Space Stations

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 13 March 2014

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
March 14, 2014
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NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 13 March 2014
NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 13 March 2014.

Today: SpaceX-3 Launch Delayed: Due to contamination found on the beta cloth shields in the SpaceX-3 unpressurized external trunk, the decision was made to move the launch of SpX-3 to later in the month. The exact day of launch will be assessed by ground teams. Specialists are reviewing options for addressing the contamination issue on the beta cloth shields.
Environmental Health System (EHS) – Sound Level Meter (SLM) Setup and Operations: Earlier this morning Commander (CDR) Wakata set up the SLM to perform acoustic measurements of the ISS. This is a routine activity to measure the acoustic environment in the habitable areas. Data is transferred to a Station Support Computer (SSC) for downlink to the ground for assessment.

Dragon On Board Training (OBT) Offset Grapple: In preparation for SpX-3 berthing, Wakata and Flight Engineer (FE)-5 Mastracchio performed this OBT in the Cupola followed by a conference with ground teams. The crew members practiced several grapple approaches. Following the activity, the crew disassembled the Robotics Work Station (RWS).

Treadmill 2 (T2) 6-Month Inspection: This morning Mastracchio completed this routine maintenance on the T2. He cleaned the closeout panels, greased forward and rear axles, inspected treadmill motor carriage bolts and belts.

Today’s Planned Tasks

Laptop RS1(2) Reboot / Onboard Computer System [Complete]
RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
Acoustic Dosimeters: hardware setup for static measurements [Complete]
URAGAN. Photo Spectrum System Battery Charge (start) / r/g 3620 [Complete]
ISERV – Window Shutter Open [Complete]
T2 Semi-Annual Maintenance [Complete]
Locating Equipment to Replace ??? (?1) / r/g 5085 [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from ???? to RSS1 (start) / r/g 5087 [Complete]
Water Transfer from Progress 422 Water Tank ??2 to EDV and Progress 422 Water Tank ??2 Shell r/g 5084 [Complete]
SSRMS Checkout [Complete]
PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
Crew Prep For PAO [Complete]
PAO Event [Complete]
SLM data transfer [Complete]
T2 Activation and Checkout Video Setup [Complete]
T2 – Activation and Functional Check [Complete]
Treadmill 2 (T2) Activation and Checkout (ACO) Video Teardown [Complete]
URAGAN. Observation and Photography using Photo Spectrum System / r/g 5088 [Complete]
PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
On MCC GO Filling up ??? 422 (DC1) ???? Section 2 with N2, [Complete]
PAO Event [Complete]
Preparation for ???(?1) Replacement. r/g 5085 [Complete]
OBT Dragon Offset Grapple No. 2 [Complete]
On MCC GO Demating ??? (?1) J-4 connector. r/g 5085 [Complete]
??? (?1) R&R. Tagup with specialists / r/g 5085 [Complete]
On MCC GO Mating ??? (?1) J-4 connector. r/g 5085 [Complete]
??? (?1) R&R Closeout. Tagup with specialists / r/g 5085 [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from ???? to RSS1 (end) / r/g 5087 [Complete]
Installation of (portable broadcast) ??? 307 light in SM. r/g 5086 [Complete]
OBT – ROBoT HTV Debrief Conference [Complete]
SLM data transfer [Complete]
Screw Clamp Tightening on MRM1 side [Complete]
HAM Radio Session [Complete]
IMS and Stowage Conference [Complete]
Rodnik Water Tank 2 bladder compression in ??? 422 – Close-out ops r/g 5084 [Complete]
SSRMS Checkout [Complete]
Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
???-1. Relaksatsiya P/L Battery Charge / r/g 4157 [Complete]
REACTION – Self-reaction test [Complete]
Task List

ARED Cylinder Evac [Complete]
IMS Edit
WHC KTO replace
EKON-M. Observations and photography
AC Vacuum Bag R&R
RGN WSTA Fill [Complete]
FSL FASES Bypass [Complete]
Dragon ROBoT self study [In work]
CFE – ICF1 OPS Parts 1,2,3
EMU SLE Deltas Training
CFE ICF1 Ops Pt, 1, 2, 3
CSA CP Battery Check [Complete]
Hatch Seal Inspection Pt. 2 [Complete]
EVA SCOF cycle [Complete]
NOD1S4 Rack Labels [Complete]

Nominal Commanding [Complete]
SSRMS Checkout [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:

Friday, 03/14: NATGEO Event #1, CIR needle R&R
Saturday, 03/15: Crew off duty
Sunday, 03/16: Crew off duty, NATGEO Event #2
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – Off
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Operate
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Standby
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Operate
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Norm
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.