NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 23 December 2014

Today: Neuromapping: The crew supported operations to complete objectives of the NeuroMapping Neurocognitive Test.
After connecting a control pad to the HRF laptop, Virts launched the NeuroMapping application and completed the Mental Rotation I Test, the Sensorimotor Adaptation Test, the Dual Task Test while tethered, and the Mental Rotation II Test while free-floating. Wilmore took photographs of the subject Virts completing the tasks. The Neuromapping experiment studies whether long-duration spaceflight causes any changes to the brain, including brain structure and function, motor control, and multi-tasking; as well as measuring how long it takes for the brain and body to recover from those possible changes. Previous research and anecdotal evidence from crewmembers returning from a long-duration spaceflight suggests that movement control and cognition are affected in microgravity. The NeuroMapping investigation utilizes structural and functional magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI and FMRI) to assess any changes to crewmembers after a six-month mission on the International Space Station.
ISS SERVIR (“to serve” in Spanish) Environmental Research and Visualization System (ISERV): Wilmore will retrieve the hard drive plugged into the ISERV laptop and connect it to an SSC for imagery downlink. ISERV is an automated system designed to acquire images of the Earth’s surface from the International Space Station (ISS). It is primarily a means to gain experience and expertise in automated data acquisition from the ISS, although it is expected to provide useful images for use in disaster monitoring and assessment, and environmental decision making.
Bone and Muscle Check: Cristofotetti will collect Saliva and urine samples to support Bone and Muscle Check. Salivary Markers of Metabolic Changes during Space Missions (Check-Saliva) tests crewmembers’ saliva, blood, and urine before, during and after spaceflight to study whether saliva tests can serve as reliable health monitors. Microgravity reduces bone and muscle mass, which is related to changes in certain substances in the bloodstream and urine. Some of these changes can also be detected in saliva samples. Tests using Check-Saliva can validate whether saliva and/or urine can be used as simple, non-invasive tools to monitor crewmembers’ bone and muscle status during a space mission
Skin-B: Cristoforetti conducted her second Skin-B data collection using the Tewameter probe to measure the skin barrier function; the Visioscan Camera to measure skin surface topography; and the Corneometer probe to measure skin hydration. The Skin-B experiment will improve understanding of skin aging, which is slow on Earth but very much accelerated in space. This will also provide insights into the aging process in other (similar) bodily tissues in general. The data could help in determining impact on astronauts on future missions to the Moon and Mars for example where environmental conditions are more challenging.
Dragon cargo operations: Virts and Christoforetti continued cargo operations to prepare hardware for return on Dragon.
Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Hardware Search: Wilmore performed a search for a bag of NORS hardware had been displaced and successfully found the hardware. The NORS system when installed replaces the Space Shuttle capability to deliver high pressure nitrogen and oxygen to replenish the ISS High Pressure Gas Tanks (HPGTs).
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
HRF – Blood collection, centrifuge ops and MELFI insertion
SPLANH. Experiment Ops. / r/g 7511
RGN-REC TK – Transfer and Replacement
BAR. Experiment Ops. / r/g 7532
HRF Urine Sample Collection & Insertion Into MELFI
NMAP – Hardware Test
MIS (Multifunction Crew Information Support System) SW Test on ISS RS. / r/g 7514
CIR – Hardware Setup
Bone/Muscle Check (BMC) – Sample Collection and MELFI Insertion
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
Adjustment Calibration of Freon Leak Analyzer/Detector (???) Coefficients.
SKNB – Experiment Ops with Data Downlink
OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from ???? (Payload Server) to RSS1 Laptop
Installation of overlay sheets on FGB interior panels (104).
ITCS Sampling using the Columbus Coolant Fluid Servicer (CCFS)
Dragon Prepack
VIRTUAL. Experiment Ops. (as necessary) / r/g 7311
RGN REC-TNK – Removal of depress hose for nominal operations
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
RGN – Terminate water drain from EDV to ATV
ISERV – Connecting 120 GB USB Hard Drive
WRS Maintenance & Water Sample Analysis
Life On The Station Photo and Video / r/g 7290
Dragon Prepack
Filling EDV from ATV5 WDS Tank Using Compressor
Analysis of SM Atmosphere for Freon Using ???
VIZIR. Experiment Ops. / r/g 7535
RSS2 Laptop SW Update / r/g 7533
SPLANH. Experiment Setup / r/g 7530
SM CO measurement using CMS unit / r/g 7392
ISS RS Atmosphere Analysis Using ??? ????-4?
Remove or mark out erroneous labels on select GLAs
TOCA Data Recording
Completed Task List Items
Actiwatch return prep
IWIS RSU checks RS
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
Nominal commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 12/24: OOHA test, 40S OBT Emergency Drill, JEMRMS Bus Mon, ELITE 2 Camera Setup, Lab MCA Install
Thursday, 12/25: Crew Holiday
Friday, 12/26: OOHA Test, CMO OBT, ITCS Samples, ABRS hardware removal, Bone Density
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – On
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Stop
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up