NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 30 March 2015

1-Year Mission (1YM) Human Research Program (HRP) Science Operations: Kelly and Kornienko began their 1YM activities on Sunday when both crewmembers performed their first Fine Motor Skills test and Sleep log entries.
Today they continued with their 1YM protocols, performing another Sleep Log and a morning Reaction Self Test. The crew performed a second Reaction Self Test prior to their scheduled sleep period. In the Fine Motor Skills experiment, crew members perform a series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet. The investigation is the first fine motor skills study to measure long-term microgravity exposure, different phases of microgravity adaptation, and sensorimotor recovery after returning to Earth gravity. The Sleep ISS-12 experiment monitors ambient light exposure and crew member activity and collects subjective evaluations of sleep and alertness to examine the effects of space flight and ambient light exposure on sleep during a year-long mission on the ISS. Reaction Self Test is a portable, five-minute task that enables astronauts to monitor the daily effects of fatigue on performance while in space. Sleep restrictions and residual effects from sleep medications, slam shifts that change the sleep/wake cycle, and effects from spacewalks can cause fatigue and degrade astronaut performance. Periodically during the mission, and in association with major events, an astronaut performs a reaction-time test on a computer to measure changes in responses.
Twins Study Collections: Kelly completed saliva collections and inserted them into Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). Twins Study is an integrated compilation of ten different studies led by multiple PI’s at multiple centers. The studies take advantage of a unique opportunity to observe the effects of space travel on identical twins, one of whom experiences space travel for one year; the other is earth-bound for that same year. The study looks at changes in the human body in the fields of genetics, psychology, physiology, microbiology, and immunology.
Area Passive Dosimeter for Life-Science Experiments in Space (PADLES): On Sunday, Virts deployed the seventeen PADLES delivered on 42S throughout the ISS. JAXA Area PADLES is an investigation that uses area dosimeters to continuously monitor the radiation dose aboard the ISS. Radiation exposure can have significant biological effects on living organisms including the biological investigations being done on ISS in the Japanese Experiment Module, Kibo. By installing area dosimeters at 17 fixed locations inside the Kibo Module, continuous area radiation monitoring can be provided throughout the ISS Kibo program.
Stem Cell Differentiation (SCD): On Sunday, Cristoforetti retrieved the SCD experiment from 42S and installed it into the Kubik-3 container. SCD will run autonomously for 14 days with Cristoforetti performing regular status checks for the duration of the experiment. Stem Cells play a major role in the maintenance of bone mass, being the main source of osteoblasts during the bone remodeling and repair. The recruitment of an adequate number of osteoblasts is dependent on the availability of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) and their proper response to growth, differentiation, and chemotactic signals in the microenvironment. This investigation aims to understand how human mesenchymal stem cells react to a two week exposure to microgravity in terms of growth, senescence and differentiation towards osteoblasts when treated with Vitamin D3.
FLame Extinguishment Experiment (FLEX)-2: Last week, Virts changed out the Combustion Integration Rack (CIR) manifold bottle in advance of this week’s FLEX-2 run. Today, he removed the CIR alignment guides to configure the CIR for microgravity operations. FLEX-2 Binary will run via ground commanding overnight and Virts will reinstall the alignment guides tomorrow. This session of FLEX-2 investigates the extinguishment properties of a binary fuel set of heptane and ethanol. The FLEX-2 experiment is the second to fly on the ISS which uses small droplets of fuel to study the special spherical characteristics of burning fuel droplets in space. The experiment studies how quickly fuel burns, the conditions required for soot to form, and how mixtures of fuels evaporate before burning. Understanding these processes could lead to the production of a safer spacecraft as well as increased fuel efficiency for engines using liquid fuel on Earth.
