NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 27 March 2015

Kelly and Kornienko will spend about a year on the space station to better understand how the human body reacts and adapts to the harsh environment of space. Data from the one-year mission will be used to determine whether there are ways to further reduce the risks on future long-duration missions to an asteroid and eventually Mars.
The crew will support several hundred experiments in biology, biotechnology, physical science and Earth science — research that impacts life on Earth. Data and samples will be collected throughout the year from a series of studies involving Scott and his twin brother, former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly. The studies will compare data from the genetically-identical Kelly brothers to identify any subtle changes caused by spaceflight.
During the expedition, both a U.S. and a Russian cargo resupply vehicle will arrive at the station, bringing several tons of food, fuel, and supplies as well as a host of new science investigations.
Virts, Shkaplerov and Cristoforetti will return home in May 2015. At that time Padalka will become commander for Expedition 44. Padalka will spend six months aboard the outpost, during which he will become the first four-time station commander and record holder for most cumulative time spent in space. Kelly and Kornienko will return to Earth in March 2016 with Expedition 46 after 342 days in space.
You can follow the crew’s activities in space on social media. Follow space station activities via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Follow Twitter updates from Terry Virts, Samantha Cristoforetti, and Scott Kelly, and follow Kelly on Instagram.
To join the online conversation about the International Space Station and the one-year mission on Twitter, follow the hashtag #YearinSpace. To learn more about all the ways to connect and collaborate with NASA, visit:
On-Orbit Status Report
42 Soyuz (42S) Launch/Dock: 42S launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 2:43 pm CDT today with Scott Kelly, Mikhail Kornienko, and Gennady Padalka onboard. Docking to the MRM- 2 module was completed 8:42 pm CDT with hatch opening at 10:33 pm CDT. Today’s docking increases the ISS crew compliment from 3 to 6 crewmembers. It also begins Kelly’s and Kornienko’s one-year mission aboard the ISS.
Payload Command Response Anomaly – On GMT 085 (Thursday), ground controllers reported issues with commanding to some NASA racks in the Columbus module. Earlier today the team transitioned Payload (PL) MDM from PL-1 to PL-2. This transition recovered commanding capability to all NASA racks in the Columbus module. Ground teams continue to investigate cause of the anomaly.
Node 3 (N3) Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Status – On GMT 083 (Tuesday), N3 CDRA’s Air Selector Valve (ASV) 106 was replaced. Yesterday during leak checks, Node 3 CDRA shutdown after ASV 104 failed to transition from position A to B. After a few unsuccessful troubleshooting attempts, ground teams decided to stand down on additional troubleshooting until today to give the valve seals time to relax after significant valve cycling during the leak check. Today, the valve is responding nominally and N3 CDRA is currently operating nominally.
Aniso Tubule: Cristoforetti performed Run 10 sample preparations. She injected water into the sample which was then inserted into MELFI. The Aniso Tubule investigation seeks to understand the mechanisms that plants use in growing stems of the right thickness to support them against gravity. Microtubules, part of a plant cell’s molecular skeleton, align themselves with the local gravity field and thus produce short, thick bodies in hypergravity. This research will germinate Arabidopsis hypocotyls in space and then use a fluorescence microscope in the Kibo module to analyze the directions taken by tubules in the stem just below the leaves of new seedlings.
Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions-B (Triplelux-B): Cristoforetti performed Day 5 activities for the second run (1-g run) for Triplelux-B. The samples were reconstituted with fresh medium then warmed prior to being transferred, along with reagents to their respective Measurement Bags and Internal Filling Bags. Measurements were started, then luminol was added and more measurements taken. The cells and reagents were mixed and bioluminescence measured. The Triplelux experiment uses the measurement of the reactive oxygen burst as indication of phagocytic (engulfment of pathogen) activity of the cells under spaceflight conditions. Bioluminescence associated with the phagocytosis of the particles were measured over a period longer than 3 hours and the photomultiplier count curves could be followed real-time. Afterwards a cell sample was taken from the Cultivation Bags (CB) and mixed with a dye to perform viability testing using the BIOLAB microscope. The results of both bioluminescence measurements and viability test are being analyzed and interpreted. The science objective of Triplelux-B is to investigate and compare the ability of hemocytes (from the blue mussel) to kill pathogens under normal gravity and microgravity condition. The goal is to quantify the anti-microbial action of the hemocytes, using the chemical reaction that results in emission of light. This light will be detected with photomultipliers. The experiment might lead to a better understanding of immune system depression in spaceflight.
