NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 7 July 2015
![NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 7 July 2015](
The three-member orbiting Expedition 44 crew was busy Tuesday with a variety of research. On the ground a new set of station crew members is getting ready to depart to their launch site in Kazakhstan at the end of the week.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly worked on science and life support maintenance throughout the day. Kelly completed a test and questionnaire for the Fine Motor Skills study that observes how astronauts interact with touch-based technologies and repair sensitive equipment. He also worked on a science freezer and replaced a recycle tank.
Commander Gennady Padalka sampled surfaces in the orbital laboratory checking for hardware sterility. One-Year crew member Mikhail Kornienko worked inside a pair of docked Progress resupply ships including the new P60 space freighter which arrived Sunday morning.
Back on Earth, three new Expedition 44 crew members are preparing for a news conference and traditional ceremonies before departing to the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Friday. The trio will conduct final preflight training in Kazakhstan before launching July 22 on six-hour ride to the International Space Station.
On-Orbit Status Report
Fine Motor Skills: Kelly executed a Fine Motor Skills experiment this morning when he performed a series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet. Fine Motor Skills studies how fine motor performance in microgravity trends/varies over the duration of a six-month and year-long space missions; how fine motor performance on orbit compares with that of a closely matched participant on Earth; and how performance trends/varies before and after gravitational transitions, including the periods of early flight adaptation and very early/near immediate post-flight periods.
Journals: Kelly completed a Journal entry today in support of the Behavioral Issues Associated with Isolation and Confinement: Review and Analysis of Astronaut Journals experiment. Journals obtains information on behavioral and human issues that are relevant to the design of equipment and procedures and sustained human performance during extended-duration missions. Results provide information which helps prepare for future missions to low-Earth orbit and beyond.
Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Remove and Replace (R&R): Kelly R&Rd the Water Recovery System (WRS) recycle tank including the brine and distillate 100 micron filters as part of this regularly scheduled maintenance.
S1 and P1 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) Patch Updates – Today patches were uploaded to the S1-1, S1-2, P1-1, and P1-2 MDMs to prevent the Solenoid Driver Output (SDO) retry counter from erroneously incrementing when an External Thermal Control System (ETCS) loop isolation valve is commanded. The software issue with the incrementing SDO retry counter was highlighted in January 2015 when the incrementing counter resulted in an Ada exception in the P1-2 MDM
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
Verification of anti-virus scan results on Auxiliary Computer System (ВКС) laptops
Start [АСН-К] Data Recording Application
RGN-REC TK – Transfer and Replacement
REGENERATSIYA-1. Photography at Setup Location
Saving Data stored on RSE-Med laptop before installation of SW version 4.1
SEISMOPROGNOZ.. Downlink data from Control and Data Acquisition Module (МКСД) HDD (start)
Bringing ODF up to date using ТКГ 428 (DC1) delivered files
WRS Water Sample Analysis
Crew handover conference
FINEMOTR – Experiment Ops
ASEPTIC. Transfer of Kits and Photography of Medium before the experiment
CASKAD. Removal from Thermostat (+ 4°С deg) and Setup in Glovebox
ASEPTIC. Setup in the Glovebox
ASEPTIC. Activation of Bench Cleaning
ASEPTIC Photo Edit and Downlink
ASEPTIC. Switching TBU-V Thermostat No.4 to +37°С setting
СОЖ Maintenance
CASKAD. Activation of Thermostat at +26°С deg
TOCA Data Recording
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
ASEPTIC Repositioning Equipment in the Box
MELFI – Sample Insertion
ASEPTIC. Glovebox Sterilization Disable and Surface Sampling
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
CASKAD. Fill Bioreactor, Remove from Glovebox-S, and Setup in Thermostat at +26°С deg C.
CASKAD. Photography during filling
JRNL – Journal Entry
Transfer of Urine from RS/USOS EDV-U and brine from EDV-US to ТГК 425 (Aft) Rodnik БВ2 Tank. Flushing КВ2 connector with water from EDV-TECH
В3 Fan Screen Cleaning in MRM2
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
ASEPTIC. Surface sample collection and preparing for of air sampling before sterilization
OASIS – Hard Drive Exchange
On-orbit Hearing Assessment using EARQ
RGN REC-TNK – Removal of depress hose for nominal operations
MELFI – Sample Insertion
RGN – Initiate drain into EDV
SEISMOPROGNOZ. Download data from Control and Data Acquisition Module (МКСД) HDD (end) and start archiving
MELFI – Samples Inventory
RGN – Terminate water drain into EDV
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill from EDV
Air sampling using АК-1М sampler in SM, FGB
EXPRESS failed light bulb replacement
SM air sampling for FREON in SM and FGB using АК-1М sampler
ASEPTIC. Monitoring Pump Automatic Shut off
Saving Data ((personal photo, video, etc.) , stored on RSE-Med laptop before installation of SW version
ASEPTIC. Retrieving samples from box and placing in thermostat
Completed Task List Items
Crew Support LAN (CSL) SeaTools Scan
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
P1 MDM Patch load
S1 MDM Patch load
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 07/08: VEG-01, Plant Gravity Sensing 2 sample prep, Capillary Beverage
Thursday, 07/09: NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer install on MPEP, training for Emergency Response
Friday, 07/10: Plant Gravity Sensing 2 Sample Insertion, N3 CDRA leak check
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Shutdown
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Standby
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Process
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full Up