NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 26 February 2014
![NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 26 February 2014](
Today: Cube Satellite (CubeSat) Operations and Deploys: Overnight 4 CubeSats were successfully launched by JAXA Robotic Flight Controllers from two NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD) locations.
Eleven more satellites will be deployed in the next 2 days. CubeSat format satellites are launched from the ISS for a variety of commercial and national customers.
Radiation Dosimetry Inside ISS-Neutrons 2 (RaDI-N2) Space Bubble Detector Deploy: FE-5 Mastracchio received 8 bubble detectors initialized by a Russian crewmember and placed them in their deployed locations. Radi-N2 is a follow-on investigation of RaDI-N1 and the Matroshka-R experiments conducted on ISS. Seven of the 8 neutron “bubble detectors” are attached to fixed locations inside the ISS and one is being carried by a crewmember. RaDI-N2 is designed to characterize the neutron radiation environment inside the ISS. The results of this investigation will be used to define the risk to ISS crewmembers’ health and in the development of advanced protective measures for future space flights.
Body Measures Investigation: FE-6 Wakata, with operator assistance from Mastracchio, set up cameras and performed body marker instrumentation, then collected calibration and body pose photos, neutral body posture video and circumference measurements. This is Wakata’s Flight Day 105 session. The goal of this study is to gather data to better understand the magnitude and variability of changes due to microgravity and fluid shifts within the human body during long-duration space flight. Results of the investigation may result in changes to space suit fit and sizing, workstation design, etc. for future missions to maximize performance, prevent injury, and reduce crew time to accommodate their anthropometrics.
Human Research Facility (HRF) Space Linear Acceleration Mass Measurement Device (SLAMMD) Body Measures: FE-3 Hopkins and Wakata performed their monthly body mass measurements. These measurements are used in support of Pro K and the Body Measures experiments. SLAMMD provides body mass through the application of Newton’s Second Law of Motion (force is equal to mass times acceleration). Two springs are used to generate a known force against a crewmember mounted on an extension arm and the resulting acceleration is used to calculate the subject’s mass.
Story Time From Space: Hopkins set up a camcorder and read the children’s book Max Goes to Jupiter. This is the fifth book reading for Story Time From Space, which combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crewmembers read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children’s books in orbit and complete simple science concept experiments. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials on the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) Academy educational website.
Audio Bus Coupler (ABC) 2 Remove and Replace (R&R): Hopkins performed an R&R of ABC 2 located in the Lab. The Audio Subsystem distributes voice and tones throughout the United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) via two redundant fiber optic busses (A and B). This task was performed in an attempt to resolve the fiber optic buss B faults that have been experienced since February 12th. After the R&R, Flight Controllers activated the new ABC and were able to perform a successful comm check with the crew utilizing only fiber optic bus B. However, the same fiber optic B faults re-appeared. The system continues to operate nominally with no issues being reported on fiber optic bus A. Ground teams will continue their investigation into the source of the fiber optic B faults.
Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Backup Drive Unit (BDU) Phase 3 Commissioning: Today the Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) and performed Phase 3 of the Commissioning of the SPDM BDU. This consisted of using the BDU to individually drive each of the joints in both SPDM Arms. The purpose of this commissioning was to verify that each joint would correctly move to the commanded position when driven by the BDU. The Robotics Ground Controllers also performed periodic SPDM Brake and Joint Diagnostics, On-Orbit Replaceable Unit (ORU) Tool Changeout Mechanism (OTCM) Diagnostics and Checkouts, and OTCM Camera Light Assembly (OCLA) Television Camera (OTVC) Checkouts in preparation for the SPDM SpaceX-3 Payload Operations in March.
