NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 25 March 2014

Today: 38 Soyuz (38S) Launch: Soyuz Commander Skortsov, Artemyev, and Swanson launched onboard Soyuz 38S this afternoon at 4:17pm CDT. Ascent was nominal, but the subsequent DV3 burn was not performed as planned and today’s docking was postponed. Docking is now planned for Thursday evening at 6:58pm CDT. The vehicle is in a stable configuration and the crew is in good spirits.
X2R12.1 Software Transition: The transition to the X2R12.1 software suite was scheduled to begin shortly after Soyuz docking this evening. Due to the docking delay, the transition is delayed to no earlier than after docking on Thursday. Once installed, the X2R12.1 software will provide enhancements to the following systems: External Active Thermal Control System (EATCS), Radiator Goal Angle Calculation (RGAC), Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ)/Thermal Radiator Rotary Joint (TRRJ) and Mobile Transporter (MT).
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle/Insert Filter Remove & Replace: ISS Commander (CDR) Wakata performed a R&R of the WHC Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter. A functionality test was performed following the activity and all is nominal.
Robotics Workstation (RWS) Display Control Panel (DCP) Power Reconfiguration: Flight Engineer (FE) 5 Mastracchio powered the LAB RWS DCP using Utility Outlet Panel (UOP)-1 to ensure workstation redundancy during Space X-3 berthing. The LAP51A4A_A Remote Power Controller (RPC) 18 that nominally powers the LAB DCP tripped open on March 17 and cannot currently be considered a reliable power source. The crew also provided a second grounding path for both the LAB and Cupola DCPs by routing a 16 gauge wire from each DCP to specified grounding locations near each UOP. Successful checkouts of each of the DCPs were performed following the activity, and LAP51A4A_A RPC 18 was once again closed.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: Last night, in preparation for SpX-3 capture, Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS on the Prime String, maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to the Latching End Effector (LEE) Snare Cables Inspection Position and performed the SSRMS LEE, Brake and Joint Diagnostics. Controllers then powered down the SSRMS, powered it up again on the Redundant String and repeated the SSRMS LEE, Brake and Joint Diagnostics. They also verified visually that the LEE-A Snares Cables closed and opened properly. Finally, Controllers maneuvered the SSRMS back to the SpX Capture High Hover Position.
Today’s Planned Tasks
Laptop RS1(2) Reboot [Complete]
SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
X2R12.1 software review [Complete]
SSIPC flight director – ISS crew conference [Complete]
БМП F2 absorption cartridge regeneration (start) [Complete]
WRS – water sampling [Complete]
BACKUP. Voice channel check on S/G1 with «Baikonur» [Deferred]
HAM radio pass [Complete]
Hardware stow in Progress #422 (DC1) for disposal with IMS update / r/g 5106 [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. r/g 5161
SEISMOPROGNOZ. Date downlink from БСПН via RSS1 (start). r/g 5159 [Complete]
Hardware stow in Progress #422 (DC1) for disposal with IMS update / r/g 5106 [Complete]
WHC – Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter Remove and Replace [Complete]
PAO setup [Complete]
Crew preparation for PAO [Complete]
PAO event [Complete]
IFM – PWR Display and Control Panel, Part 1 [Complete]
RWS Setup [Complete]
IFM – PWR Display and Control Panel, Part 2 [Complete]
NOD1 Encoder T/S [Complete]
IMS update [Complete]
Journal Entry [Complete]
TOCA – data recording [Complete]
FPEF – cable connect [Complete]
SEISMOPROGNOZ. Date downlink from БСПН via RSS1 (end). r/g5159 [Complete]
USOS shutter close [Complete]
Welcome Message Print out for arriving crew [Complete]
Operation using TПK onbord datafiles. Soyuz Space Suit- 1,2 dry – start [Complete]
37S Gas-Analyzer Activation [Complete]
Regenegation of Micropurification unit (БМП) Ф2 cartridge (finish) [Complete]
ISS HAM Radio Power down [Complete]
Procedure review of TV reports “Transfer Hatch Opening from MRM2” and “ISS-39 [Complete]
Crew Quarters Outfitting for New Crewmembers [Complete]
USOS window shutters close [Complete]
СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
Soyuz Docking preparation to MRM2 / СУДН r/g5158
Test coder MPEG-2 multicast activation/deactivation
СТТС configuration for ТК 712 dock to MRM2
NightPod in Cupola – install [Deferred]
NightPod – night earth photography [Deferred]
Monitoring of TK rendezvous to ISS r/g5158 [Deferred]
NightPod – teardown [Deferred]
Test coder MPEG-2 multicast activation. [Deferred]
Monitoring of TK rendezvous to ISS r/g5158 [Deferred]
On MCC Go Switch КВД DC-ТК to electrical control mode [Deferred]
Application closeout and MPEG2 multicast data d/l via OCA [Deferred]
On MCC Go TK 712 – MRM2 Interface leak check [Deferred]
Comm reconfig after TK 712 dock to MRM2 [Deferred]
Installation of H/W in SM to support TV coverage of ISS-39 Arrival from SM / r/g5160 [Deferred]
КСПЭ equipment setup for TV report “Transfer Hatch Opening” from MRM2 / r/g5160 [Deferred]
ТК-MRM2 hatches open, PAO-TV-rep “ISS-39 Arrival” (Ku+S-band) [Deferred]
Spacesuit 3 handover for drying in TK 711 [Deferred]
ISS HAM Radio Power up
Drying Soyuz Space Suit 3 in TK 711 – start [Deferred]
CEVIS USB connection to SSC [Deferred]
ISS Safety Briefing post TK 712 dock [Deferred]
Drying Soyuz Space suit 1,2 – termination [Deferred]
On MCC Go [TBC] deactivation. r/g5160 [Deferred]
Crew Quarters Outfitting for New Crewmembers [Deferred]
Drying the 1-st pair of gloves – start [Deferred]
ТK 712 Deactivation (no GA deactivation) [Deferred]
SHD1ST – Daily Questionnaire
Drying the 1-st pair of gloves – term, drying the 2-nd pair of gloves – start [Deferred]
Drying the 2-nd pair of gloves – term [Deferred]
Drying the 3-d space suit – term, drying the 3-rd pair of gloves in TK 711 – start [Deferred]
Soyuz Space suits 1, 2 and 1st and 2nd pair of gloves stowage after dry [Deferred]
Drying the third pair of Soyuz Space gloves in TK 711 – term [Deferred]
USOS Window Shutter Close
Soyuz Space Suit 3 and 3rd pair of gloves handover for stowage after dry [Deferred]
Soyuz Space suit 3 and 3rd pair of gloves stowage after dry [Deferred]
Task List
54P Trash Gather
ARED Cylinder Evac
WHC KTO Replace
EHS CSACP Battery Build
EVA UIA Filter Flash R&R
IFM MELFI Insulation Install [Complete]
HMS Med Kit Photos
Melfi Insulation Install
JPM1F6 ZSR audit
THC OGS Flow Measure [Complete]
Nominal Commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 03/26: half duty day
Thursday, 03/27: 38S Docking
Friday, 03/28: TBD
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Standby
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up