NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 28 May 2015

The Leonardo Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) has been reopened at its new location on the forward port of the Tranquility module. Commander Terry Virts and Flight Engineer Samantha Cristoforetti worked on completing PMM configuration activities.
Meanwhile, the Expedition 43 crew went about its scheduled tasks of microgravity science and orbital maintenance.
One-Year crew member Scott Kelly and cosmonaut Gennady Padalka joined each other for the Fluid Shifts study. That experiment observes how upper and lower body fluid shifts may affect a crew member’s brain pressure and vision.
Kelly’s fellow One-Year crew member, Mikhail Kornienko, explored how fluid changes in microgravity can affect a crew member’s immunology and blood pressure for the Morze experiment. Flight Engineer Anton Shkaplerov primarily worked maintenance in the station’s Russian segment.
On-Orbit Status Report
Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) Relocation: This morning the crew completed the Node 3 Forward vestibule outfitting. The PMM hatch was opened and the crew ingressed the PMM in its new location. While attempting to install the supply and return Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) jumpers, it was determined that the Node 3 and PMM interfaces are offset, and the vestibule jumpers from the Node 1 Nadir location did not fit. The crew scavenged and installed an offset jumper at the supply IMV location that had previously been used to support H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) at Node 2 Zenith. The HTV-5 plan does not require use of this offset jumper. This puts PMM in a good configuration for nominal operations, since the hatch provides return air exchange. Kelly deployed the updated EMER-1a and Leak Kit Instructions post-PMM relocation.
Progress 58P Thruster Test: MCC-M performed a test of Progress 58P ??? thruster #1 to troubleshoot the issue that caused the aborted Reboost on May 16. The first part of the test was performed to verify the performance of thruster #1 during a 10-second firing of that thruster alone. The second part of the test was performed to verify software performance around the time of ignition for a planned Reboost. The Reboost was automatically terminated after 1 second, so very little dV was actually achieved. MCC-M specialist are reviewing the data from this test.
Columbus (COL) Water On-Off Valve (WOOV)6 Removal and Replacement (R&R) Prep: Today Cristoforetti gathered the hardware she will need to perform the COL IFHX WOOV6 R&R tomorrow. She also prepped the work area for a COL Express Rack (ER) 3 tilt-down by relocating the HAM Video hardware to COL1D2 rackfront and disconnecting almost all of the ER3 umbilicals from the Z-Panel at the Z-Panel at Columbus standoff (TCS jumpers were left mated).
Fluid Shifts Baseline Imagery Collection: Today, Kelly is performing his Flight Day 45 baseline imaging for the Fluid Shifts experiment. With Padalka as the onboard imager and ground remote guidance, ultrasound imaging was taken of arterial and venous measures of the head and neck, cardiac, ophthalmic and portal vein, and tissue thickness of lower and upper body. Additional measurements using the Cerebral and Cochlear Fluid Pressure (CCFP), Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), ESA’s Cardiolab (CDL) Holter Arterial Blood Pressure Device, and Intraocular Pressure (IOP) using the tonometer were taken as well. The crew experienced some issues with the Tonometry baseline test, but three successful scans were performed, meeting science requirements. Additional troubleshooting will be performed tomorrow. The imagery session was within the 10 day requirement following last week’s dilution measurements. Fluid Shifts is a joint NASA-Russian experiment that investigates the causes for severe and lasting physical changes to astronaut’s eyes. Because the headward fluid shift is a hypothesized contributor to these changes, reversing this fluid shift with a lower body negative pressure device is investigated as a possible intervention. Results from this study may help to develop preventative measures against lasting changes in vision and eye damage.
Exposed Experiment Handhold Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) Checkout: JAXA robotic ground controllers are performing Day 2 of 3 of the checkout of Fiducial Marker, one of the payloads on the Handhold Experiment Platform (HXP) that was installed this week. Controllers are utilizing the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) and Small Fine Arm (SFA). Tonight the ground will maneuver the SFA to the Video Light Unit (VLU) Reflection Position to acquire an SFA camera view of Fiducial Marker. The ExHAM was deployed through the Airlock via Slide Table, and attached on a Handhold by JEMRMS utilizing the SFA. Array Mark is exposed for a certain period of time in space environment. Images of the sample are taken by the SFA camera, to demonstrate the SFA operation with Array Mark and to evaluate its aged deterioration. After the designated duration of exposure time, ExHAM is detached from the Handhold and taken into the JEM Airlock and returned for analysis.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities are on schedule unless otherwise noted.
??RZE. “SPRUT-2? bio-impedance measurements. / r/g 8935
CPA docking mechanism teardown in Node3
Taking audiogram using EARQ software
COSMOCARD. Closeout ops / r/g 8926
Fluid Shift- setup
Monitoring Condition of RS Structural Surfaces Using ???-2? Device / r/g 8916
??RZE. Psychophysiological Evaluation: tests Centrovka, Sensor
Removing protective cover from Node3 docking mechanism
NEIROIMMUNITET. Questionnaire / r/g 8933
PMM outfitting
NEIROIMMUNITET. Psychological test / r/g 8933
IMV valves installation in Node3
Monitoring Condition of RS Structural Surfaces Using ???-2? Device Tagup with specialist / r/g 8916
??RZE. Psychophysiological Evaluation: test SUPOS
MORZE. Psychophysiological Evaluation: Strelau Test
NANO- material review
FLUID SHIFT- activation and start of test
FLUID SHIFT- session run with assist
Fluid Shifts – session with tonometer
PMM hatch opening
Data prep on monitoring RSOS structural surfaces condition for downlink / r/g 8916
Rearranging hardware in Node2
ECLSS. Processing system tank R&R
Noise level measurements data transfer
PROBOY. RS?1 laptop ops. / r/g 8934
PROBOY. Proboy simulator ops. . / r/g 8934
Spacer installation to facilitate opening SM interior panel locks (pan 316 &317)
MATRYOSHKA-?. Photographing spherical phantom in “Kibo” / r/g 8932
BCAT- charge start
HMS – defibrillator inspection
PROBOY. Data copy and downlink / r/g
Taking audiogram using EARQ software
USOS window shutter close
??RZE. Psychophysiological Evaluation: Kettell tests
Noise level measurements data transfer
HW prep to R&R water valve WOOV6 in Columbus
NEIROIMMUNITET. Quesionnaire / r/g 8933
Demating HAM-radio hw from ER3 rack
Getting access to WOOV6 in Columbus prior to R&R
VCA1 camera setup
Pipe line removal from rack ER3
BCAT – battery replacement and image downlink
Completed Task List Items
Ground Activities
All activities are on schedule unless otherwise noted.
Progress Thruster Test
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 05/29: PEPS Inspection, PMM re-label, WOOV6 R&R, Fluid Shifts
Saturday, 05/30: Weekly Cleaning; Off Duty
Sunday, 05/31: Off Duty
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – Off
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – On
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Shutdown
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full Up