Habitability: Kelly reviewed the Habitability overview videos, then used the iShort application on the iPad to document his initial feelings on the habitability of the ISS. Habitability assesses the relationship between crew members and their environment to better prepare for future long-duration spaceflights to destinations such as Near Earth Asteroids (NEA) and Mars. The ultimate goal is to understand how much habitable volume is required for vehicle internal design and layout, and if mission duration impacts the volume needed. Observations during the 1-year mission, as well as 6-month missions, can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need. The iShort application enables ground support teams and human factor engineers to study and evaluate the design of the ISS and use the results for future spacecraft.
Factors Contributing to Food Acceptability and Consumption, Mood and Stress on Long-Term Space Missions (Astro Palate): Virts performed Part B Day 3 of the Astro Palate experiment. For this session, he ate his lunch alone, then completed a questionnaire before and after his midday meal. Astro Palate studies the relationship among emotions, mood, stress and eating during spaceflight. The study explores ways to minimize stressful aspects of the eating situation so that individuals consume more food and are more satisfied with the food. Additionally, the experiment examines ways to use the eating itself to reduce the stress or negative moods that crewmembers might normally experience in flight.
Node3 Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA): The Remote Power Controller (RPC) that controls the Node3 CDRA tripped during the crew day today. Initial recovery steps were unsuccessful. Ground teams are evaluating when Lab CDRA will need to be powered up.
Airlock Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Remove and Replace: On March 8, the RPC that controls Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Temperature Control Check Valve (TCCV) tripped followed by a Power On Reset (POR). All loads were recovered except RPC5 which was hard failed. Virts R&Rd RPCM AL2A3B_B which restored power to the CCAA TCCV.
Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review: With the arrival of 42S, today all 6 crew members reviewed emergency general instructions and discussed emergency responses.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
TWIN – sampling and stowage preparation
Reaction self-test. Reaction time test (morning)
HRF – sample insertion into MELFI
Reaction self-test. Reaction time test (morning)
BIOSIGNAL. Kryiogem-03 temperature control / r/g 8342
DPC (S-band)
RPCM – power-off during troubleshooting preparation
??? ?1 absorption cartridge cycling (start)
MPCC Laptop setup and activation
KASKAD. Manual stirring inside the bioreactor / r/g 8358
MELF2 – icepack install
Soyuz-delivered ODF replacement / r/g 8344
IFM – LAB1S0 maintenance
HDVCA1 camera connection
KALTSIY. Science ops session 1 r/g 8357
ROBoT system review
WRS – water sampling
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
Radiation monitor install
[???] laptop antivirus signature base update / r/g 8247
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
IFM – LAB1S0 maintenance
WRM – condensate transfer init
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
Check out the grounding lug in Node 1 port compartment #4
[???1?1] install in Soyuz.
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
WRM – condensate transfer completion
CIR – guide install
CQ – filter cover R&R
RPCM – power on following the maintenance
AP – food questionnaire fill-out
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
ARED’s uninsulated cable greasing
AP – food questionnaire fill-out
TOCA – data recording
ROBoT system review
42S cargo unpacking
ESA PAO event. Setup.
ESA HD format PAO event – Columbus
HDVCA1 camera deactivation
Emergency role and responsibility review
HABIT – science ops instructional video review
Equipment preparation for PAO
HABIT – science ops run.
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
Exercise data download / r/g 6797
ISS adaptation and familiarization time
CQ – filter cover R&R
HRF- hardware installation
Crew preparation for PAO
PAO event
KASKAD. Manual stirring inside the bioreactor / r/g 8358
DPC (S-band)
Reaction self-test. Reaction time test (evening)
??? ?1 absorption cartridge cycling (end)
Completed Task List Items
COL ETC B2, C2 locker photo
WHC KTO replace
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
EPS SPS powerup
A/L RPCM refresh
CDRA leak check
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 03/31: OBT ISS Emergency Hardware familiarization, crew handover, Dragon pre-pack, TripleLux
Wednesday, 04/01: Ocular Health, water quality monitoring, T2 quarterly inspection, Dragon pre-pack
Thursday, 04/02: Ocular Health, CIR imaging reconfig, WHC manual fill
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Override
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Idle
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full Up