Space Stations

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 29 February 2016

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
March 1, 2016
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NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 29 February 2016
Astronaut Scott Kelly (right foreground) hands over command of the International Space Station to astronaut Tim Kopra (left foreground) with their crewmates in the background. Credit: NASA.

At 3:15 p.m. EST, NASA astronaut Tim Kopra assumed command of the International Space Station from astronaut Scott Kelly of NASA in a traditional Change of Command ceremony.
Expedition 47 will officially begin under Kopra’s command when the Soyuz spacecraft carrying Kelly and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov undocks from the space station on March 1.

Kelly and Kornienko launched to the space station on March 27, 2015, for their one-year mission. The pair’s return on March 1 will mark the end of 340 days aboard the space station. Volkov arrived at the station on September 4.

On-Orbit Status Report

Change of Command Ceremony: Today, the ISS Crew participated in a Change of Command Ceremony. During this ceremony Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly handed over command of the ISS to Expedition 47 Commander Tim Kopra. Kelly, Volkov, and Kornienko will be returning to earth tomorrow evening onboard Soyuz 44.

Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training Study (Sprint) Volume of Oxygen Utilized (VO2) Max: For his Flight Day 75 Sprint VO2 Max session, Kopra attached Electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes to himself, set up and donned Heart Rate Monitor hardware, performed Portable Pulmonary Function System calibrations, and then completed the VO2 protocol. The Sprint VO2 investigation evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers while reducing total exercise time during long-duration space missions.

Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack 2 (MSPR2) Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA) Installation: To prepare for upcoming operations for the JAXA Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF), Peake installed the MMA Remote Sensor Units and MMA Triaxial Acceleration Assembly in the MSPR2 rack.

Habitability: Today Peake recorded a video of his walk-through of an area or activity and provided insights related to human factors and habitability. The Habitability investigation results will be used to assess the relationship between crew members and their environment in order to better prepare for future long-duration spaceflights to destinations, such as near earth asteroids and Mars. Observations recorded during 6 month and 1 year missions can help spacecraft designers determine how much habitable volume is required, and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.

Twins Study: In support of the Twins Study, Kelly continued his series of week-long return minus 14 day saliva and blood collections. This investigation is an integrated compilation of ten different studies led by multiple investigators. The studies take advantage of a unique opportunity to look at the effects of space travel on identical twins, with one of them experiencing space travel for a year while the other remains earth-bound for that same year. The study looks at changes in the human body that are important in the fields of genetics, psychology, physiology, microbiology, and immunology.

Fine Motor Skills: Kelly, Kopra, Peake and Kornienko each completed a session of the Fine Motor Skills experiment today. They performed a series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet. This investigation is the first fine motor skills study to measure long-term microgravity exposure, different phases of microgravity adaptation, and sensorimotor recovery after returning to Earth gravity.

Ras Labs-CASIS-ISS Project for Synthetic Muscle: Resistance to Radiation (Synthetic Muscle): Kopra obtained a set of historical photos of the synthetic muscle samples. The purpose of this investigation is to measure the effects of radiation on proprietary synthetic muscle materials in space and earth environments. Robots made of these materials could provide assistance to humans in space, enhance survivability of robots during deep space travel, and provide support in extreme radiation environments on Earth.

Russian Treadmill (??-2) Repair – ??-2 experienced a failure in the vibration isolation system, late in the crew day Friday. Upon evalution, it was determined that the left rear torsion bracket had failed. Over the weekend, the crew replaced the bracket. The right front and right rear brackets had been replaced in October 2015. ??-2 is go for nominal usage.

Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Stowage Frame Installation Part 2: Peake continued the assembly and installation of the JEM Stowage Frame. Once fully installed, the frame will increase JEM stowage capability by 12 Cargo Transfer Bag Equivalents (CTBE).

Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review: Kopra and Peake reviewed and discussed priorities in the event of an emergency and how to achieve safety of the crew as well as safe configuration of the ISS. Topics which were covered included crew actions during emergency retreat to the Soyuz, ISS Commander responsibilities, and communication and coordination among crew members and with ground teams.

Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning: Over the weekend, Kornienko cleaned his Overhead CQ and Kelly cleaned his Port CQ today. The activity included cleaning of the intake and exhaust ducts, fans and airflow sensors.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

TWIN – sample drying
SLEEP – questionnaire fill-out
Fine Motor Skills – pre-test reminder
PARODONT-2. Sampling using Microbe Control and Gingival Liquid sets / r/g 1559
HRF – sampling
HRF – sample insertion into MELFI
Fine Motor Skills – examination
Signing of ROS crew handover statement / r/g 1561
SPRINT – hardware activation and warm-up init
FINEMOTR – science ops setup
Progress 429 RODNIK tank connection flushing / r/g 1563
MO – science ops bag prep
Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet PC charging – init / ??? item 5.4 step 6,7 pages 5-34, 5-35 (94, 95)
MSPR2- – hardware installation into the rack to perform the science ops
Soyuz 718 RGS comm check and comm pass / ????????? ? ????? item ?.1.4.2 (exc.step 1) pages 26, 27
Fine Motor Skills – examination
Medical equipment stowage
Fine Motor Skills – science ops run
SPRINT – camcorder installation and setup
EPO – Micro SD Card data copy for downlink
Soyuz 719 Samsung tablet PC charging – init / ??? item 5.4 step 6,7 pages 5-34, 5-35 (94, 95)
MRM2 [???-?] hatch and Soyuz 718 hatch cover sealing mechanism maintenance / ?? ??? item 4.5 page 4-7 (82)
Port crew cabin cleanup
EPO – hardware power-off following automatic monitoring
Sanitary and epidemiological status check / ?? vol. 2 item 16 page 16-1 (166)+ r/g 1549
??? maintenance / ??? item 4.4 step 1 page 4-27 (99)
JAXA – cargo stowage frame installation
On MCC Go Remove [??251?1?] ([???1?1]) and [???] from Soyuz 718 living compartment. Stow (??1??_3_314_1, bag 353-8 (00037141R). Update the IMS / ??????????? ????? item 13.6 page 100
Soyuz 719 Samsung tablet PC charging – term / ??? item 5.4 step 6,7 pages 5-34, 5-35 (94, 95)
[???] laptop antivirus signature base update / r/g 8247 steps 1, 2
Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet PC charging – term / ??? item 5.4 step 6,7 pages 5-34, 5-35 (94, 95)
Preparation for return
SPRINT – hardware power-off and cleanup
Columbus radio ham session
Environment microecosphere monitoring / r/g 1548
JEM terminal laptop reboot
MSPR2 – coupling adjustment
FSL – hardware checkout
Return preparation
Remove and stow the dosimeters into Soyuz 718
BAKTERIOFAG. BIOEKOLOGIYA case removal and transfer into Soyuz 718 / r/g 1558
BAKTERIOFAG. Take pictures of BIOEKOLOGIYA case during its removal No.10-2 from panel 328 / r/g 1560
Stow returnable items into Soyuz 718 (payload container) / r/g 1444nu
MATRYOSHKA-R. Photography during PADLE detector handover / r/g 1557
MATRYOSHKA-R. PADLE detectors handover prior to stowage and return with Soyuz 718 / r/g 1556
SYN_MUSCL – photographic documentation
HABIT – instructional video review
Emergency role and responsibility procedure review
HRF Ambient – blood sampling prep
BIOSIGNAL. Hardware transfer into Soyuz 718 / r/g 1555
Shift handover conference
ALGOMETRIYA. Science Ops run. / r/g 1007
PMC (Ku+S-band)
CIR operations
Report on the completion of payload stowage into Soyuz 718 (S-band) / r/g 1444nu
Use transparent tape to cover NEPTUN ME system’s [?? ??] fuses in Soyuz 718 / r/g 1562 steps 1,2
Downlink exercise data via ??? / ?? vol. 3 item 2.4 pages 2-17, 2-18 (28, 29)
VZAIMODEYSTVIYE-2. Science ops run / r/g 1554
SPRINT – closeout ops
Crew handover
Lay audio cable in the crew cabin
Soyuz 718 pre-undock cooling / r/g 1562 step 3
Prepare for ??? laptop anti-virus scans / r/g 8247 step 3

Completed Task List Items

ESA Med Ops Crew Protection Socks – Feedback Questionnaire [Completed on Sunday]
ESA PAO Recorded Message [Completed on Sunday]

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
Nominal System Commanding

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Tuesday, 03/01: 44S Undock and Landing
Wednesday, 03/02: Crew Off Duty
Thursday, 03/03: MPEP / SAM install on JEM Airlock Slide Table, Robonaut CPCI Fault Troubleshooting

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – On
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – Off
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Override
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Idle
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full Up

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.