Space Stations

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 17 December, 2021 – The Next Resupply Mission

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
December 21, 2021
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 17 December, 2021 – The Next Resupply Mission
NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 17 December, 2021 - The Next Resupply Mission.

Next week will see a U.S. resupply ship launch toward the International Space Station following Sunday’s departure of three orbiting lab visitors.
Meanwhile, the seven Expedition 66 crewmates continued their space biology and physics research while maintaining station systems.

SpaceX is due to launch its Cargo Dragon spacecraft from Florida on Tuesday at 5:06 a.m. EST to replenish the station crew. It will automatically dock to the Harmony module’s space-facing port on Wednesday at 4:30 a.m. delivering about 6,500 pounds of new science experiments, crew supplies and station hardware. NASA TV will cover both events live on the agency’s website, and the NASA app.

NASA astronauts Raja Chari and Thomas Marshburn are training for the U.S. cargo mission. The duo reviewed Cargo Dragon’s approach and rendezvous profile and got familiarized with docked operations. Both flight engineers will be on duty Wednesday morning monitoring the commercial craft’s automated arrival and docking.

Three space travelers are nearing the end of their 11-day mission as they prepare to return to Earth this weekend. Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin has been staging gear to be packed inside the Soyuz MS-20 crew ship and checking components inside the Russian spacecraft. He’ll lead Japanese spaceflight participants Yusaku Maezawa and Yozo Hirano back home when the spacecraft undocks on Sunday at 6:50 p.m. and parachutes to a landing in Kazakhstan at 10:18 p.m. NASA TV coverage begins at 3 p.m. when the departing trio says farewell to the station crew and closes the Soyuz vehicle’s hatch.

Human research is ongoing in space as Flight Engineers Kayla Barron and Matthias Maurer began Friday with blood and saliva collections and stowed the samples in a science freezer for future analysis. Barron of NASA then spent the afternoon inspecting personal protective equipment. Maurer of ESA (European Space Agency) swapped samples for a wet foams study then configured components that support the EasyMotion space exercise suit.

NASA Flight Engineer Mark Vande Hei continued more runs today of the InSPACE-4 manufacturing study learning how to manipulate nanoparticles in weightlessness. Vande Hei then wrapped up his day early following a busy week of space physics research taking place inside the Microgravity Science Glovebox .

The two Expedition 66 cosmonauts, Commander Anton Shkaplerov and Flight Engineer Pyotr Dubrov, started the day attaching sensors to their hands for a muscle study. Shkaplerov then analyzed the Zvezda service module’s atmosphere and checked Russian life support and electronics hardware. Dubrov worked on communications gear and downloaded data collected from radiation detectors.

On-Orbit Status Report


EasyMotion: After donning the EasyMotion Suit, the crew performed a Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS) exercise science session. Following the experiment session, the crew removed the suit and charged the experiment batteries. The EasyMotion investigation uses whole body Electro-Myo-Stimulation (EMS) with a wearable body skin suit for an ISS crew member to perform pre- and postflight EMS-assisted exercises. EMS technology initiates spontaneous (involuntary) activation of global musculature (muscle, tendon, fascia) to be monitored (muscle tone/tension and stiffness) inflight using the non-invasive Myoton technology that is currently aboard the space station for the Myotones investigation.

Fluid Science Laboratory (FSL): The crew removed and stowed the five Soft Matter Dynamics (SMD) sample cells, removed and stowed the SMD Experiment container, and removed and stowed the power harness associated with the SMD experiment. FSL is a multiuser facility designed by ESA for conducting fluid physics research in microgravity. It can be operated as a fully automatic or semiautomatic facility and can be controlled onboard by the ISS crew or from the ground in telescience mode.

Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids-4 (InSPACE-4): The crew distributed the particles within the sample vial, set the appropriate parameters, and adjusted the camera field of view for experiment run #93. Due to the time required to obtain good particle distribution in the sample vial, only one of the two original runs was performed. InSPACE-4 studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials.

JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS): The crew collected a water sample from the electrolysis water tank, and then inserted it into cold stowage for preservation until analysis on the ground. JWRS is a pilot-scale system capable of generating 1 liter per day of potable water from urine. In the past on crewed spacecraft, urine and wastewater were collected and stored, or vented overboard. For long-term space missions, however, water supply could become a limiting factor. Demonstration of the function of this water recovery system on orbit contributes to updating the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) to support astronauts on the space station and future exploration missions.

KERMIT (KEyence Research Microscope Testbed): The crew repeated a software load with the goal of allowing the system to recognize its USB key. Unfortunately, this was not successful, and the ground team will discuss a forward plan. KERMIT is a commercial off-the-shelf microscope that provides researchers with fundamental microscope capabilities, including state-of-the-art imaging and analysis modules. KERMIT is designed to streamline imaging and analysis through a single platform with easy operation by the ISS crew and from the ground. KERMIT provides the ability to perform advanced microscopy during spaceflight and remotely from the ground.

Vascular Aging: The crew collected a blood sample and performed a glucose tolerance test in support of the Vascular Aging investigation. Emerging data point towards linkages among cardiovascular health risk, carotid artery aging, bone metabolism and blood biomarkers, insulin resistance, and radiation. Data indicate that aging-like changes are accelerated in many ISS crew members, particularly with respect to their arteries. As part of the Space Environment Causes Acceleration of Vascular Aging: Roles of Hypogravity, Nutrition, and Radiation (Vascular Aging) investigation, ultrasounds of the arteries, blood samples, oral glucose tolerance, and wearable sensors from ISS crew members are analyzed.