Today’s Planned Tasks
REACTION – Self-reaction test [Complete]
REMINDER – Reading ARED Exercise Reminder [Complete]
PROK – Urine Sample Collection [Complete]
SPLANH. Experiment Ops. r/g 4938nu [Complete]
SPLANH. Photography of the Experiment Ops / r/g 4939 [Complete]
NAPOR-miniRSA. [Complete]
MATRYOSHKA-R. r/g 4955 [Complete]
Airlock Bacterial/Charcoal Filter Remove & Replace [Complete]
Set up video equipment to record ARED exercise [Complete]
ISS Crew / SSIPC FD Conference [Complete]
Story Time (ST) Camcorder Setup and Reading the Book [Complete]
?? 710 Pre-pack / r/g 4897 [Complete]
Story Time (ST). Historical Documentation Photography [Complete]
BODYM – Camcorder Setup [Complete]
Handover of RADIN dosimeters[Complete]
MATRYOSHKA-R. Handover of BUBBLE-dosimeters to USOS / r/g 4955 [Complete]
MATRYOSHKA-R. BUBBLE-dosimeter initialization and positioning for exposure.(S-band) / r/g 4955 [Complete]
Radin dosimeter deployment [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 4787 [Complete]
BODYM – Body Mass Measurement Assistance [Complete]
Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification [Complete]
OBT – Fireport Deploy procedure review [Complete]
HRF – Urine Sample Insertion [Complete]
SM Sample Collection behind panels(130, 131) / r/g 4948 [Complete]
Periodic Fitness Evaluation – Nom Ops (subject) [Complete]
VIRU. Software Upgrade. [Complete]
VIRU. Relaksatsiya Experiment Ops r/g 4959 [Complete]
Periodic Fitness Evaluation – Nom Ops (assistance) [Complete]
NAPOR-miniRSA. Video Equipment Setup and Recording r/g 4957 [Complete]
SPLANH. Blood Biochemistry Analysis Repeat r/g 4938nu [Complete]
Filling (separation) of EDV [KOV] for Elektron /Atmosphere Revitalization System r/g 4807 [Aborted]
SPLANH. Closeout Ops. Tagup with specialists / r/g 4938nu [Complete]
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification [Complete]
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHS) Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter Changeout [Complete]
??? Maintenance [Complete]
JAXA – Video Camera Setup [Complete]
JAXA Video from Cupola [Complete]
CIR – Upper Rack Doors Open [Complete]
CIR – Replacement of equipment element and video recording [Complete]
PROK – Diet Log [Complete]
CIR – R Upper Rack Doors Close [Complete]
Sample collection from underneath the overlay Plates on SM interior panels r/g 4948, 4950 [Complete]
Video Footage of Greetings / r/g 4958 [Complete]
HRF1 Hardware Setup [Complete]
OBT – Fireport Deploy procedure review [Complete]
HRF1 – SW Installation and Body Mass Measurement [Complete]
VIRU. Fill out and Downlink VIRU Log Sheet / r/g 4959 [Complete]
?? 710 pre-pack / r/g 4897 [Complete]
HMS Defibrillator Inspection [Complete]
Fireport Deploy Procedure Update [Complete]
EHS MCD Water Processing [Complete]
HRF1 – Equipment Stowage [Complete]
OBT – Fireport Deploy procedure review [Complete]
IMS Update [Complete]
ABC2 – Audio Circuit R&R [Complete]
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification [Complete]
Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
JAXA – Video Camera Setup [Complete]
JAXA Video from Cupola [Complete]
JAXA – Video Closeout [Complete]
OBT – Fireport Deploy procedure review [Complete]
NAPOR-miniRSA. Log-File Dump / r/g 4956 [Complete]
Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification [Complete]
OBT – Fireport Deploy procedure review [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 4787
Stow Video Equipment Used for ARED Exercise Video [Complete]
REACTION – Self-reaction test [Complete]
REMINDER – Urine Collection Reminder [Complete]
Task List
ARED Cylinder Evac
WHC KTO replace
Preparation of reports for Roskosmos site
EKON-M. Observations and photography
JSL Lab UIP Photo
36S Pre-pack [In Work]
Food warmer 1007 repair [Complete]
CWCI relocate
Crew Departure Prep [In Work]
Data prep return-CDR, FE-2, FE-3
Nominal Commanding [Complete]
SPDM BDU Phase III Commissioning Activities [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Thursday, 02/27: Try Zero G Experiment, Dragon rendezvous OBT, NCRSD Deploys
Friday, 02/28: SPHERES Slosh, Aniso Tubule, NCRSD Deploys
Saturday, 03/01: Weekly Cleaning, Crew Day Off
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – Off
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Operate
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Standby
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up