Space Stations

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 3 November 2015

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
November 4, 2015
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NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 3 November 2015
NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 3 November 2015.

NASA astronauts Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren are looking ahead to Friday morning’s spacewalk to return the port truss cooling system back to its original configuration after repair work completed in 2012.
Japanese astronaut Kimiya Yui will assist the spacewalkers before they get out the door and coordinate their activities from inside the International Space Station.

Today, the trio reviewed the cooling system servicing spacewalk procedures and organized their tools. Kelly and Lindgren will work with ammonia fluid cables and tanks during the spacewalk scheduled for Friday at 7:10 a.m. EST. Yui joined the duo and trained for the possibility their spacesuits may come in contact with ammonia coolant flakes.

On-Orbit Status Report

Observation Analysis of Smectic Islands in Space (OASIS) Sample Exchange: Kononenko performed an OASIS sample exchange today, installing the fourth of four sample cartridges into the experiment hardware housed in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG). OASIS studies the unique behavior of liquid crystals in microgravity, including their overall motion and the merging of crystal layers known as smectic islands. Liquid crystals are used for display screens in televisions and clocks, and they also occur in soaps and in cell membranes. The experiment allows detailed studies of the behavior of these structures, and how microgravity affects their unique ability to act like both a liquid and a solid crystal.

Cognition: Lindgren performed his Flight Day 103 session of the Cognition experiment. Individualized Real-Time Neurocognitive Assessment Toolkit for Space Flight Fatigue (Cognition) is a battery of tests that measure how spaceflight-related physical changes, such as microgravity and lack of sleep, can affect cognitive performance. Cognition includes ten brief computerized tests that cover a wide range of cognitive functions, and provides immediate feedback on current and past test results. The software allows for real-time measurement of cognitive performance while in space.

Journals: Kelly completed a Journals entry today. The Journals investigation obtains information on behavioral and human issues that are relevant to the design of equipment and procedures used during astronauts during extended-duration missions. Study results provide information used in preparation for future missions to low-Earth orbit and beyond.

Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation: The US Crew prepared for the P6 Return To Original Configuration (RTOC) EVA scheduled for Friday, November 6th. Today, they reviewed procedures and Ammonia related refresher material, then followed up with a conference with ground specialists to answer any questions. In addition, Kelly and Lindgren configured EVA tools and installed new Long Life Batteries and Metal Oxide Cartridges onto the Extravehicular Mobility Units.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

USOS EVA Procedure Review
CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops
EMU LLB/METOX Battery Replacement
OASIS – Sample Swap
?3 Fan Screen Cleaning in MRM2
USOS EVA Tool Configuration
MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops
Transfer of Thermal Protection Jackets [???] from ISS to Soyuz 717
SODF – Update
Vacuum Cleaning of ??1 and ??2 air ducts in MRM2
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
EML – Reprogramming Cable Installation
HAM radio session from Columbus
USOS EVA – Ammonia Decontamination Refresher
??-121/122? Monoblock test in PCE mode (digital signal reception from MRM1 ??-108/109? monoblock)
Repair of SM Interior Panel 316 by Installing Overlay Panel – Day 2
On MCC GO Replacing [??-50-1?] current controller No.2 (?202) – Demating connectors ?4,?5,?6,?2,?3
USOS EVA Procedure Conference
??? maintenance
On MCC GO Demating [??-50-1?] telemetry connectors from ???
Changeout of [??-50-1?] No.2 (?202)
CIR – Post-Experiment Hardware Stowage
CALCIUM. Experiment session 12
WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
JRNL – Journal Entry
TV conference with Mayak Radio Station Correspondent
Transfer of Thermal Protection Jackets [???] from ISS to ?? 718
PAO Hardware Setup
Replacement of ??1, ??2 Dust Filters and Cleaning ?1, B2 Fan Screens in MRM2 (???1???_4_419_1 bag 429-16 (00068131R)
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHS) Pre-Treat Tank and Pre-Treat Tank Hose Remove & Replace
INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
On MCC GO Mating ??-50-1? telemetry connectors to ???
IMS Delta File Prep
[??-50-1?] (?202) R&R – Closeout Ops
EML – Cable Removal
Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
COGN – Experiment Ops and Filling Questionnaire
Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media
ECON-M. Observation and Photography
URAGAN Observations and Photography

Completed Task List Items

Replace KTO
Move LAB Wall Clock (iPad) Power Location
CCE – Cinespace

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
Nominal System Commanding

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 11/04: EVA QD Training, EVA Tool Config, Capillary Flow Experiment, SPHERES
Thursday, 11/05: 1/2 Duty Day, EVA Procedure Review, Pre EVA PHS, Equipment Lock Prep
Friday, 11/06: P6 RTOC EVA

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – Off
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Standby
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Shutdown
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Full Up

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.