Space Stations

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 15 May 2014

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
May 26, 2014
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 15 May 2014
NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 15 May 2014

Today: SpX-3 Dragon Departure Preps: Yesterday during during the crew day off, the SpX team performed a computer reboot to clear some error flags.
Today Swanson checked out the COTS UHF Communication Unit (CUCU) Crew Command Pane (CCP) that will be used for commanding the Dragon vehicle during unberth operations. Dragon unberth and release is scheduled for Sunday morning.

Resist Tubule: ISS CDR Swanson retrieved two resist tubule chambers from the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) and injected water into the tubule chambers. Afterwards the chambers were reinserted into MELFI. Resist Tubule clarifies the mechanisms of gravity resistance. Gravity resistance is a principal gravity response in plants, and plays an important role in the transition of plant ancestors from an aquatic environment to a terrestrial environment (about 450 million years ago), and in the consequent establishment of land plants. This present study clarifies the mechanisms of gravity resistance, in particular the processes from signal transformation and transduction, to response.

Veg-01: Swanson conducted a daily check and took a weekly photo of the plants for the Veggie investigation. Swanson watered and thinned the plants as needed so there is only one plant per plant pillow. The Veg-01 hardware validation test investigation utilizes the Veggie facility on ISS. This investigation will assess on-orbit function and performance of the Veggie facility, and focus on the growth and development of ‘Outredgeous’ Lettuce (Lactuca sativa ) seedlings in the spaceflight environment and the effects of the spaceflight environment on composition of microbial flora on the Veggie-grown plants and the Veggie facility.

Biotube-Magnetophoretically Induced Curvature in Roots (Biotube-MICRO) Remove: Swanson removed Biotube from Express Rack (ER) 8 and stowed it in the Dragon vehicle for return. BioTube MICRO investigates the potential for magnetic fields to orient plant roots as they grow in microgravity. Plants are not directly sensitive to magnetic fields, but starch grains, called amyloplasts, in plant cells respond to external magnetic fields. Brassica rapa seedlings will be grown in microgravity in the presence of magnets with about 50 times the strength of refrigerator magnets to see whether the orientation of the amyloplasts or other factors induce curvature in roots as they form.

Science Sample Transfer: Swanson and FE-2 Artemyev transferred science samples for return on SpaceX-3 from MELFI into Glacier-4. Some of the samples didn’t fit due to packing volume. A set of samples that have a longer shelf life will remain onboard and will return on a later flight. Swanson transferred the Micro-7 BioCell Habitats from Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator II (MERLIN) into Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA)-5 for return on SpaceX-3. Swanson also removed the APEX-02-2 petri plates from CGBA-6. Four of the plates will be stowed in MELFI for return on SpaceX-3, while five plates will return ambient.

Today’s Planned Tasks

SM ??? (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
Check ???-4, ???-7 Fuses in MRM1 [Complete]
Laptop RS1(2) Reboot [Complete]
RSS 1, 2 Reboot / r/g 1009[Complete]
Check position of MRM2 manual Circuit Breakers [???] on DC ??? and status of Fuses on Fuse Boxes ???-30, ???-36 [Complete]
Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
RST – Kit Retrieval from MELFI [Complete]
RST – Sample prep [Complete]
URAGAN. [Complete]
Re-connect Cables on ???2 from PCE to ?????. [Complete]
MATRYOSHKA-R. Monitoring Lulin-5 readings / r/g 4110 [Complete]
RST – Tubule Insertion into MELFI [Complete]
Installation of PCE Onboard Cabling. [Complete]
SMPL – Sample Transfer Procedure Review [Complete]
MELF/GLCR4 – Sample Transfer from MELFI [Complete]
Installation of ??? Z0000 in ISS SM. [Complete]
URAGAN. Test Activation of Photo Spectrum System (???) / r/g 5650 [Complete]
Connecting Cables to PCE Box. / r/g 5645 [Complete]
??-1 Flow Sensor Position Check [Complete]
Life On The Station Photo and Video / r/g 5136 [Complete]
??? Maintenance [Complete]
Install and Connect ATV Control Panel in SM ISS. [Complete]
VEG – Daily Plant Check[Complete]
VEG – Weekly Plants Photo [Complete]
VEG – Plant Thinning [Complete]
VEG – Plant Water Refill [Complete]
SHD – Weekly Questionnaire [Complete]
On-orbit Hearing Assessment using EARQ [Complete]
Mating PCE T/L connectors to ????2-12 / r/g 5645 [Complete]
Video Recording for Channel One / r/g 5649 [Complete]
MICRO7 – Transfer from MELFI and pre-pack for return on Dragon3 [Complete]
WRS Water Sample Analysis [Complete]
CUCU Check [Complete]
PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
PAO Event [Complete]
Pre-pack MDM cards for return on Dragon 3 [Complete]
CGBA Sample Insert/Retrieve [Complete]
APEX-02 Sample Insertion into MELFI [Complete]
Biotube-Micro – P/L Retrieval for Transfer [Complete]
IMS Update
TOCA Data Recording [Complete]
VZAIMODEISTVIYE. Experiment Ops / r/g 5391
Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
Task List

Water Processing Assembly (WPA) Packing Verification [Complete]
ARED Cylinder Evac [Complete]
WHC KTO Replace
Roscosmos Report
Ekon Photo
CTB 1048 Relocate
Dragon Temp Logger Find [In work]
MOOT restow
No Skid Tap Audit
NOD3 PEPS assessment
P/TV Hardware questions

Nominal commanding [Complete]
SSRMS walkoff from PDGF4 to PDGF1[Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:

Friday, 05/16: Space PUP, Biotube Micro transfer, Dragon ROBoT OBT, Glacier transfer to Dragon
Saturday, 05/17: Double Coldbag packing, Dragon egress
Sunday: 05/18: Dragon unberth
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Standby
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Stop
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.