Space Stations

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 10 July 2018 – Boosting ISS Orbit Using the Cygnus Spacecraft

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
July 12, 2018
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NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 10 July 2018 – Boosting ISS Orbit Using the Cygnus Spacecraft
The Northrop Grumman (formerly Orbital ATK) Cygnus resupply ship with its round, brass-colored UltraFlex solar arrays is guided to its port on the Unity module shortly after it was captured with the Canadarm2 robotic arm. Credit: NASA.

Russia’s Progress 70 (70P) cargo craft delivered nearly 5,700 pounds of crew supplies and station cargo to the International Space Station on Monday less than four hours after launch.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Cygnus resupply ship from Northrop Grumman tested its ability to boost the orbital laboratory’s altitude today.

Monday’s arrival of the Russian resupply craft set a milestone for station operations by arriving with its cargo in just 3 hours and 40 minutes, or only two Earth orbits. The new Progress makes six spacecraft parked at the orbital complex including the Progress 69 resupply ship, the Soyuz MS-08 and MS-09 crew ships and the SpaceX Dragon and Northrop Grumman Cygnus space freighters.

The engine on Northrup Grumman’s Cygnus cargo ship fired for 50 seconds Tuesday at 4:25 p.m. EDT to reboost the station in a test designed to verify an additional capability to adjust the station’s altitude, if required. The brief engine firing raised the station’s altitude by about 295 feet. Cygnus will depart the station on Sunday after delivering several tons of supplies and science experiments back in May for the six crewmembers on board.

Astronauts Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Alexander Gerst continued more life science work today exploring cancer research and fertility. Serena split her time today between testing ways to develop safer, more effective cancer therapies and exploring how living in space impacts fertility. Gerst set up a specialized microscope to look at proteins that could be used for cancer treatment and radiation protection.

On-Orbit Status Report

70P Docking: Last night, 70P docked to the DC1 nadir port at 191/01:30:47 GMT and Progress hooks were closed at approximately 01:35:35 GMT. Following the successful docking, the Russian crew completed leak checks, opened the hatches, deactivated the 70P vehicle, and transferred time sensitive cargo.

Cygnus OA-9 Reboost Developmental Test Objective (DTO): Today ground controllers used the Cygnus Delta-V Engine (DVE) to perform a 50-second reboost of ISS. The burn, with a Time of Ignition (TIG) of 3:24:50 PM CT, changed ISS velocity by ~0.05 m/s. Specialists will review data taken during today’s DTO in order to verify the feasibility of using Cygnus engines to perform future ISS reboosts.

Aerosol Samplers: Today the crew deployed two Active Aerosol Sampler (AAS) cartridges in Nodes 1 and 3. The battery-powered AASs actively pull in air and collect particles using the principal of thermophoresis. This is accomplished by flowing the sampled air through a large thermal gradient in a narrow channel. During this process, particles are driven to the cold side of the channel, where an electron microscope (EM) grid is held in place by a tiny magnet. When returned to Earth, these grids are easily removed and placed directly in an EM for analysis.

Micro-11: The crew performed a run for the Micro-11 investigation today. They checked out, configured and calibrated the Micro-11 microscope, thawed samples removed from a Glacier, fixed those samples and loaded them into the microscope for imaging. They then inserted the samples into a Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). There are a total of thirteen runs for the Micro-11 investigation. Micro-11 examines whether spaceflight alters human sperm, by tracking the swimming patterns of human and bull sperm during spaceflight. This investigation also assesses other aspects of sperm functionality related to male fertility. As a result, Micro-11 provides fundamental data indicating whether successful human reproduction beyond Earth is possible, and whether countermeasures are needed to protect sperm function in space.

AngieX Cancer Therapy: Today the crew performed an operations session for the AngieX Cancer Therapy investigation today. The AngieX Cancer Therapy investigation examines whether endothelial cells cultured in microgravity represent a valid in vitro model to test effects of vascular-targeted agents on normal blood vessels. AngieX has developed a treatment that targets both tumor cells and vasculature, but needs a better model on which to test it. This study may facilitate development of a cost-effective method that does not require animal testing and which may help develop safer and more effective vascular-targeted drugs.

Amyloid: Today the crew moved Amyloid samples from a MELFI at -95 degrees C to a Polar at +2 degrees C. Amyloid fibrils prepared in the microgravity environment of the ISS are returned to Earth for analysis through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Amyloid fibrils are the peptide or protein aggregates known to be associated with various diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. It is expected that this study will provide additional insight into the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation.

Human Research (Cell-Free Epigenome (CFE) and Medical Proteomics): A 55S crewmember collect blooded samples for JAXA’s CFE and Medical Proteomics investigations today.

