehicle that are dedicated to commercial research, outreach, or approved commercial and marketing activities.
AstroPi: The AstroPi infrared (IR) hardware was relocated to the Node 2 nadir window, and the camera lens was adjusted in support of the European AstroPi Challenge ‘Life on Earth’ experiments. The Camera Shroud was also installed over the hardware to prevent light reflections on the window during the AstroPi Challenge window experiments. Two augmented Raspberry Pi computers (called AstroPis) were flown to the ISS and are both equipped with the mighty Sense HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) that measures the environment inside the space station, detects how the station moves through space, and picks up the Earth’s magnetic field. Each AstroPi is also equipped with different kinds of cameras: one has an infrared camera, and the other has a standard visible spectrum camera.
Bio-Monitor: The Bio-Monitor Controller hardware was setup, and the Data Unit was initialized in preparation for Bio-Monitor operations. An Ax-1 crewmember donned the unit, performed a calibration, and initiated a 48-hour data collection run. Bio-Monitor is a Canadian on-board instrument that serves as a platform for scientific experiments on the ISS. The instrument performs on-orbit monitoring of crew member physiological parameters, with wearable sensors that only minimally interfere with crew member daily activities.
CalliopEO (Calliope Mini in Space): The Calliope Mini was repositioned onto the AstroPi IR for the window deployment phase operations in Node 2. CalliopEO is a project of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Calliope gGmbH, and the German Space Agency at DLR to promote software programming skills among German school children. CalliopEO uses a Calliope mini computer, which is widely used in German schools, to teach coding skills. CalliopEO performs a couple of preinstalled experiments, as well as code written by German school children.
EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Racks (EXPRESS Rack): A crewmember removed the Solid State Drive (SSD) from the EXPRESS Rack 7 Laptop as part of troubleshooting efforts. The laptop was rebooted and came up with a nominal screen. The EXPRESS Racks support science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.
Holoportation Behavioral (Ax-1): An Ax-1 crewmember completed the hardware setup for Holoportation Kinect and performed a two-way holoportation session with the ground. Aexa’s Holographic Teleportation Behavioral (Holoportation Behavioral) demonstrates two-way communications between crew members on the Ax-1 PAM to the ISS and ground using a mixed-reality application. The technology includes a HoloLens 2 Artificial Reality headset and HoloWizard mixed reality application to provide users 360-degree holographic images of each other. This capability represents a significant advancement in communication for remote settings.
Nutrition Monitoring for the ISS (NutrISS): The NutrISS software was enabled on the EveryWear application, and Food and Beverage intake data was scanned in. Long-duration spaceflight induces relevant changes in body composition and a loss of body mass. In the NutrISS investigation, a periodic assessment of body composition (body weight, fat mass, and fat-free mass) during spaceflight aboard the ISS is carried out using a dedicated bio-impedance analysis device to allow for the measurement of long-term energy balance modification over time. On the basis of this data, it is hypothesized that an adjusted diet maintaining a near-neutral energy balance, and/or increasing protein intake, can limit microgravity-induced bone and muscle loss of crew members.
Photocatalyst (Ax-1): The Ax-1 crew deployed, powered on, and took pictures of the Photocatalyst Device and Photocatalyst Control Device. Photocatalyst during the Ax-1 PAM demonstrates using a photocatalyst device to clean the cabin air and remove odor caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The device converts VOCs into carbon dioxide and water. The device and a non-photocatalyst control device will operate for at least four weeks before returning to Earth for analysis of the photocatalyst device’s effectiveness.
Transparent Alloys: The crew installed the Transparent Alloys hardware in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) work volume and the sample cartridge was installed. Transparent Alloys consists of numerous experiments including to study various growth and solidification processes in alloys. Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Solidification Processing (CETSOL), the current experiment, is designed to identify growth regimes (columnar or equiaxed or mixed) and physical mechanisms in dependence of the experimental parameters (solidification velocity, temperature gradient) for diffusive heat and mass transport and without gravity effects.
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) (Ax-1): The Ax-1 crew performed the setup of the CRISPR hardware, loaded the CRISPR-Ax 96-Well Plate, and installed the Well Plate into SABL for incubation. The CRISPR Space Diagnostics tests CRISPR-based genetic identification on the Ax-1 PAM. CRISPR is a genome editing system that allows its users to detect and manipulate specific DNA and RNA sequences in living cells of diverse species. This technology could provide rapid and accurate detection of pathogens and contaminants on future long-term space missions.
Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance: Today, the crew completed regularly scheduled maintenance by inspecting the X-rotation dashpots, cycling the main arm through full range of motion, and greasing the Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (VIS) rails and rollers. These tasks are scheduled every 90 days to maintain optimal functionality of the equipment.
