Space Stations

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 11 February 2016

By Marc Boucher
Status Report
February 12, 2016
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NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 11 February 2016
Posted this pic last week. Many of you asked: What is it? I answer on @Tumblr! #YearInSpace. Credit: NASA/Scott Kelly.

Two astronauts are wrapping up spacesuit maintenance today while a variety of human research takes place inside the International Space Station. Outside the station, the 57.7 foot long Canadarm2 robotic arm is being prepared for the upcoming release of a space freighter.
Commander Scott Kelly and astronaut Time Peake from the European Space Agency are finalizing gear replacement work on a U.S. spacesuit today. The spacesuit will be inspected Monday before it is certified for return to service.

On the life science front, Kelly joined cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut Tim Kopra for eye and heart scans with an ultrasound. The scans are part of the ongoing Ocular Health study seeking to understand visual impairment some astronauts have experienced during their space missions.

Kopra earlier attached sensors to himself for the Sprint study which seeks to reduce muscle and bone loss with new exercise techniques while living in space. Peake collected his own breath sample for the Marrow experiment that observes how microgravity affects bone marrow and blood cells.

Ground controllers are maneuvering the Canadarm2 in position for the Feb. 19 grapple and release of the Orbital ATK Cygnus cargo craft. The Cygnus will be released for a fiery destruction high in the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean after being attached to the Unity module for over two months.

On-Orbit Status Report

Ocular Health Testing: Today Kelly and Kornienko, with Kopra as the operator, completed their Return minus 30 day (R-30) Ocular Health testing by performing ocular and cardiac ultrasound scans. The Ocular Health protocol calls for a systematic gathering of physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent post-flight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies, and clinical practice guidelines.

Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training Study (Sprint) Volume of Oxygen Utilized (VO2) Max: For his Flight Day 60 Sprint VO2 Max session, Kopra attached Electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes to himself, set up and don Heart Rate Monitor hardware, performed Portable Pulmonary Function System calibrations, and then performed the VO2 protocol. The Sprint VO2 investigation evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers while reducing total exercise time during long-duration space missions

Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) 3003 Fan Pump Separator Remove and Replace (R&R) Part 2: Following yesterday’s EMU 3003 FPS R&R, Kelly and Peake primed the new pump and prepared the EMU for a return to service checkout scheduled on Monday. Tomorrow, the faulty pump will be packed for return onboard Soyuz 44 next month for ground examination. The FPS which was removed had failed to start up during an activity to fill the Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG) in December.

Orbital ATK (OA)-4 Cargo Operations: Kopra transferred trash into the Cygnus vehicle today in preparation for its unberth and release on February 19th.

Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPs) Inspection: Peake conducted an audit of the PEPs hardware and verified the emergency response equipment was in the expected location and is free of damage. Among the items inspected were Water Mist Portable Fire Extinguishers (PFEs), Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) including Quick Don mask Assemblies (QDMAs) and Pre-Breathe Masks.

Condensate Water Separator Assembly (CWSA) Desiccant Module R&R: Kopra utilized the 3D Visual Trainer (3D ViT) in order to familiarize himself with the CWSA Desiccant Module inspection and R&R task within Columbus. Once the training was complete, he proceeded with the inspection and Desiccant Module R&R. The Desiccant Module is placed inside the CWSA in order to provide a dry atmosphere and prevent condensation on the cold outer surfaces of the water separator housing/parts. The module is inspected and replaced as part of preventative maintenance.

Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: This evening, Robotics Flight Controllers will be stowing the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) on the Mobile Base System (MBS), and walking off the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) from the MBS power and data grapple fixture (PDGF)-1 to the Node2 PDGF. Once the walk off is complete, they will grapple Cygnus in preparation for its unberth and release on February 19th.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

Fine Motor Skills – Test
USND2 – Hardware Activation
Eye Imaging – Ultrasound Scan Prep
SPRINT – Hardware Power Up
Eye Imaging
Crew Medical Officer (CMO) Proficiency Training
Cleaning ventilation screens on FGB interior panels (panels 201, 301, 401)
Reload RSS1 Laptop Software Version 4.0
SPRINT – Experiment Ops
Eye Imaging – Data Export
Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet charge – initiate
Acoustic Dosimeter Stow
Terminate discharge of the 3rd Orlan-MK 825? Battery Pack No.126499193 (b/c 00068692R, stow ???1???_2_221_1) )
Eye Imaging – Data Export
Disassembly of Charger [??-?] No.13010004 (009709R) Setup
MARROW – Sample Setup
CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops
Cygnus Cargo Operations
On MCC GO Demating charger TLM connector and Closeout Ops
Stow Charger [??-?] ???1???_2_221_1, Soft Container 422-6 (00062719R)
ER6-DVD – Software Installation
HABIT – Applications Overviews
Preparing for ??-50-1? No.3 (?203) Replacement – Search equipment, procedure and r/g review
Eye Imaging – Data Export / See OPTIMIS Viewer for Procedure
Cleaning fan screens on FGB interior panels (116, 316, 231, 431)
OH – Experiment Ops
COSMOCARD. Setup. Starting 24-hr ECG Recording
OH – Experiment Ops
??? Maintenance
SPRINT – Equipment Stowage
Charging Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet – termination
Ocular Health – Cardiac and Blood Pressure Operations
AMS – Hard Drive Exchange
HRF Blood Collection Hardware Setup
Ocular Health – Closeout Ops
OH-CARDIAC – Data Export
Soyuz 718 Kazbek Fit Check
Soyuz 719 Samsung tablet charge – initiate
Aurora Target Operations
VCA1 Camera Adjustment
VIZIR. Experiment Ops
Onboard Training (OBT) – Using 3D ViT Visual Training Application in preparation of Columbus Condensate Water Separator Assembly (CWSA) R&R activity
EMU Fan Pump Separator (FPS) R&R
Laptop preparation and Progress 431 (DC1) Test Configuration Setup
USND2 – Hardware Deactivation
VCA1 Camera Adjustment
R&R of the Desiccant Module in CWSA in Columbus
SPLANH. Preparation for Experiment Replacement of FGB Dust Collector ??1, ??2 Filters (???1???_4_419_1, bag 429-21 (00068135R)
MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops
MOTOCARD. Operator Assistance with the Experiment
Transfer of brine/urine from EDV-U into Progress 431 (DC1) Rodnik H2O Tank1
IMS Delta File Prep
ER6-DVD – Closeout Ops
Inspection of Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) and Portable Fire Extinguisher (PFE)
VEG-01 Experiment – Plant photo
Columbus – Ops after CWSA R&R in Columbus
3D Visual Training (3DViT) Questionnaire after CWSA R&R
SPRINT – Closeout Ops
Private Psychological Conference
HAM radio session from Columbus
Charging Soyuz 719 Samsung tablet – termination

Completed Task List Items

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
SSRMS Walk off from MBS PDGF1 to Node 2 and Cygnus Grapple

Three-Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 02/12: SPRINT, Microbe-IV Sample Collection, FPS Pack and Stow, SkinB, BASS-M
Saturday, 02/13: Crew Off Duty, Weekly Cleaning
Sunday, 02/14: Crew Off Duty

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:

Component – Status
Elektron – On
Vozdukh – Manual
[???] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) – Off
[???] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) – On
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab – Override
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 – Operate
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab – Idle
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 – Operate
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) – Standby
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) – Standby
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab – Off
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 – Warmup

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.