For the CFE study, blood samples are collected from astronauts and cellular genes are analyzed. The results provide insight into how human bodies function during space flight.
The Medical Proteomics investigation evaluates changes of proteins in blood serum, bone and skeletal muscles after space flight, and also supports identification of osteopenia-related proteins. By combining research results for space mice, astronauts and ground patients, proteins related to osteopenia can be identified using the latest proteome analysis technique. It is anticipated that the use of the marker proteins related to osteopenia will be of benefit in the future for assessing the health of astronauts as well as osteoporosis patients on ground.
Lighting Effects: A 55S subject provided a sleep log entry upon waking and conducted a series of three Cognition tests during the day. The Lighting Effects investigation studies the impact of the change from fluorescent light bulbs to solid-state light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with adjustable intensity and color and aims to determine if the new lights can improve crew circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive performance. Results from this investigation also have major implications for people on Earth who use electric lights.

Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Biophysics: Today the crew configured and prepared the LMM for upcoming Biophysics science runs.

Node 3 Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning and Measurements: Results from IMV airflow measurements earlier this year indicated lower than acceptable airflow into the Bigelow Expandable Aerospace Module (BEAM). The low reading was likely due to foreign object debris (FOD) caught in the flow straightener or in the Node 3 Aft Port IMV Fan. Per engineering’s request, the crew cleaned both the straightener and fan today in order to restore nominal flow to BEAM. New IMV airflow measurements were taken once cleaning was complete and experts are evaluating the results to verify acceptable flow rate was restored by the activity.

Public Affairs Office (PAO) Live Events: There were three live PAO events today.

Serena Aunon-Chancellor participated in an educational event this afternoon with Middle school students from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD). NASA Glenn is collaborating with CMSD to focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) leadership and careers.
Alexander Gerst participated in education event with Middle school students attending summer programs in the Hampton, VA area. These students are affiliated with camps targeting underrepresented students in underserved communities.
Lastly, Ricky Arnold participated in an event with Baltimore Orioles Manager Buck Showalter, team players, and other members of the Orioles staff.
Dragon Cargo Ops: The crew completed approximately 4:15 of Dragon cargo operations today. So far, the crew has completed 18 hours of transfer operations and have an estimated 61 hours of cargo operations remaining for this SpaceX mission.

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Generic Frozen Blood Collection
Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry
FAGEN. Kit transfers from Progress
Transfers of Microvir, Constanta-2, Bioplenka P/L from Progress and setup in ТБУ-В No.05 at +4°С
FAGEN. Setup of MSK kit No.04 in ТБУ-В No.5 and MSK kit No.05 kit on SM panel 328, Photography
Photo of a scuff mark left by the Active Docking Mechanism probe on the DC1 Passive Mechanism Receiving Cone
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Frozen Blood Collection Centrifuge Configure
MPCC Demo Payload Laptop Activation
Downlink Photos of Docking Cone Internal Surface via OCA
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Frozen Blood Collection Centrifuge Spin Conclude
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Sample MELFI Insertion
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Frozen Blood Collection Conclude And Stow
Made in Space Fiber Optics Troubleshooting
MELFI Media Kit Retrieve
Lighting Effects Cognition Test 1 – Subject
Monitoring shutter closure on windows 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14. Note 10
Preparing MagVector Sample 5 Run Repetition
Photo/TV HD LAB Camcorder Deploy
Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test
AngieX Cancer Therapy Ops Session
Water Recovery System (WRS) Waste Tank Sample
Amyloid Sample Retrieval from MELFI -95 degrees C.
Amyloid Sample Insertion into Polar +2 degrees C.
Aerosol Samplers Cartridge Removal
Micro-11 Microscope Checkout
Micro-11 Microscope Operations
ISS HAM Radio Power Up
Micro-11 Glacier Sample Removal 1
MICRO-11 Thaw Operations
Micro-11 Microscope Operations
Micro-11 MELFI Sample Return Bag Insertion
Node 3 Aft Port Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Fan Cleaning
Environmental Health System (EHS) Grab Sample Container (GSC) Sampling Operations
Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open
Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Deployment Operations
LMM Biophysics Configuration
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – JEM
Lighting Effects Cognition Test 2
Dragon Cargo Transfer
Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Close
USOS Window Shutter Close
Crew Medical Officer (CMO) On Board Training (OBT)
Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill [Aborted]
Water Resource Management (WRM) Condensate Sample Init
ESA Weekly crew conference
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – Lab
SSL Locker Install
Dragon Cargo Operations Conference
PAO Preparation
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – Lab
Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurement Survey
Water Resource Management (WRM) Condensate Sample Terminate
Micro-11 Glacier Sample Removal 1
Lighting Effects Cognition Test 3

Completed Task List Activities:

Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
SDMS Data Dump – Progress Docking
Cygnus Reboost DTO

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 07/11: Atomization, AML, Vision testing, RR7, Aerosol Sampler, Water sampling, Space Algae, Dragon transfer, MCR11
Thursday, 07/12: Dragon stowage, MCR11, LMM, Med Consumables Tracking, Thermolab, MICS, FSL VMU, Cubesat OBT, AngieX Cancer Therapy, JEMAL depress, Aerosol Sampler, Neuromapping, T2 Quarterly
Friday, 07/13: Micro-11 Ops, Cygnus Release OBT, Cygnus Vestibule Demate Config, Eye Exams, NRCSD#14 Deploy, SODF Deploy

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Operate
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Standby
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Idle
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Process
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Full Up
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Off

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.