Space Stations

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status April 28, 2021 – Putting Out the Trash

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
May 1, 2021
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status April 28, 2021 – Putting Out the Trash
NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status April 28, 2021 - Putting Out the Trash.

A trash-packed Russian cargo craft departed the International Space Station on Tuesday night. Four astronauts are also nearing the end of their mission amidst a variety of human research taking place on the orbiting lab today.
After being docked to the station for just over a year, Russia’s ISS Progress 75 (75P) resupply ship undocked from the Zvezda service module’s aft port filled with trash and discarded gear. The 75P backed away from Zvezda during the automated maneuver that began at 7:11 p.m. EDT. It will orbit Earth on its own until Wednesday night before burning up safely above the southern Pacific Ocean.

Four SpaceX Crew-1 astronauts are targeting Saturday for their return to Earth and splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida. NASA and SpaceX managers continue to monitor the weather at the splashdown site.

The SpaceX Crew Dragon Resilience is planned to undock from the Harmony module’s space-facing international docking adapter on Friday at 5:55 p.m. EDT. Astronaut Michael Hopkins will command the ride home alongside Pilot Victor Glover and Mission Specialists Shannon Walker and Soichi Noguchi. They are due to splashdown the next day at 11:36 a.m. NASA TV will begin its continuous live coverage at 3:30 p.m. on Friday.

Staying behind on the station is Commander Akihiko Hoshide and his Crew-2 crewmates Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur of NASA and Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency. They will live and work in space until October with NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei and Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy and Pyotr Dubrov who rode to the station on April 9 aboard the Soyuz MS-18 crew ship.

During the crew handover activities, the orbital residents still had time for space science today. The crew collected blood and urine samples for the Phospho-Aging study that is researching space-caused muscle and bone atrophy. They are also taking note of how improving a space diet can impact mission success. Finally, they explored how weightlessness affects grip and movement as well as future spacecraft and robotic piloting techniques.

On-Orbit Status Report

Resilience Crew Undocking Delay: It has been decided, due to inclement weather at the landing zone, that the Resilience Crew Undocking that was scheduled today, Wednesday 4/28, will be postponed until no earlier than Friday 4/30.


ACME (Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments): Crew replaced an ACME controller. The crew opened the rack doors and the combustion chamber of the ACME and then replaced the Fuel Controller. The Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) project is a set of six independent studies of gaseous flames to be conducted in the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR). ACME’s primary and secondary goals are (1) improved fuel efficiency and reduced pollutant production in practical combustion on Earth and (2) spacecraft fire prevention through innovative research focused on materials flammability.

Antimicrobial Coatings (Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings): Per standard procedure, the crew touched both the coated and uncoated coupons and took photos for this long-term investigation. Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings tests have antimicrobial coatings on several different materials that represent high-touch surfaces. Some microbes change characteristics in microgravity, which could create new risks to crew health and spacecraft systems, as well as create the possibility of contaminating other planetary bodies. The samples will remain in space for approximately six months, then return to Earth for analysis.

GRIP: A crewmember performed the 3rd part of GRIP in the supine position (3 out of 3). The GRIP experiment studies the long-duration spaceflight effects on the abilities of human subjects that regulate the grip force and upper limbs trajectories when manipulating objects during different kind of movements including: oscillatory movements, rapid discrete movements and tapping gestures.

MSRR-1 (Materials Science Research Rack-1) MSL Chamber Lid Inspection and Cleaning: The crew opened the chamber lid and inspected the lid seal for any foreign debris. The Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) is used for basic materials research in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station (ISS). The MSL can accommodate and support diverse Experiment Modules. In this way, many material types, such as metals, alloys, polymers, semiconductors, ceramics, crystals, and glasses, can be studied to discover new applications for existing materials and new or improved materials.