Stem Cell Differentiation Prep: In advance of the Stem Cell Differentiation experiment flying on 42S, Cristoforetti performed setup of the Kubik system. Stem Cells play a major role in the maintenance of bone mass, being the main source of osteoblasts during the bone remodeling and repair. The recruitment of an adequate number of osteoblasts is dependent on the availability of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) and their proper response to growth, differentiation, and chemotactic signals in the microenvironment. This investigation aims to understand how human mesenchymal stem cells react to a two week exposure to microgravity in terms of growth, senescence and differentiation towards osteoblasts when treated with Vitamin D3.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
ISS crew and ???? (RSA Flight Control Management Team) weekly conference
RGN – Transfer and Swap
IMS Tagup
ANISO – Samples Preparation
ANISO – Sample Insertion into MELFI
Video Camera Assembly (VCA1) Adjustment
PPS – KUBIK Retrieval and Installation
Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Food Frequency Questionnaire
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
SCD – KUBIK prep and installation
EXPR7 – EXPRESS Rack 7 and 3 locker relocation
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
TEPC Relocation from Port CQ to SM panel 328
EXPR8 – EXPRESS Rack 8 and 3 locker relocation
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
TPLXB – Set up hardware for the experiment:
TPLXB – Preparation of Glovebox
ISS RS Atmosphere Analysis Using ??? ????-4?
Counter Measures System (CMS) Harmful Contaminant Measurements in SM
TPLXB – Insert preparation and installation into AAS
Remove depress hose for nominal operations
Elektron-VM Liquid Unit Pressurization before Activation
Closing USOS Window Shutters
??? Maintenance
TPLXB – Sample Module Setup
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
RGN – Initiate Drain into TUBSS
SCD – KUBIK preparation and checkout
URAGAN. Observation and photography using Photo Equipment
IMS and Stowage Conference
TPLXB – Removal of Samples Kit from the TCU and Transfer to Incubator
RGN – Terminate Drain to TUBSS
Replacement of ??2 Filter Unit (??) ??0501
TPLXB – Equipment stowage
Closing USOS Window Shutter
Gathering exercise equipment
Crew Medical Officer (CMO) proficiency training
Crew Quarter Outfitting for the Arriving crew
TPLXB – Experiment Ops
Closure of SM window shutters No.6,8,9,12,13,14
Review “Hatch Opening from MRM2? and “Arrival of Expedition 43” TV Coverage procedure.
MPEG2 Multicast Test via Ku-band
Gas Analyzer Activation in ?? 715
???? configuration for ?? 716 docking to MRM2
Preparation ?? 716 for Docking to MRM2
Activation of TV and MPEG2 Multicast TV Coder
Monitoring Soyuz 716 Rendezvous with ISS (MRM2)
Activation of MPEG2 Multicast Recording Mode on CP SSC
Monitoring ?? 716 Rendezvous with ISS (MRM2)
Switching DC-SOYUZ PEV to ELECTR CONTROL (????? ???) mode
Deactivation of TV data monitoring equipment, Closing Laptop Applications and Downlink of MPEG2 Multicast via OCA
?? 716 – MRM2 Interface Leak Check. Start Drying 2 space suits
Comm Reconfiguration for Nominal Ops after 716 Docking
??-MRM2 hatch opening, TV coverage of “Expedition 43 Arrival”
Handover of the 3rd space suit for drying in ?? 715 [On Schedule]
Drying the 3rd spacesuit in ?? 715 – start [On Schedule]
Safety Briefing after ?? 716 Docking to MRM2 [On Schedule]
Terminate Suit 1, 2 Drying [On Schedule]
SLEEP. Actiwatch Ops [On Schedule]
Closing Applications, Deactivation of camcorders and TV data monitors [On Schedule]
Installing the 1st pair of gloves for drying [On Schedule]
?? 716 Deactivation (without ?? deactivation) [On Schedule]
BIOSIGNAL. Installation of Cryogem-03 Thermostat [On Schedule]
Finish drying the first pair of gloves and start drying the second pair [On Schedule]
Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Nutritional Assessment (ESA) [On Schedule]
?? 716 Deactivation (without ?? deactivation) [On Schedule]
ISS HAM – HAM Radio Power up [On Schedule]
SLEEP. Actiwatch Ops [On Schedule]
Terminate drying the second pair of gloves [On Schedule]
Stowage of the 1st and 2nd space suits and gloves after drying [On Schedule]
Terminate drying the 3rd suit, start drying the 3rd pair of gloves in T? 715 [On Schedule]
Terminate Drying the third pair of gloves in ?? 715 [On Schedule]
Handover of the 3rd space suit for stowage in ?? 716 [On Schedule]
Stow the 3rd suit and gloves after drying [On Schedule]
Closing USOS Window Shutter [On Schedule]
Completed Task List Items
LiOH relocate
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
42S launch/dock ops
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Saturday, 03/28: Crew off duty
Sunday, 03/29: Crew off duty
Monday, 03/30: 42S unpack, Emergency Roles and Responsibilities review, OBT Dragon self study, RAM deployment, AL RPCM R&R
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – Off
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Idle
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Standby
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up