NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 10 August 2013

New Status: H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-4 Hatch Opening: This morning, Flight Engineer (FE)-5 Parmitano and FE-6 Nyberg successfully completed HTV-4 vestibule outfitting.
The crew removed the HTV Hatch Thermal Blanket, installed power jumpers, removed the Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Controller Panel Assemblies (CPAs), installed an HTV Equalization and Inter-module Ventilation (IMV) supply Jumper, equalized pressures and opened the hatch to HTV-4. Hatch opening occurred at 6:15 am CDT. Once open the crew installed the Radial Port closeouts and removed the HTV launch restraint PIP pin. Upon ingress, nominal air samples were taken.
Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) Status: Ground controllers performed troubleshooting of an “E-Stop” caution received overnight while maneuvering the JEMRMS to the HTV Exposed Pallet (EP) handoff position. The file loaded on the JEMRMS workstation was not the appropriate version for HTV4 operations, listing Keep Out Zones (KOZs) that are invalid for these operations. Ground controllers were able to reload the appropriate file and have maneuvered the JEMRMS to the EP Handoff position.
HTV4 Cargo Transfer Operations: Cassidy retrieved from HTV4 updated Emergency Books, making required Pen and Ink changes, and deployed them throughout the ISS. Nyberg retrieved the Space Pup hardware and inserted it into the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). Cassidy and Parmitano created a “bungee jail” in the HTV4 end cone to create a temporary stowage location, and then continued with cargo transfer operations, transferring cargo from the HTV P1 rack front to the ISS.
InSPACE-3: Nyberg and Parmitano initiated the fourth of 42 planned science runs. The InSpace experiment is performed in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG), and runs are initiated by setting current levels and pulse frequencies. InSPACE-3 studies the fundamental behavior of magnetic colloidal fluids under the influence of various magnetic fields. Observations of the microscopic structures yields a better understanding of the interplay of magnetic, surface, repulsion forces, and particle shape between particles in magnetically responsive fluids. On Earth, these materials are used for vibration damping systems that can be turned on or off; this technology has promise to improve the ability to design structures, such as bridges and buildings, to better withstand earthquake forces.
Today’s Planned Tasks
SM ??? (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
Weekly Housekeeping [Complete]
SM Ventilation Subsystem Preventive Maintenance, Group E [Complete]
FGB ??2 Fan Cleaning [Complete]
Inspection of Air Conditioner [Complete]
Inspection and Cleaning of Auxiliary Computer System (???) Laptops [Complete]
Weekly Housekeeping [Complete]
Cleaning Auxiliary Computer System (???) Laptops [Complete]
Weekly Housekeeping. [Complete]
Cleaning Auxiliary Computer System (???) Laptops [Complete]
??? (Micropurification Unit) Fan Grille Cleaning [Complete]
Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
Node 2 Nadir/HTV Vestibule Outfitting, Part 2 [Complete]
Linux Server 1 (LS1) Battery Replacement [Complete]
Node 2 Nadir CBM Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) Removal [Complete]
Weekly Cleaning [Complete]
SM Ventilation Subsystem Preventive Maintenance, Group E [Complete]
FGB ??2 Fan Cleaning [Complete]
Inspection of Air Conditioner [Complete]
Inspection and Cleaning of Auxiliary Computer System (???) Laptops [Complete]
Node 2 Nadir/HTV Vestibule Outfitting, Part 3 [Complete]
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from ???? to RSS1 (start) [Complete]
HTV Pressurized Logistic Carrier (HTVPLC) Hatch Open [Complete]
HTV Ingress [Complete]
HTV Air Sampling using ??-1? [Complete]
Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) H/W Setup [Complete]
SODF Deploy [Complete]
Weekly Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
MSG – Visual inspection and activation [Complete]
INSP3 – Start experiment ops [Complete]
Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) H/W Stow [Complete]
Food Frequency Questionnaire [Complete]
Delta Emergency Response Review after HTV4 arrival [Complete]
HTV. Transfer Ops [Complete]
Food Frequency Questionnaire [Complete]
IDENTIFIKATSIYA. Copy ???-? micro-accelerometer data to laptop [Complete]
??? Maintenance [Complete]
OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from ???? to RSS1 (termination) [Complete]
INSP3- Closeout Ops [Complete]
MSG Hardware Deactivation [Complete]
SPACE PUP – MELFI Insertion [Complete]
HTV4 Transfers Tagup [Complete]
HTV4 Cargo Ops Conference
CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor
Reaction Self Test
Task List
ARED CylinderEvac [Complete]
WHC KTO Replace
Roscosmos Report
Ocean Observation
Uragan Photo
EKON Photo
ATV Rack Front Config
Fuji 3D Battery Check
52P USOS Unpack [In Work]
Glen Harness Search
Bk Curtain Retrieve
Data Prep for Return FE-3
Med Ops Prep
MELFI1 N2 Pressure Check
MELFI2 N2 Pressure Check
MELFI3 N2 Pressure Check
HTV Cargo Ops
P/TV Adapter Locate
P/TV Trash Gather
Regen WSTA Fill
Nominal Commanding
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Sunday, 8/11: Weekend off-duty
Monday, 8/12: USOS Off-Duty, HTV Capture Debrief
Tuesday, 8/13: HTV Cargo transfer, SPHERES Zero Robotics, WHC Pretreat Tank R&R
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – On
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Off
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Process
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full up