NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 3 September 2013
![NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 3 September 2013](
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Troubleshooting: On Saturday, Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Cassidy and FE-6 Nyberg performed a removal and replacement (R&R) of EMU 3011 condensate water relief valve (item 134) and associated filter.
Crew then performed an EMU screening test and discovered that the water crossover anomaly was still present. They then proceeded with the gas trap (item 141) R&R. The EMU screening was repeated following item 141 replacement with the same result. Ground teams are now focusing their attention on the fan/pump/separator (item 123) with potential proximate causes being a partially blocked pitot tube or a displaced weld plug. The results from this weekend’s troubleshooting do not rule out a common cause failure mode.
Node 3 Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) On-orbit Replacement Units (ORU) 2 – Mass Spectrometer Failure: Node 3 MCA ORU 2 Mass Spectrometer failed on Saturday. A spare Mass Spectrometer unit was recently launched on H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-4 and ground specialists are currently working on a plan to recover from the failure. Meanwhile, the Crew will be using a Portable Oxygen Monitor (POM) and Carbon Dioxide Monitor (CDM) to call down measurements twice per day as a precaution. In addition, the ground is monitoring telemetry from SM and Columbus constituent analyzers as a work around to the failure.
H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) On-Board Training (OBT) Departure Computer Based Training (CBT): Today, FE-5 Parmitano and Nyberg performed proficiency training covering the HTV departure profile, departure procedures, and the crew interfaces for monitoring and commanding HTV. The lesson walks through the steps in the departure procedures and provides representative Robotics Work Station (RWS) and Portable Computer System (PCS) screenshots for each step. In addition, the lesson provides an overview of the HTV commands available to the crew via the Hardware Command Panel (HCP). HTV unberth is scheduled for Wednesday, September 4, 2013.
Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Micro-G and 1G Wipe: Cassidy cleaned the inside CBEF Incubator Unit (IU) Micro-G and 1G. The Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) subrack facility located in the Saibo (living cell) Experiment Rack. The CBEF is used in various life science experiments, such as cultivating cells and plants in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM).
Reentry Data Acquisition using I Ball Reentry Recorder (IBALL): Cassidy installed three IBALL thermocouple-plates on the H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV). The individual thermocouple plates were placed on the Resupply Rack (HRR), HTV Aft, and Port bulkheads. He then powered up the I BALL Reentry Recorder, and started the timer and accelerometer calibration. I BALL investigation consist of a spherical sensor assembly that acquires continuous position, acceleration, temperature, and imagery data during the HTV reentry phase. During and after HTV atmospheric reentry, I BALL automatically collects data and sends it to the ground for processing in order to more thoroughly understand the processes and characteristics regarding spacecraft reentry.
HTV Preparation for Hatch Closure: Parmitano and Nyberg configured the Node 2 Vestibule in preparation for HTV-4 Unberth. Today’s activity included removal of the Inter-module Ventilation (IMV) Supply Jumper, two 1553 Data Jumpers, Two Power Jumpers, and Air Revitalization System (ARS) Jumper. The crew also installed an HTV Hatch Thermal Cover, Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Center Disk Cover, and four CBM Controller Panel Assemblies (CPAs) onto an Active CBM bulkhead. At the conclusion of today’s activity, the Node 2 Nadir Hatch was closed.
Today’s Planned Tasks
Reaction self-test [Complete]
Shin volume measurement [Complete]
MO-8. Setup [Complete]
Body mass measurement [Complete]
SPRUT-2. Experiment run [Complete]
MO-8. Closeout ops [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. ???-50 setup for ????2 test [Complete]
O2/CO2 Sampling [Complete]
FMK deployment ops [Complete]
??? maintenance [Complete]
Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Micro-G and 1G Wipe [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Connector mating. [Complete]
IBALL – camcorder setup [Complete]
IBALL – equipment activation [Complete]
Kentavr fitting [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Voltage measurement (??CDR5-32 feeder 31 c/o). [Complete]
Time to prepare for return to Earth [Complete]
Sampling into GSC container [Complete]
ASIAN SEED – video recording [Complete]
EMCS – RBLSS R&R [Complete]
OBT HTV Unberth Review [Complete]
Sound recording using EARQ software [Complete]
HTV Pressurized Logistic Carrier (HTVPLC) Smoke Detector Removal [Complete]
???-?? water sampling into ROS beverage packs [Complete]
Prepare Soyuz-708 returnable and disposable cargo [Complete]
ISS SERVIR environment and visualization system research [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Connector mating [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Closeout ops [Complete]
Gathering of the DVD required for the Columbus PWS1 software reload [Complete]
PWS1 Software Install Part 1 [Complete]
Review of HTV4 undocking reminders [Complete]
Power CUP RWS DCP in preparation for HTV release. [Complete]
???-? water sampling into ROS beverage packs [Complete]
Robotics OBT, HTV undocking skill refresher [Complete]
??? sampling from ???-?2? till ??? into Russian samplers [Complete]
EMCS – water pump line installation [Complete]
OBT HTV Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBot) Release [Complete]
European Modular Cultivation System Water Pump Tube Installation [Complete]
OBT Robotics Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) Debrief [Complete]
Symbolic activity [Complete]
JSL router setup [Complete]
HTV – PEPs teardown [Complete]
HTV – hatch closure [Complete]
PWS1 Software Install Part 2 [Complete]
PWS1 Software Install Part 3 [Complete]
Monthly T2 inspection [Complete]
HTV PLC Vestibule Demate Part 1 [Complete]
Prepare Soyuz-708 returnable and disposable cargo [Complete]
ROS-USOS nominal comm setup c/o. ISS ROS nominal network configuration recovery. BRI clean-up [Complete]
Harmful components measurement using CMS in S? [Complete]
IMS update [Complete]
Node 2 ??? nadir module CPA installation [Complete]
Time to prepare for return to Earth [Complete]
JSL Lab Router Configuration Part 2 [Complete]
Crew to review the onboard review presentation and optional science files and video. [Complete]
O2/CO2 Sampling [Complete]
BAR. Piren charge up – start [Complete]
Reaction self-test [Complete]
Task List
ARED Cylinder Evacuation
???-? Remove and Replace
??? replace
Data Prep for Return (CDR)
Data Prep for Return (FE-2)
Data Prep for Return (FE-3)
34S US Prepack [In Work]
Prepare reports for Roskosmos web-site
EKON-M. Observation and photography
URAGAN. Observation and photography
Prepare personal data on SSC for crew return
Cygnus Trash Prep
Routing an Ethernet cable from TOCA to the NOD3 16-port Ethernet Switch.
Swap the in use food warmer with the stowed food warmer that has more room for heating cans.
Food Audit
FPEF Marangoni Inside(MI) Item Retrieve
JSL Network Information for JSL Administration (NINJA) Print
SpX3 crew preference repack
HTV-4 GNC, GPS, and PROX Activation [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 9/04: HTV4 departure, Soyuz landing drill, BCAT Setup
Thursday, 9/05: SPHERES, 34S packing, Asian Seed Experiment, Node 3 Air Selector Valve R&R
Friday, 9/06: Soyuz Emergency Drill, Emergency Roles and Responsibility Review, SPINAL Scan
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – On
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Start Up – Fail
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up