Space Stations

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 15 July 2019 – Two Launches to the Space Station this Week

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
July 17, 2019
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 15 July 2019 – Two Launches to the Space Station this Week
At the Cosmonaut Hotel crew quarters in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, the Expedition 60 prime and backup crewmembers pose for pictures July 12 as part of pre-launch activities. From left to right are prime crewmembers Drew Morgan of NASA, Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos and Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency and backup crewmembers Tom Marshburn of NASA, Sergey Ryzhikov of Roscosmos and Soichi Noguchi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Morgan, Skvortsov and Parmitano will launch July 20 on the Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on a mission to the International Space Station. Credit: Andrey Shelepin/GCTC. (July 12, 2019)

Two rockets will be rolling out to their launch pads this week in Kazakhstan and Florida to blastoff to the International Space Station.
The orbiting Expedition 60 trio will be welcoming three new crewmates Saturday and receive more science experiments and crew supplies next Tuesday, July 23.

First-time space flyer Andrew Morgan of NASA is joining veteran station residents Luca Parmitano of the European Space Agency and Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos for a ride to the station on Saturday. They will launch aboard the Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 12:28 p.m. EDT for a six-and-a-half hour trip to their new home in space. Their mission comes 50 years to the day Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first stepped on the Moon.

The SpaceX Dragon space freighter is launching from Kennedy Space Center at 7:35 p.m. on Sunday for its 18th contracted mission to resupply the orbiting lab. The reusable cargo craft is delivering a variety of research gear supporting future space missions and healthier humans. NASA TV is broadcasting live the launch and arrival of both missions to the station.

Flight Engineers Nick Hague and Christina Koch continue training today for the robotic capture of Dragon when it arrives early next Tuesday. Hague will command the Canadarm2 to reach out and grapple Dragon around 7 a.m. while Koch backs him up. Morgan will monitor telemetry during the spacecraft’s approach and rendezvous.

Station Commander Alexey Ovchinin spent the day on cleaning and maintenance duties on the Russian side of the space station. The veteran cosmonaut also inventoried medical equipment, medicines and dentistry gear.

On-Orbit Status Report

Muscle Tone in Space (Myotones): The crew gathered hardware for tomorrow’s scheduled Myotones operations. The investigation observes the biochemical properties of muscles during long-term exposure to the spaceflight environment. Results from this investigation are expected to provide insight into principles of human resting muscle tone which could lead to the development of new strategies for alternative treatments for rehabilitation both on Earth and for future space missions.

EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Racks (EXPRESS Rack) 9B: During the SpX-17 mission, Columbus Power and Data Unit (PDU) 1 Outlet 7 which provides auxiliary power to the rack, tripped and could not be closed. Troubleshooting was unsuccessful and it was determined that the Biological Research Program Solid State Power Control Module (BSSPCM) needed to be replaced. Today the crew replaced the BSSPCM Sold State Power Converter Module to recover auxiliary power. The EXPRESS Racks support science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.

Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Dragon On-Board Training (OBT): In preparation for SpX-18 arrival, the crew practiced a 30 meter approach, two Capture Point hold runs and numerous two meter runs. Later in the day the crew studied the OBT big picture and reference summary. SpX-18 is scheduled to launch on July 21 and berth on July 23.

Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: Yesterday, Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS and performed a survey of the future International Docking Assembly (IDA3) EVA worksite. The SSRMS was then maneuvered to the Offset Grapple Start position and is now in ready for crew offset grapple practice on Thursday in preparation for SpX-18 berthing.

Completed Task List Activities:
Laptop CTB audit
BFF dry run

Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
Prep for High Beta ops
Dragon OBT support
Payloads ops support

Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 7/16 (GMT 197)

Myotones Measurement and data transfer and Conference (ESA)
Florescence Microscope (MS) setup and sample insert (JAXA)
Everywear ISS application on IPAD config (ESA)
RR Habitat (2, 3, 4) stow (NASA)
VEGGIE facilities (1,2) relocations (NASA)

ER9B BSSPCM config

Wednesday, 7/17 (GMT 198)

PhotoBioreactor Nutrient and Sample Exchange (ESA)
Clean Bench relief Valve checks (JAXA)
Express Rack 1 power switch photo (NASA)
ISS Experience LAB intro recording (NASA)
Standard Measures (NASA)
HERMES Facility install and Cassette insert and checkout (NASA)
Express Rack 4 Z-book setup and s/w load (NASA)
MELFI N2 pressure checks (NASA)
AMS Laptop Relocate to Columbus module (NASA)

ER1 rack power switch inspection
AMS laptop relocate

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

ISS Experience Z-Cam Setup on the MWA
RSK2 for operations with videoregistration and charging if necessary
EXPRESS Rack 9B BSSPCM R&R Procedure Review
Audit of Medical Kits Part 1
COLUMBUS Bay 1, 2, 3 clean-up
ExPRESS Rack-9B Umbilical Demate
Myotones Kit Gathering
ER9B R&R Hardware Gather
Replacement of Condensate Collector (???) after Changeout of Replaceable Condensate Removal Lines [????] and Flushing the line
Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
??? maintenance
ISS Experience Solid State Drive Changeout
Nikon Camera Time Sync
On-board Training (OBT) Dragon Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Session 1
Air Heater Fan [???] Screen Cleaning in Progress 441 (DC1)
ER9B R&R Crew Conference
TOCA)Sample Data Record
MATRYOSHKA-R. Tritel Hardware Monitoring
TOCA Buffer Container (BC) Changeout
Changeout of Dust Filter ??1-4 Cartridges in SM
Robotics Onboard Training (ROBoT) Session for Dragon
Monthly ISS RS Video HW Functional Check
ExPRESS Rack-9B Umbilical Mate
Robotics Onboard Training (ROBoT) Session for Dragon
Exercise Data Downlink via OCA
ExPRESS Rack-9B Umbilical Mate
Evening Preparation Work
ISS Experience Hardware Stow
Evening Preparation Work
HRF Veg Profile of Mood States Questionnaire

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.