NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 23 December 2013

Today: US Extravehicular Activity (EVA) 25 Prep: The USOS crew is scheduled for a half-duty day today in advance of tomorrow’s EVA.
FE-3 Hopkins and FE-5 Mastracchio continued their preparation for the second Pump Module (PM) Remove and Replace (R&R) EVA, scheduled for Tuesday, December 23. The crew has terminated the battery charging, configured the tools and Airlock/Equipment lock, performed a final procedure review with a conference with EVA specialists.
RS EVA #37 Dry Run: CDR Kotov, FE-2 Ryazanskiy with the assistance from FE-4 Tyurin performed the dry run for Friday’s scheduled RS EVA #37. The crew donned their Orlan EVA suits to check out the suits and medical equipment as well as verify suit fit. Kotov and Ryazanskiy also reviewed various procedures including how to translate while in their Orlans.
Today’s Planned Tasks
Communication configuration for training in Oan space suit [Complete]
DC1 air ducts removal prior to training (?3 is not to be removed). [Complete]
Space suits Orlan #4 and #6 systems checkout, prior to training. [Complete]
DC1 Orlan interface unit [???] check out [Complete]
Donning space suit Orlan [Complete]
Regen Recycle Tank R&R [Complete]
LLB Charge Terminate [Complete]
Training of movement in space suit Orlan – assistance during training in space suit [Complete]
Comm check and medical parameters monitoring. [Complete]
EMU Battery & MetOx install [Complete]
US EVA Tool Config [Complete]
Equipment Lock Prep [Complete]
Space suit and ??? initial conditions check out during training. [Complete]
Donning Orlan space suits #4, #6, closing back packs [Complete]
Orlan space suit and ??? control units check out [Complete]
Orlan space suit and ??? preliminary leak check [Complete]
Orlan space suits ##4,6 fit check at ?.??=0.4 [Complete]
BSA Charge Terminate [Complete]
Movement training in Orlan space suit [Complete]
Orlan space suit egress [Complete]
Comm equipment reconfiguration back to initial condition after training in Orlan space suit [Complete]
??? maintenance [Complete]
Preparation for SM Window Inspection and Photography [Complete]
Post-training activities, air ducts re-install [Complete]
US EVA procedure Review [Complete]
US EVA S/G Conference [Complete]
Robotics Procedure Review [Complete]
Robotics Conference [Complete]
Inspection and photography of ISS RS Windows No. 2, No. 13. Photo File Prep for Downlink [Complete]
Removable elements installing on Orlan space suits prior to EVA [Complete]
Onboard ??-3? replacement [Complete]
Replacing ???-?-24 S/N 1 (MRM2) with ???-?-24 S/N 0008310. [Complete]
ISS HAM Radio Power down [Complete]
USOS Window Shutter Close [Complete]
Task List
ARED Cylinder Evacuation
???-? R&R
CWCI Degas
Building a water sampling tool from the water line vent tube assembly that is installed in the spare XL Hard Upper Torso (HUT) [Complete]
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection
JAXA Report
Journals Nominal Entry
Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Jumper Build and Routing
WinEarth HISD Photos
ARED Bolt Tighten
IFM stowage Locate
JEM WIS RSU B4 S/N 1001 Sensor Replacement
Kubik 6 Belt Search
JPM1OF2 Lamp Housing Assembly (LHA) Replacement
National Engr Week Message
P/TV Trash
PPS Wipe
Pre-gather COL A/L
Pre-gather Empty CTBs
Recycle Tank Drain
Nominal Commanding
ETCS Loop A Repress
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 12/24: US EVA #25
Wednesday, 12/25: Crew Off Duty, Holiday
Thursday, 12/26: LCVG Water Sample, EMU Water Recharge, EVA Debrief
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up