Environmental Health System (EHS) Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Checkout Part 2: As part of the final checkout activity, the crew checked the six newly resupplied CSA-CPs for sensor contamination and zero calibrated each monitor. The CSA-CP units sat deactivated for 11 days in an open environment for sensor off-gassing. CSA-CP units provide real-time readings following a combustion event and subsequent clean-up efforts.
In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) DeWalt Battery Pack Testing Part 1: The crew removed the two-known good DeWalt Battery Packs from the Universal Battery Charger to initiate charging of another pair of DeWalt Battery Packs. The crew will leave them on the Universal Battery Charger overnight in order to identify which battery pack will take a charge and which will not.
Node 2 and Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA) Reconfiguration: Today, the crew cleared out space in Node 2 for upcoming payloads and reconfigured crew suitcases in PMAs 2 and 3. All crewmember-specific items for each crewmember are sent in his/her own suitcases. These items are crew personal items such as clothing, hygiene, and preference items chosen by the crew before launch.
Completed Task List Activities:
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
Video Distribution Subsystem (VDS) External High-Definition Camera (EHDC) Survey of Crew Dragon Endeavour
Crew Dragon Endeavour Configuration for Quiescent Operations
Ax-1 PAO Event
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, April 12 (GMT 102)
Actiwatch Setup (NASA)
ANITA-2 Samples 1-2 (ESA)
Neurowellness (Ax-1)
Earth Obs (Ax-1)
Bio-Monitor (Ax-1)
Nano-ISS-Antenna (Ax-1)
Sleep in Space (Ax-1)
Fluid Space Optics Gather, Assist and Photo (Ax-1)
LSG WV Setup and Glove Swap (NASA)
NutrISS Enable (ESA)
Vascular Aging Blood Setup (CSA)
CMS ARED Bench Cleat Remove and Replace (R&R)
IFM DeWalt Battery Pack Testing Part 2
PAM Facilitator Time (Ax-1)
Dragon Tablet Sync
Water Recovery System (WRS) Waste Water Tank Sample
CEVIS Handover (Ax-1)
Wednesday, April 13 (GMT 103)
Actiwatch Setup (NASA)
Acoustic Diagnostics Measurement (ESA)
BioMonitor Data Download (Ax-1)
CIMON Sound Check and Battery Charge (ESA)
Fluid Space Optics sample removal (Ax-1)
Myotones Blood Collect (ESA)
NutrISS Enable (ESA)
Standard Measures Presleep Questionnaire (NASA)
Vascular Aging Glucose Readings (CSA)
Crew-3 Departure Preparation
Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Tank Drain/Fill
Urine Transfer Systems (UTS) Offload
EHS Grab Sample Container (GSC) Sampling Operations
IFM DeWalt Battery Pack Testing Part 3
PAM Facilitator Time (Ax-1)
Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Tank Pre-Pack
Thursday, April 14 (GMT 104)
Actiwatch Setup (NASA)
Aging and Heart Health Habitat Insert 2 (Ax-1)
Myotones Measurements (ESA)
Metabolic Space Battery Charge (Ax-1)
NutrISS Enable (ESA)
Neurowellness Hardware Ops (Ax-1)
Standard Measures Postsleep Questionnaire (NASA)
Crew-3 Departure Preparation
IFM H2 Sensor Tech Demo Installation
IFM H2 Sensor Tech Demo Drift Check
IFM DeWalt Battery Pack Testing Part 4
PAM Facilitator Time (Ax-1)
EHS Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) WRS Sample Analysis
WHC Manual Fill Initiation and Termination
IFM Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
LSG Work Volume Deploy
Transparent Alloys Hardware Locate
Aging and Heart Health Hardware Gather
Aging and Heart Health Hardware Assembly and Insert
Transparent Alloys Hardware Setup
EHS CSA-CP Checkout Part 2
Node 2 and PMA Reconfiguration
Bio-Monitor Hardware Setup
Food Consolidate
PAM Facilitator Time
IFM DeWalt Battery Pack Testing Part 1
OBT ISS Emergency Hardware Familiarization
NutrISS ESA Nutritional Assessment
Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
Gather ISS Sewing Kit for PAM Crew Use
Holoportation Behavioral Hardware Gather
Aging and Heart Health MELFI Media Bag Retrieval
Transparent Alloys Cartridge Installation
OBT Dragon Debrief Conference
LSG Primary Crew Restraint Unfold
ER7 ZBook SSD Remove
AstroPi IR Setup in Node 2
CMS ARED Quarterly Maintenance
Aging and Heart Health LSG Hardware Insert
Aging and Heart Health Habitat Swap
AstroPi Camera Lens Adjustment
Cold Atom Lab (CAL) Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Jumper Leak Check
Calliope Mini Repositioning on AstroPi IR for Window Deployment
Camera Shroud Installation
LSG Primary Crew Restraint Fold [Aborted]
Aging and Heart Health Habitat Insert
Aging and Heart Health Habitat LSG Clean Up
LSG Work Volume Stow [Aborted]