NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 27 January 2015
![NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 27 January 2015](
Loss of Port Thermal Radiator (PTR) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM): This morning, there was a loss of the PTR MDM. This MDM controls and provides insight to the Radiator Beam Valve Module (RBVM) system on External Thermal Control System (ETCS) Loop B.
This afternoon, flight controllers downlinked and analyzed supplementary telemetry then reinitialized the MDM without issue. Preliminary investigation results point towards a radiation-induced transient failure.
NanoRacks Module 9: Wilmore activated/agitated/deactivated the mixture tubes to facilitate NanoRacks Module-9 operation C experiments. Module-9 is a collection of student research projects utilizing the NanoRacks Mixsticks. The NanoRacks-National Center for Earth and Space Science Education investigation results from a commercial Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education program overseen by the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE), called the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP). Student teams from across the United States design their own experiments using flight approved fluids and materials. The investigation consists of 19 different science experiments flown in a NanoRacks Module on board the ISS.
Advanced Plant Experiment (APEX) 03-1: Wilmore inserted nine APEX fixation tube kits into the Minus Eighty Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) and removed sample kit 4. APEX-03-1 continues a highly successful investigation into the effects of microgravity on the development of roots and cells on plant seedlings. The experiment photographs seedlings of Arabidopsis, or thale cress, every two hours as they grow in petri dishes. After 14 days, the seedlings are preserved for return to Earth and detailed analysis
Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures (CSLM)-4: After consultation with the ground team, Virts interrupted processing the fifth CSLM-4 sample and removed the sample processing unit (SPU). The SPU was stowed and is available for re-processing at a later time. This action was taken when an LED indicated an improper MODE for continuing successfully. The equipment was power cycled, appropriate trouble shooting performed and the sixth CSLM-4 sample inserted and prepared to be conditioned for processing starting Thursday. CSLM-4 is a materials science investigation that studies the growth and solidification processes (i.e., coarsening) in lead-tin solid-liquid mixtures that contain a small amount (low volume fraction) of tin branch-like (i.e., dendritic) structures, some of which possess many arms. During sample heating, the growth at the tip of each dendrite continues over time, whereas side branches, behind the tip, develop during constant temperature (i.e., isothermal) conditions. By understanding how temperature and time control the growth of such dendrites, researchers hope to develop more efficient and economical means of producing higher quality products derived from the casting of molten metals
NanoRacks Module-48: Cristoforetti took photos and videos of the contents of Module-48; a set of printed materials, seeds, and USB flash drives to be documented in orbit. The purpose of the experiment is to raise awareness of the potentials of spaceflight and encourage student interest in the sciences.
SpaceX-5 Dragon Cargo Loading: All three USOS Crewmembers continued loading cargo into Dragon today. SpaceX-5 unberth is scheduled to occur on 10 February 2015, with splash down occurring later the same day.
Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation: Wilmore operated fans on both Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMU) 3003 and 3005. He then removed EMU 3005 from the forward EMU Don/Doff Assemblies (EDDA) and install EMU 3011 for troubleshooting. Once EMU 3011 was installed onto the EDDA, Wilmore setup for high speed data and performed a dump and fill of the EMU water tanks prior to conducting a flush on the suit. Lastly, he terminated then initiated another Long Life Battery (LLB) charge cycle. This work is being conducted in preparation for upcoming EVAs next month.
Columbus Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Maintenance: Virts Installed an ITCS maintenance canister at the COL1O2 Utility Interface Panel (UIP) to introduce antimicrobial agent Ortho-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) to the COL ITCS. The canister is run in the system for a minimum of 4 hours to introduce the OPA into the loop and then the canister remains in the system for at least 24 hours for thermal equalization prior to removing the canister from the loop. This maintenance is done periodically to maintain the quality of the water in the ITCS loops.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities are completed unless otherwise noted.
DRAGON Transfer Ops
APEX3 – Sample Insertion into MELFI
Regeneration of ??? ?2 Micropurification Cartridge (start)
APEX3 – Sample Removal from MERLIN
Filling (separation) of EDV (KOV) for Elektron or EDV-SV
EKAM Battery Swap / See OSTPV for Procedure
BCAT – Battery Charge
Monitoring Performance of ???, ??? Loops / r/g 7806
VIRTUAL. Experiment Ops Tagup with specialists (as necessary)
Gathering equipment required for ITCS Preventive Maintenance in Columbus
CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops Tagup with specialists
EMU-3011 – Flushing
??? 424 (DC1) Transfers and IMS Ops
ITCS Maintenance Canister Installation in Columbus
Dumping and filling EMU Water Tanks prior to EMU 3011 Flush
VIZIR. Experiment Ops. Tagup with specialists. Note 4
Microbial Air Sampling (medium 2), medium 2 analysis, locations No.1-8. Note 4
EMU backpack replacement
EVA – Fan run in Airlock
EKAM – Battery Swap / See OSTPV for Procedure
URAGAN. Observation and photography using Photo Equipment
PROBOY. RSE1 Laptop Software Update for PROBOY Experiment
SM CO measurement using CMS unit
PROBOY. Connecting Auto Recorder [??]. Tagup with specialists
WRS Water Sample Analysis
BCAT – Battery Replacement and Photo Downlink
PROBOY. RS?1 Station Laptop Activity
PROBOY. Penetration Simulator Ops
NANO Mod 9 – Activation and Shaking the Tubes
PROBOY. Copy and Downlink Data / r/g 7809
????1, ????2 Dust Filter Replacement and MRM1 Gas-Liquid Heat Exchanger (???) Cleaning
Monitoring ???1 Loop Health
CSLM2 – Sample Processing
??? 422 (DC1) Stowage and IMS Ops
NANO Module 48- Photo/Video Ops
EMU LIB battery Charge (end)
Start EMU Battery Charge
EKAM – Battery Swap / See OSTPV for Procedure
Dragon – Cargo Tagup
TOCA Data Recording
Dragon Cargo Operations Conference
??? ?2 Absorption Cartridge Regeneration (termination)
Completed Task List Items
Dragon Cargo Ops [In work]
Ground Activities
All activities are completed unless otherwise noted.
Nominal Commanding
UHF activation/deactivation in support of EMU activities
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 01/28: Cargo Ops, Robonaut, Fruit Flies, and Cognition. ATV deboost
Thursday, 01/29: Cargo Ops, EVA Tool Cnfg, CSLM, J-SSOD install on JEMAL
Friday, 01/30: APEX harvest 3, EpiGenetics
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – On
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Idle
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up