Phospho-aging: Crewmembers performed urine and blood collection and processing of samples in support of the Phospho-aging. Phospho-aging Mechanism of Accelerated Aging Under Microgravity (Phospho-aging) examines the molecular mechanism behind aging-like symptoms, such as bone loss and muscle atrophy, that occur more rapidly in microgravity. Using analysis of human premature-aging syndromes (progeria) in mouse models, scientists identified calciprotein particles (CPPs) as a pro-aging factor in mammals. CPPs behave like a pathogen, inducing chronic inflammation and systemic tissue damage that could be the mechanism behind accelerated aging in space.

Standard Measures: Crewmembers completed questionnaires in support of the Standard Measures study. The aim of the investigation is to ensure consistent capture of an optimized, minimal set of measures from crewmembers until the end of the ISS Program in order to characterize the adaptive responses to and risks of living in space. Among other things, the ground teams perform analyses for metabolic and chemistry panels, immune function, microbiome, etc. These measures populate a data repository to enable high-level monitoring of countermeasure effectiveness and meaningful interpretation of health and performance outcomes, and support future research on planetary missions.

Story Time From Space-8 Heat Transfer Demo: Software installation incomplete. Ground Teams reviewing software. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children’s books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials.


Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) Reducer-Cylinder Assembly (RCA) Elevated Leakage: Photo assessments of a routine Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPs) inspection showed that one Air and one Oxygen RCA are considered expired due to low pressure, which was unexpected. Ground teams are assessing on-orbit impacts.

Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Airflow Measurement: Today the crew performed additional airflow measurements in the CASA volume with the CASA doors closed. The measurements were used to verify ground analysis.

Completed Task List Activities:

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

High Rate Data Downlink (HRDL) via Layer 2 Ethernet Hub and Multiplexer (LEHX) for EFU Adapter High Definition TV Camera System
ACME Images Downlink Commanding
HD-VCA Activation Setup & Deactivation for Analogue-Mode
Look Ahead Plan:

Thursday, April 29 (GMT 119)

GRASP Seated session (ESA)
Phospho Aging Blood and Urine collect (JAXA)
Combustion Integrated Rack Manifold #4 Bottle Replacement
Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 1 Setup
Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Testing
EXPRESS Rack 10 Payload MTL Flow Rate Adjust
Food Acceptability (NASA)
Food Physiology Diet Brief (NASA)
Spaceborne Computer-2 Installation

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace
ACME Controller Replace 1
Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain
Friday, April 30 (GMT 120)

Crew Off-Duty Day
Antimicrobial Coatings Touch
Food Acceptability Survey
Food Physiology

Crew Off-Duty Day
Saturday, May 1 (GMT 121)

Urine Setup (NASA)

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) KU Comm Unit Cable Swap
Crew Off-Duty Day
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

Actiwatch Plus Watch Doff
Air conditioner [???1] compressor R&R, equipment gathering. Tag-up with specialists
Antimicrobial Coatings Touch
Bio-Monitor Hardware Stow
Campout Sleeping Bag Deploy and Stow
Comm reconfigure for nominal ops
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Duct Questionnaire
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Installation
Cygnus Air Duct Inspection
Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
Handover of Increment 65 Crew
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval And Insertion Operations
HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes
HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup
HRF Generic Urine Collection Urine Containment Bag Stow and Retrieval
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Lab FWD Port Intermodular Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning
ISS Crew Adaptation
ISS Crew Orientation
ISS HAM Kenwood Radio Power Up
MRM1 comm config
MSL SCA Exchange
On Board Training (OBT) ROBoT T&C Self Study
PAO event, prep. TV report
Phospho-Aging Generic Frozen Blood Collection Setup
Phospho-Aging Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
Phospho-Aging Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion Operations
Phospho-Aging Generic Urine Collection Male
Phospho-Aging HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection – Operator
Photo/TV Module Imagery
Program Management/ISS Crew Conference
Roll Up and Stow Sleep Bag
Setup transfer from EDV to RST
Standard Measures Post-Sleep Questionnaire
Story Time 8 Thermal Balance Software Install
Terminate transfer from EDV to RST

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.