NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 12 October 2020 – Muscle Tone in Space

Today – Payloads: Onco-Selectors: Over the weekend the crew completed sample processing operations to prep the 12 well BioCells inside the Life Science Glovebox and inject the Glo Reagent into each of the samples.
Leveraging Microgravity to Screen Onco-selective Messenger RNAs for Cancer Immunotherapy (Onco-Selectors) tests a biologic drug based on messenger RNA (mRNA) for treatment of leukemia. This mRNA-based drug is capable of differentiating cancer cells from healthy ones (onco-selective) and is designed to kill cancer cells (oncolytic). Recent studies show that microgravity alters cells by modifying the expression of certain proteins involved in mRNA translation, making it a unique platform for testing mRNAs to identify those that are onco-selective for clinical development.
Myotones (Muscle Tone in Space): The crew completed a Myotones session including blood collection and processing, and used the Myotones scanner to take readings on specific body muscle targets. Myotones investigation observes the biochemical properties of muscles during long-term exposure to the spaceflight environment. Results from this investigation are expected to provide insight into principles of human resting muscle tone, which could lead to the development of new strategies for alternative treatments for rehabilitation both on Earth and for future space missions.
Rhodium Space Rhizosphere: The crew removed the ten sample chambers from the POLAR facilities and placed them in a temporary stowage location within a mesh bag. Soil Health in Space: Determination of Gravitational Effects on Soil Stability for Controlled Environment Agriculture (Rhodium Space Rhizosphere) examines the effects of spaceflight on the soil aggregates formed by fungi and bacteria. Recent studies have shown a connection between biological activity, aggregation formation, and the overall capacity of soils to sustainably produce nutritious food crops. A better understanding of fungal and bacterial structures and functions in soil could improve food production on Earth and in space.
Bacterial Genome Fitness: The crew removed the two Group Activation Packs (GAP) from incubation and terminated the samples and placed the samples into Cold Stowage. Scientists know what happens to plants and animals in microgravity, but understand very little about how bacteria are affected. Most previous research used ground-based techniques to simulate microgravity and looked at only one or two specific bacterial processes. Whole Genome Fitness of Bacteria Under Microgravity (Bacterial Genome Fitness) grows multiple types of bacteria in space and comprehensively examines what processes are important to their growth.
63S Launch and Dock Preparations: Preparations continue for 63S launch and dock planned for this Wednesday, October 14.
Completed Task List Activities:
62S pre-pack [Active]
Cygnus cargo ops [Active]
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
S-Band string 1 configured to hot backup
Enable S-Band FDIR Express
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, 10/13 (GMT 287)
Russian Experiment Sample MELFI insert (ESA)
EMU cooling loop scrub
Prep for 63S arrival
Wednesday, 10/14 (GMT 288)
FSL-SMD remove and MultiScale Boiling insert (ESA)
AWP Watch Don (NASA)
63S dock
ISS Safety Briefing
Thursday, 10/15 (GMT 289)
Handhold Experiment Platform Adapter on MPEP install (NASA)
STaARS-12 Kit-ambient stow, Exp Containers into facility (NASA)
Rhodium Space Rhizosphere Chamber photo (NASA)
Rhodium Space Rhizosphere Chamber to POLAR (NASA)
MPEP installation
Handhold Exp Platform Adapter install on MPEP
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
R PAO event report preparation
Spotlight Battery and Bulb Remove and Replace
Myotones Kit Gathering
Myotones Blood Draw and Centrifugation
Insertion of Russian experiments blood samples into MELFI
Myotones Blood Tube Centrifugation
Myotones Centrifuge Spin Conclude
Myotones Sample MELFI Insertion
Myotones Blood Collection Conclude And Stow
Echo Unit Setup for Myotones experiment
Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 2 Setup
TBU. Check temperature
Myotones Device Setup with EPM Laptop
?omm. check from Baikonur (S/G1)
Myotones Measurements
???? configuration for MRM1
Myotones Ultrasound scan using Echo Unit
???? reconfiguration in MRM1
Bacterial Genome Fitness GAP Termination
Bacterial Genome Fitness MELFI Sample Insertion
Photo T/V (P/TV) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Exercise Video Setup
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification
Myotones Device Data Transfer
Myotones Device Charging using Multi-Port USB Charger
Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 2 Swap
ColKA M-03 Bag relocation
Rhodium Inflight Biomanufacturing Polar Sample Removal
Quick-disconnect screw clamps (???)tightening in MRM1-FGB
Rhodium Inflight Biomanufacturing Science Chamber Ambient Stow
Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 2 Stow
Filling ??? (KO?) for Elektron
Replacement ?? ?? of Gas analyzer CO ??2106
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification
ISS Crew departure preparation
Echo Unit Stowage
Myotones Device Stowage after charging
CCE Preparation
Crew Choice Event Set Up
Crew Choice Event