NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 3 April 2015

A wide variety of research exploring how life adapts to long-term exposure to microgravity took place on the International Space Station Friday. The crew members also worked on cargo transfers to and from a pair of docked vehicles.
More crew Ocular Health eye checks were on the schedule as scientists study the fluid shifts caused by microgravity and how they affect a crew member’s vision. New software was loaded on computers for the Rodent Research study, a life sciences experiment that was delivered on a SpaceX mission in January.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, who collected a saliva sample for stowage in a science freezer, and his twin brother on the ground Mark Kelly are the subjects of the Twins study. That investigation compares the two brothers, one in space and one on the ground, and explores how the different environments affect the twins with identical genes.
On the Russian side of the orbital lab, the crew unloaded gear from the recently docked Soyuz TMA-16M spacecraft. The ISS Progress 57 space freighter, docked to the Pirs docking compartment, is also being packed with trash ahead of its departure and fiery disposal April 25.
On-Orbit Status Report
Ocular Health (OH): Kelly and Kornienko performed the last of the activities for their Flight Day (FD) 10 Ocular Health session, completing ocular and cardiac ultrasound scans. The ultrasound images will be used to identify changes in globe morphology, including flattening of the posterior globe, and document optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve sheath tortuosity, globe axial measurements, and choroidal engorgement. The protocol calls for a systematic gathering of physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent post-flight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies, and clinical practice guidelines.
Aniso Tubule: Cristoforetti retrieved the Aniso samples from the CBEF and installed them on the Aquatic Habitat (AQH) microscope. Over the next two days, ground controllers will send commands and observe the samples. Aniso Tubule examines growth modifications of Arabidopsis hypocotyls in space. Scientists will analyze the changes in dynamics of cortical microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins by observing Arabidopsis hypocotyls and microtubule-associated proteins with a fluorescence microscope.
Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurements: Virts and Cristoforetti completed this regularly scheduled task to measure air velocity in the JEM using the Velocicalc instrument. Measurements were taken in the overhead aft, starboard aft and starboard forward inlets.
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Status: Ground controllers have attempted a couple of UPA process cycles today which effectively generated no water. The teams believe this is due to a higher than normal amount of air in the system. The team continue to work on a plan to regain the UPA functionality.
Water Processing Assembly (WPA) Status: The WPA is currently reprocessing due to high conductivity levels. Based upon the ground team’s recommendation, the Gas Separator temperatures were raised to 175 F prior to attempting another reprocess cycle. Conductivity decreased below 50 µmhos/cm after 12 hours in process. However the conductivity levels have been trending higher throughout the day, with no commanded changes to the system. The teams are reviewing the data to determine the forward plan.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
TWIN – Sample Collection and Prep for Stowage
HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion
USND2 – Hardware activation
ISS crew and ГОГУ r/g 8368
EXPRESS Rack 1 Laptop Hard Drive Changeout
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 8358
Ocular Health (OH) Ultrasound 2 – Scanning Prep
Replacement of РТ-50-1М Device No.5 (А205)
Ocular Health – Ocular Ultrasound Scan
RGN REC-TNK – Removal of depress hose for nominal operations
Changeout of Vozdukh Gas Analyzer CO2 filter
Maintenance Activation of Atmosphere Purification System Emergency Vacuum Valves
Ocular Health (OH) Ultrasound 2 – Data Export
Ocular Health – Ocular Ultrasound Scan / See OSTPV for Procedure
Demating РТ-50-1М TLM Connectors from onboard cable network
Removal of deployed Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Monitors
ER7 – Checking cable connection to Laptop
Replacement of РТ-50-1М Device No.5 (A 205)
CWC Relocation
Locating cables for connectiong SSC in FGB / r/g 8412 [Deferred]
Ocular Health – Hardware Checkout
Ocular Health (OH) Ultrasound 2
CALCIUM. Experiment session 3. / r/g 8406
Rodent Research (RR) – Software Load
OH – Experiment Ops
MSPR Hardware Activation
Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Food Frequency Questionnaire
OH – Assistance with the Experiment
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
Mating РТ-50-1М TLM Connectors to БКС
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
R&R of РТ-50-1М No. 1 – Closeout Ops
EXPRESS Rack 1 Common Laptop Software Load
Installation of Samsung tablet computer SW on RSK1, RSK2 computers / r/g 8411
ER7 – Disconnect cable from the laptop
IMS Tagup (S-band)
Ocular Health – Preparation
Re-torque the Crank Handle socket head cap screw
Tightening ARED Bolts
Ocular Health – Experiment Ops
OTKLIK. Hardware Check / r/g 8408
OH – Assistance with the Experiment
MATRYOSHKA-R. Monitoring Lulin-5 readings / r/g 8409
Ocular Health – Preparation
Ocular Health – Data Export
ТКГ 424 (DC1) Stowage and IMS Ops / r/g 8410
Photography of space behind SM panels 340, 341, 460, 461, 462, 464.r/g 8401
Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Food Frequency Questionnaire
ANISO – Setting up samples for observation
Removal of GoPro camera in ТК 716
USND2 – Hardware Deactivation
Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Nutritional Assessment (ESA)
JPM – Measuring Inter Module Ventilation (IMV) Flow
IMS Delta File Prep
Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
MELF2 – Ice Brick Insertion
TWIN – Urine Sample Collection
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
Rodent Research (RR) – Hardware Removal and Stowage
Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
Rodent Research (RR) – Hardware Setup
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 8358
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
Crew conference with Astronaut Office
Cognition – Experiment Ops
Completed Task List Items
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
Ocular Health ops
N2 MDM EEPROM refresh
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Saturday, 04/04: Housekeeping, Twin Study
Sunday, 04/05: Crew off duty
Monday, 04/06: EMU water tank maintenance/loop scrub, BP Reg hardware setup, SCOF launch lock fix
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Shutdown
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Reprocess
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full Up