Space Stations

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 23 April, 2021 – Crew-2 Launch

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
April 26, 2021
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 23 April, 2021 – Crew-2 Launch
NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 23 April, 2021 - Crew-2 Launch.

Today – Crew-2 Launch: Today at 4:49 AM CST, the Crew-2 Dragon Endeavor lifted off from Launch Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. The Crew will complete a full day’s orbit-set before beginning docking preparations.
Soft dock of Dragon Endeavor is currently expected to take place at 4:10 AM CST tomorrow Saturday April 24th, 2021. The crew aboard Dragon Endeavor are astronauts Shane Kimbrough (FE-14), Megan McArthur (FE-15), Akihiko Hoshide (FE-16), and Thomas Pesquet (FE-17). Crew-2’s expedition is expected to last six months.


Antimicrobial Coatings (Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings): Per standard procedure, the crew touched both the coated and uncoated coupons for this long-term investigation. Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings tests is an antimicrobial coating on several different materials that represent high-touch surfaces. Some microbes change characteristics in microgravity, which could create new risks to crew health and spacecraft systems as well as create the possibility of contaminating other planetary bodies. The samples will remain in space for approximately six months, before returning to Earth for analysis.

Manufacturing Device (MAND): The crew removed and stowed the Manufacturing Device Extruder. The facility will attempt to feed through filament material into the extruder volume in an attempt to understand the current printing issues. The Manufacturing Device enables the production of components on the ISS for both NASA and commercial objectives. Parts, entire experiments, and tools can be created on demand utilizing the MAND printer. It is installed into an Express Rack locker location. MAND is capable of producing parts out of a wide variety of thermopolymers including engineered plastics.


CASA Install Part 3: Today crew successfully installed the grounding strap and completed a grounding path continuity check. During the activity it was noted that the CASA panels were swapped between the right and left sides which is not an allowable configuration. The crew corrected the configuration prior to stepping into the planned acoustic and air flow measurements. Measurements were completed and data will be reviewed by ground teams. Post-measurements, the CASA bumpout remained deployed with the air duct attached.

Oxygen Generator Assembly (OGA) Pump ORU troubleshooting – Today crew performed a resistance measurement on the J1 connector of the OGA Pump ORU S/N 3. This activity is part of troubleshooting efforts to identify the root cause of the failed OGA Pump ORUs. Ground teams will be assessing the measurements.

Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning: In preparation for Crew-2 arrival, the crew cleaned the port CQ.

N2 CCAA Fan Acoustic Test: This morning, ETHOS powered off the CCAA Inlet fan to see if the rumbling noise that has been reported by crew subsided with just the water separator operational. The noise remained unchanged, indicative of an issue with the water separator. Teams will be proceeding with the recommendation to remove and replace the water separator.

Completed Task List Activities:

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

MISSE Robo Ops
NORS O2 Repress
CASA Acoustic Measurements
Look Ahead Plan

JPM THC water separator R&R
Dragon undock conference
Saturday, April 24 (GMT 114)

Food Physiology Saliva collect (NASA)
Actiwatch don and doff (NASA)
Micro-16 USB remove

Campout Preparation for Crew-2
Crew-2 Dock and Hatch Open
Increment 65 Handover PAO Event
Sunday, April 25 (GMT 115)

DOSIS-3D PDP install (ESA)
Vascular Aging BP don -13hrs (CSA)
TangoLab 01,04 card removal, 02 Activate (NASA)
Food Physiology Saliva collect (NASA)
NR FP2 module install (NASA)

Polar Crew Dragon Uninstall, Transfer, and EXPRESS Rack Install
Installation of the DOSIS 3D passive detector packs in Columbus
Monday, April 26 (GMT 116)

Phospho aging Urine setup (JAXA)
Vascular Echo BP changeout (CSA)
RTPCG plate wick and pack for return (NASA)
Food Accept (NASA)
Standard Measures Blood collect (NASA)
Food Physiology Urine collect and fecal setup (NASA)
ACE Module ACE-T2 reconfiguration (NASA)
AC Touch and photo (NASA)

GRIP setup in the seated configuration
Emergency RS ISS VHF-2 Comm Checkout from Soyuz
MobileHR Pedal Crank Set audit
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval And Insertion Operations
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Setup And Frozen Blood Collection Subject
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configuration
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Installation Part 3
Inventory Management System (IMS) conference
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation
Dragon Space Station Computer (SSC) Route
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion Operations
Acoustic Monitor Setup for Static Measurements
Help Houston troubleshoot noise source inside of the CCAA.
Acoustic Monitor Data Transfer and Stow
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Termination
Progress 445 (DC1) Cargo Transfers and IMS Ops
Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
Antimicrobial Coatings Touch
HRF Generic Saliva Collection Stow
Structures & Mechanisms Common Berthing Mechanism Center Disk Cover Audit
Manufacturing Device Extruder Temporary Stow
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
Crew2 Arrival Food Preparations
Structures & Mechanisms Vestibule Barrier Assembly Audit
Microscope Hardware Setup via SABL Power
Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
Micro-16 SABL USB Drive Install
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Installation
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
Crew-1 Station Support Computer (SSC) WiFi Test
Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Installation Assist
HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup
Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation (CASA) Acoustic Reading
Photo/TV Node 2 HD Camcorder Cable Swap
Node 2 Cleanup
Crew Alternate Sleep Accommodation Closeout
HRF Generic Urine Collection Stow
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Port Cleaning
Oxygen Generator Assembly (OGA) Pump ORU Troubleshooting
Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
Transfer Cygnus Cargo Ops
Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
IMS delta file prep
Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
Cargo Dragon Station Support Computer Relocate
Atmosphere Control and Supply (ACS) Oxygen Manual Valve Open
HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.