Space Stations

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 19 December 2014

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
December 22, 2014
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 19 December 2014
US Astronaut Terry Virts works with the SPINSAT an expimental device aboard the International Space Station that tests movement and positioning of small satellites in space using new technology micro-thrusters. Credit: NASA.

Today: Cognition: Virts will act as the Cognition test operations subject. He will power on Human Research Facility (HRF) laptop, launch the Cognition application, and complete the Cognition test which includes pre-test questions and an array of cognitive tests with performance feedback.
Individualized Real-Time Neurocognitive Assessment Toolkit for Space Flight Fatigue (Cognition) is a battery of tests that measure how spaceflight-related physical changes, such as microgravity and lack of sleep, can affect cognitive performance. Cognition includes ten brief computerized tests that cover a wide range of cognitive functions, and provides immediate feedback on current and past test results. The software allows for real-time measurement of cognitive performance while in space.

NanoRacks: Virts viewed the Nanoracks Multi-Gas Monitor (MGM) on-board training materials for the Nanoracks Multi-Gas Monitor Reset. The crew manually power cycled Multi-Gas Monitor with a soft shut-down of the sensors and software, then a hard shut-down of the entire unit. The Nanoracks MGM is a proof of concept sniffer type payload mounted in a Nanoracks platform that continuously monitors oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia and water gases in the ISS cabin air.

Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Relocation: Today, Willmore and Virts relocated ARED from Node 3 Forward 2 to Node 3 Overhead 2. This activity is one of many that will be performed in preparation for the eventual relocation of the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) from the Node 1 Nadir Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) to the Node 3 Forward CBM.

ISS Wireless Instrumentation System (IWIS) Remote Sensor Unit (RSU) installation: Cristoforetti installed a new IWIS RSU in the Columbus lab. The IWIS gathers accelerometer data from sensors which are located in the FGB, SM, Node 2, US Lab, Node 2, JPM, Node 3, and Columbus and is used for structural loads assessments.

Portable Computer System (PCS) 1553 jumper installation: Virts installed a 1553 cable in Node 1. In a contingency, such as loss of all C&Cs Multiplexer/Demultiplexers (MDMs), this cable would allow the crew to connect a PCS to the Node 1 MDM directly to begin recovery procedures. The PCS is the ISS crew interface for commanding and monitoring the ISS vehicle hardware and associated software via the Command and Control (C&C) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM).

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

HRF Urine Sample Collection & MELFI Insertion
ISS crew and ???? (RSA Flight Control Management Team) weekly conference (S-band) / r/g 7472
ATV – start pressurization
Vozdukh Deactivation
BIOCARD. Assistance During the Experiment / r/g 7470
Life On The Station Photo and Video / r/g 7290
Ultrasound – HRF 1 Powerup
CIR – Hardware Setup
Ultrasound 2 – Scanning
Preparing for Photography of RS Windows (Procedure and r/g review) r/g 7499
Continuity checks of CAN-interface cables between Payload Interface Monitoring Unit (?????) (???1-?) and Master Clock Unit ???-?1. / r/g 7487
ATV – Terminate Pressurization
Photography of window panes ##2,13,14,26 in S? + r/g 7499
Closeout ops after continuity checks of CAN-interface cables between Payload Interface Monitoring Unit (?????) (???1-?) and Master Clock Unit ???-?1. / r/g 7487
NANO – review
Nanoracks (NR) – Multi-Gas Monitor (MGM) Reset
HRF – Equipment stowage after sample collection
URAGAN. Observation and Photography using VSS PL / r/g 7501
N1 PCS Jumper Installation
HMS – Food Questionnaire
Node 3 Stowage Relocation
Vozdukh Activation
ARED Relocation
N2 Hatch Latch
IWIS RSU Installation
SSC Printer Replacement
OBSTANOVKA. Preparing for replacement of Telemetry Storage Unit (????) removable media and monitoring ??? power off. / r/g 7500
Photo/Video equipment installation for video recording Exercise on ARED
Installation of overlay sheets on FGB interior panels (pan. 207). (as necessary)
OBSTANOVKA. Replacement of Telemetry Storage Unit (????) Removable Media. / r/g 7500
Cleaning vent screens on FGB interior panels (201, 301, 401)
Cognition test – subject
Completed Task List Items

EVA tether inspect [In Work]
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

Nominal commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:

Saturday, 12/20: Weekly Cleaning, Crew Off Duty
Sunday, 12/21: Crew Off Duty
Monday, 12/22: Dragon pre-pack, HRF Urine ops, FIR White Light R&R
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – On
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Stop
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Process
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.