NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 5 August 2013

New Status: H-II Transfer Vehicle 4 (HTV4) Status: HTV4 launched successfully Saturday August 3rd at 2:48 PM CDT from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan. Capture and berthing are planned for Friday August 9th at 6:30 AM CDT.
Over the weekend, Reaction Control System (RCS) and Main Engines thruster testing and leak checks were performed on both strings. All systems were nominal, however, early this afternoon the forward RCS latching valve closed unexpectedly resulting in an an attitude excursion of about 5 degrees. HTV automatically switched from RCS String A to String B and is back in attitude and operating nominally at this time. Preliminary assessment is that this is a sensor issue and not a problem with the actual latch or valve. HTV specialists are currently reviewing the data to understand the issue and to develop a forward plan.
On-Board Training (OBT) HTV Offset Grapple: Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Cassidy, FE-Parmitano and FE-6 Nyberg practiced offset grapples in preparation for capture. During this session, they performed several approaches with the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to practice maneuvering over the grapple pin to simulate HTV capture. Following completion of the training the ground team maneuvered the SSRMS back into High Hover (HH) position in preparation for capture. This was the 2nd of 2 planned training sessions. The 1st was performed on July 29th.
Robonaut Operations: Cassidy prepared Robonaut for today’s taskboard operations which were executed by the Robonaut Principal Investigator (PI) on the ground. He configured the video, set up the taskboard and assembled the Robonaut hardware. Robonaut is a dexterous humanoid robot designed with the versatility and dexterity to manipulate hardware, exhibit greater endurance than humans and react safely when bumped or interacted with in a way that was not expected. Robonaut is currently deployed inside the ISS, however, future project goals include mobility in both inside the ISS and outside the ISS in the Extravehicular Environment.
Airlock Video Troubleshooting: Parmitano executed procedures to determine the cause of problems with the video system that were seen earlier. Troubleshooting was performed on the Internal Camera Port (ICP) Interface (I/F) Cable, Audio Visual I/F Unit (AVIU) and Common Visual I/F Unit (CVIU). CVIU output voltage was measured in multiple states: open circuit, connected to the AVIU, and connected to the AVIU with various loads (XF305 Camcorder or Minicam). Ground teams are assessing results.
Payload Multiplexer / Demultiplexer (PLMDM) Transition: On Sunday, the PLMDM1 unexpectedly transitioned to PLMDM2 when PLMDM1 loss communications with the Command & Control (C&C) MDM. There was a Permanent Missing Interval (PMI) of 15 min 33 sec data loss during the transition. Also, due to the unplanned reset the STP-H3 Massive Heat Transfer Experiment (MHTEX) and the Variable Emissivity Radiator Aerogel Insulation Blanket Dual Zone Thermal Control Experiment Suite for Responsive Space (VADER) lost science data until the STP-H3 payload team arrived on console to reset their payloads Loss of science data was 6 hours and 40 mins due to Payload Developer not being on console at the time. PLMDM1 was powered back on without any failure indications. Data gathering of the failure is ongoing.
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Status: Last Thursday, the UPA shut down due to a fault as a result of high pressure in the system. Data was downlinked for review by ground specialists and based on their review the recommendation is to remove and replace the Pressure Control and Pump Assembly (PCPA) with one of two on orbit spares.
Today’s Planned Tasks
Laptop RS2(1) Reboot [Complete]
Connector ??-? inspection on ???-?? behind panel 139 ???. [Complete]
SM ??? (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
Reading REMINDER [Complete]
PRO K Urine PH Test [Complete]
Calf Volume Measurement [Complete]
HRF Urine Sample Collection [Complete]
??-8. Setup [Complete]
HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion [Complete]
Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
HRF – Blood Collection and Centrifuge Activation [Complete]
Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
HRF Blood Draw [Complete]
Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
MO-8. Cleanup [Complete]
HRF Refrigerated Centrifuge Configuration [Complete]
HRF – Closeout Ops [Complete]
SM Ventilation System Preventive Maintenance. Group ? [Complete]
RWS Setup [Complete]
HRF – Sample Insertion into MELFI [Complete]
HRF – Deactivation of Refrigerated Centrifuge and Equipment Stowage [Complete]
ASEPTIC. Samples photo after incubation. r/g 310 [Complete]2
HRF Equipment Stow after the Experiment [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 3070 [Complete]
Troubleshooting Airlock Video System Internal Port and cable I/F [Complete]
ASEPTIC Photo Edit and Downlink / r/g 3102 [Complete]
??-1 Flow Sensor Position Check [Complete]
??-1 Flow Sensor Position Check [Complete]
Preparation of spacesuit replaceable elements, service and personal gear. [Complete]
ROBONAUT- Camcorder Setup [Complete]
Robonaut Taskboard Setup [Complete]
ROBONAUT – Hardware setup [Complete]
DOUG Application Review [Complete]
ROBONAUT- Camcorder Setup [Complete]
ROBONAUT – Power Up [Complete]
PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
WRM – Condensate evacuation start [Complete]
PAO Event [Complete]
DOUG Software Review [Complete]
Reading ???? ????-4? Data ???? [Complete]
Node2 Camcorder Reconfiguration [Complete]
OBT – Transfer Vehicle (HTV4) Offset Grapple Practice [Complete]
DC1 and ??? preparation for EVA [Complete]
DC1 and ??? preparation for EVA [Complete]
Medical Kit Audit / r/g 3087 [Complete]
OBT SSRMS Debrief [Complete]
??? Maintenance
RWS Cupola Crew Restraint (CCR) Removal [Complete]
PROK – Diet and Log Sheet Photos [Complete]
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHS) Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter Changeout [Complete]
Counter Measure System (CMS) Harmful Contaminant Measurements in SM / r/g 1955 [Complete]
IMS Update [Complete]
ROBONAUT – Power Down [Complete]
Activation and Inspection of Spacesuit No. 5. [Complete]
ROBONAUT – Reconfigure Camcorder for Nominal Ops [Complete]
WORF labels retrieval [Complete]
Space Suit No. 5 ??-0702? Measuring System Recovery./ r/g 3098 [Complete]
Stowage rack labeling in NOD1 [Complete]
Exercise data downlink / r/g 2639 [Complete]
CIR – Hardware Teardown [Complete]
WRM – Condensate evacuation end [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 3070
Task List
ARED Cylinder Evac [Complete]
CEO Ops [Complete]
ESA Reco Vid Msgs 1 & 2 [Complete]
WHC KTO Replace
Roscosmos Report
Uragan Report
EKON Photo
EVA Mag Test
PCPA Gather [Complete]
IFM Pin Kit Locate
52P USOS Unpack [In Work]
Audit FFTD Kit [Complete]
Bk Curtain Retrieve
Data Prep for Return FE-3
DC Vac Cuecard [Complete]
PMA1 IMV Clean [Complete]
HTV4 PMM Cleanup [In Work]
Photo/TV Encoder Photo
TVIS Cuecard Discard
ZSR Surface Cleaning [Complete]
Regen WSTA Fill
Nominal Commanding
SSRMS Manuever to High Hover [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 8/06: Robonaut Ops, UPA PCPA R&R, Marangoni, Tonometry
Wednesday, 8/07: Spheres, ACE, Ultrasound, BCAT
Thursday, 8/08: CFE, HTV Robot Training, BCAT, Fundoscope