Dragon SpX-24 Arrival Preparations: The crew completed SpX-24 Dragon On-Board Training (OBT) activities today, beginning with vehicle ops which covers a vehicle overview, mission profile, docked phase, Cargo Dragon interior crew interfaces, and Cargo capability and configuration. Crew also reviewed the ISS Homepage, Ops Products tab, Controlled Documents, and the Motion Control System (MCS) for US Crew Vehicle (USCV) and SpaceX Docking Cargo Vehicle, as well as Dragon rendezvous and departure training.

Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Mobility Unit (EMU) Activities: Today the crew began EMU activities with the Short EMU (SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Training to prepare for upcoming EMU rotation using the SLE, which is a preparation activity for the return and unpacking of EMUs. Next, crew removed the EMU Data Recorder (EDaR), EDaR Antenna, EDaR Antenna Cable, and High-Definition EMU Camera Assembly (HECA) from EMU 3006, which is returning on SpX-24. Finally, crew completed the termination of the EVA Battery Operations Terminal Autocycle of EVA Li-Ion Batteries.

Environmental Health System (EHS) – Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Extended Maintenance: The crew replaced battery packs in all deployed CSA-CPs and zero-calibrated all units. The CSA-CPs provide real-time readings following a combustion event and subsequent clean-up efforts. The CSA-CP is also used for continuous monitoring of carbon monoxide levels in the ISS.

Completed Task List Activities:

USOS BCR/RFID Reader Deploy
BCR/RFID Scanner Deploy Review
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

MT Pre-Translation Check Out and Survey
ARS Lab MCA Commanded to Full Calibration
MT Translation
C2V2 Activation
Cargo Dragon C2V2 Checkout without Ground Site for LCC
MSS Hover Maneuver
MSS Powerdown
Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, December 18 (GMT 352)

EasyMotion suit stow

IFM OGS Internal ACTEX Pre-Flush
Sunday, December 19 (GMT 353)

EasyMotion generic exercise

Crew Off-Duty Day
Monday, December 20 (GMT 354)

Advanced Nanostep
ELF software load
HRF PC software prep
Kubik MPCC setup
MELFI icebrick insert and sample trash
MSRR/MSL handle bolt install
MSRR/MSLSCA exchange
Ring Sheared Drop-2 t/s gather and procedure review

EHS TOCA WRS Sample Analysis/Data Record
EMU SpaceX-24 Reconfiguration
CASA Duct Disconnect
EMU SLE Return Preparation
WHC Manual Fill
CHeCS Emergency Health Maintenance System Contingency Drill Training
SCEM CPU Board Removal
SpaceX-24 Dragon Rendezvous review CBT
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes
Vascular Aging FRIDGE Item Removal
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Setup and Frozen Blood Collection Subject
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
Vascular Aging Glucometer First Reading and Drink Consumption
Vascular Aging Historical Documentation Photography
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configure and Run
Standard Measures Post-sleep Questionnaire
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
Vascular Aging Glucometer Second/Third/Fourth Reading
CSA Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
HRF Generic Urine Collection Male
HRF Generic Saliva Collection Stow
HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion Operations
SpaceX-24 Dragon Vehicle Ops CBT
Gather items for FSL activities.
IMS delta file prep
CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
SpaceX-24 Dragon review CBT
Vascular Aging HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Subject
Vascular Aging Glucometer Fifth Reading and Data Transfer
KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) ELC Software Load Part 1
CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configure and Run
SpaceX-24 Dragon Rendezvous Review CBT
CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
CSA Generic MELFI Sample Re-Insertion
HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Conclude and Stow
FSL Facility Core Element locking at the end of scientific operations
XF705 Camcorder Setup
JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS) Sample Collection
FSL Soft Matter Dynamics Experiment Container Samples Removal and Packing
Environmental Health System (EHS) – Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Extended Maintanence
KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) ELC Software Load Part 2
JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS) sample Insertion into MELFI -95 degrees C
[deferred] FSL SOFT MATTER DYNAMICS Experiment Container Deinstallation
[deferred] FSL Soft Matter Dynamics Experiment Container Feedthrough Panel Reconfiguration
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit Launch Enclosure (SLE) Training
Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Audit
Extravehicular Mobility Unit Data Recorder (EDAR) Removal
INSPACE-4 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions 4) Experiment Run Ops
EasyMotion Power Box Retrieval after charge
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) High-Definition Extravehicular Mobility Unit Camera Assembly (HECA) Cable Removal
Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
Handover of Increment 66 Crew
Restow items used for FSL activities.
HRF Generic Urine Collection Stow
INSPACE-4 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions 4) Experiment Run Conclude
Glacier Desiccant Swap
Food Physiology Crew Diet Briefing
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Hatch Seal Inspection
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Social Media Event
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in JEM
KEyence Research Microscope Testbed (KERMIT) ELC Software CD Remove and Stow
EVA Battery Operations Terminal Autocycle Terminate
MELFI 1 Ice Brick Insert 6

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.