NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 17 February 2014

Today: Cube Satellite (CubeSat) Operations: Four CubeSats were successfully launched by JAXA Robotic Flight Controllers from NanoRacks CubSat Deployer (NRCSD) locations 4 and 5 on Saturday, February 15th.
The commands to launch the CubeSats from these locations needed to be sent several times in order for the deployer doors to open. Previous attempts last week to launch from these locations were unsuccessful. This concludes the successful deployment of all 16 Dove CubeSats and paves the way for the deployment of 16 more satellites in the weeks to come.
Preparation for Cygnus Unberth and Release: Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Hopkins, FE-5 Mastracchio and FE-6 Wakata configured Cygnus and Node 2 vestibule today in preparation for unberth scheduled tomorrow, February 18th. The Cygnus hatch was closed this morning followed by the removal of power, data, and air revitalization system (ARS) jumpers. The crew then installed the Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Center Disk Cover and four CBM Controller Panel Assemblies (CPAs) onto an Active CBM bulkhead. Photographs and a subsequent crew inspection of CPA cables verified a good configuration and cable integrity to support tomorrow’s unberth. Cygnus is currently being powered though its Power Video Grapple Fixtures (PVGF) by the SSRMS and the Proximity (PROX/PLS) link was successfully checked out.
Unberth tomorrow is scheduled to start at 4:10 am CST and target release time is 5:40 am CST. After the departure burn, Cygnus will phase above and behind ISS and conduct several Detailed Test Objectives to characterize spacecraft performance during free-flyer operations. Several burns to set up for destructive re-entry will take place on Wednesday, February 19th, with the final re-entry burn planned for 11:46 am CST.
JAXA 4K Camera Shooting: On Saturday, February 15th, Wakata captured video images of auroras, Sochi, Tokyo, and Yokohama. 4K Camera shooting is one of JAXA’s educational activities that attract public attention concerning Japanese manned space flight activities.
Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Smartphone Test: On Saturday, February 15th, Hopkins set up cameras and hardware and conducted a test to demonstrate telerobotic operations using SPHERES and smartphone technology. The first part of the session was to check out the system. The second part was to demonstrate the capability to have SPHERES and an attached smartphone follow a human face as it moved. This investigation is used to assess the capability of consumer electronics to perform vision-based navigation and reduce risk in technology development for a robotic free-flyer. The face following portion of the test will be used to support development of a capability to film videos without the requirement to have a separate crewmember man a camera.
Body Measures Investigation: Today Hopkins, with operator assistance from Mastracchio, set up cameras and performed body marker instrumentation, then collected calibration and body pose photos, neutral body posture video and circumference measurements. This is Hopkins’ Return minus 30 (R-30) flight day session and his last of 6 sessions. The goal of this study is to gather data to better understand the magnitude and variability of changes due to microgravity and fluid shifts within the human body during long-duration space flight. Results of the investigation may result in changes to space suit fit and sizing, workstation design, etc. for future missions to maximize performance, prevent injury, and reduce crew time to accommodate their anthropometrics.
Today’s Planned Tasks
Morning Inspection. Laptop RS1(2) Reboot [Complete]
Morning Inspection. SM ??? (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
Cygnus PROX and ??? Power Activation [Complete]
Kazbek Fit Check [Complete]
BLB – Silica Gel Bags of Temperature Controlled Unit Cleaning [Complete]
Study of veins in lower extremities / r/g 4847 [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 4787 [Complete]
URAGAN. Photo Spectrum System Battery Charge (start) / r/g 3620 [Complete]
Video for Roscosmos TV Studio / r/g 4861 [Complete]
ISS Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Computer Based Training (CBT) [Complete]
???-1. Relaksatsiya P/L Battery Charge / r/g 3767 [Complete]
On-orbit Hearing Assessment using EARQ [Complete]
WRS Water Sample Analysis [Complete]
Filling (separation) of EDV [KOV] for Elektron r/g 4807, 3293 [Complete]
Study of veins in lower extremities / r/g 4847 [Complete]
ASEPTIC. Culture Medium Photography r/g 4857 [Complete]
Cygnus – Final Egress [Complete]
??? Maintenance [Complete]
ASEPTIC Photo Edit and Downlink / r/g 4857 [Complete]
ASEPTIC. Thermostat Removal / r/g 4857 [Complete]
Cygnus/Node 2 Vestibule Configuration for Demate [Complete]
NAPOR-miniRSA. SW Upgrade in ???1-?. r/g 4859
Replacement of E-K Pre-treat Container and Hose in ??? System [Complete]
MRM 2 windows inspection and photography, procedure review r/g 4866 [Complete]
Auxiliary Laptop Anti-Virus Update / r/g 4860 [Complete]
Cygnus Departure Conference [Complete]
Node 2 Nadir CBM Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) Installation [Complete]
???2 Fan screen cleaning Thermal Mode Control System [????] [Complete]
Exercise data downlink / r/g 2639 [Complete]
RELAKSATSIYAHardware Setup. r/g 4858 [Complete]
IMS Update [Complete]
USOS Window Shutter Close [Complete]
RELAKSATSIYA. Parameter Settings. r/g 4858 [Complete]
Cygnus/Node 2 Vestibule Configuration for Demate [Complete]
RELAKSATSIYA. Observation r/g 4858 [Complete]
Body Measures Experiment [Complete]
TOCA Data Recording [Complete]
Cygnus/Node 2 – Vestibule Depress and Leak Check [Complete]
RELAKSATSIYA. Closeout Ops. r/g 4858 [Complete]
Video for Roscosmos TV Studio / r/g 4861 [Complete]
Body Measures Experiment (assistance) [Complete]
RWS – Setup [Complete]
Body Measures Experiment [Complete]
URAGAN. r/g 4865 [Complete]
VZAIMODEISTVIYE. Experiment Ops / r/g 3743 [Complete]
URAGAN. Closeout ops/ r/g 4865 [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor / r/g 4787 [Complete]
Task List
JAXA Reports [Completed Saturday]
Laptop Cleanup [Completed Sunday]
ARED Cylinder Evac [Complete]
KTO Replace
???-? R&R
CWC-I Reorg [Complete]
Preparation of reports for Roskosmos site
EKON-M. Observations and photography
WHC PT Piping Inspection [Complete]
COL Stowage Consolidation
Data prep return-CDR, FE-2, FE-3
Food warmer troubleshooting [Deferred]
EMU METOX O-Ring change out [Complete]
Nominal Commanding [Complete]
CBM and Bolt checkout [In Work]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 02/18: Cygnus Unberth and Release, CIR Manifold Bottle Replacement
Wednesday, 02/19: BASS, CFE, Sprint VO2
Thursday, 02/20: SPINAL Scans, BASS
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up