NASA OSBP Publication: Artemis I Exploration Ground Systems: A Case For Small Business

The NASA Office of Small Business Programs publication series, A Case for Small Business, highlights the stellar contributions of small business contractors to the Agency’s missions.
The Artemis I Publication is the most recent addition to the series and highlights the extraordinary efforts of over 800 small businesses that have contributed to this mission. The Artemis I mission was the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the Moon and Mars.
Please see the attached to retrieve a copy of the publication. In addition, you can also view on the publication on the OSBP website by clicking here.
Message From The Office of Small Business Programs Associate Administrator
“On behalf of the NASA Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), I am pleased to announce the newest addition of the publication series “A Case for Small Business: Artemis I: Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) which highlights the astounding accomplishments and extraordinary efforts of over 800 small businesses located across 43 states that have contributed to this mission. On November 16, 2022, at 1:47 a.m., while most people were deep in their slumber, NASA was busy launching the Artemis I test mission to the Moon! The nighttime launch of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket was a stunning site to see! OSBP would like to take a moment to recognize the incredible efforts made by small businesses that helped get us to this point. Small businesses have permeated every component of Artemis I, covering the Space Launch System (SLS), Orion Capsule, and Exploration Ground Systems (EGS).
Several companies introduced in this publication are just a microcosm of the countless high-tech firms that enable NASA to complete its various missions. They are true champions for fostering innovation and pioneers for the future of space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research. They have provided an array of products and services to support the Artemis I mission. Many aspects of the capsule, from module integration and testing, quality analysis, supply chain planning, project proposal phase, and ground systems data configuration have been successfully completed by small business contractors and subcontractors. These businesses were able to perform under rigorous standards and due to their success, witnessed substantial growth in revenue, personnel, and organizational capabilities.
It’s evident that small business has a far reach at NASA. They can perform just about any task that is presented to them and produce high quality results while doing it. As we look ahead toward the future launches of Artemis II and Artemis III, we can be sure small business will remain a cornerstone of progress for America’s return to the Moon!
My team and I could not achieve success without backing from senior leadership. OSBP has significant support from the Agency’s Senior Management, the NASA Mission Directorates, acquisition personnel, and the mission support offices. I would like to specifically recognize NASA Administrator Bill Nelson for his ongoing commitment to the program. In addition, I would also like to thank Ms. Pam Melroy, Deputy Administrator; Mr. Robert Cabana, Associate Administrator; the Office of Procurement; the Center Directors; and the Procurement Officers located at each of the Centers.
In closing, I want to thank the companies included in this publication and other small businesses that support NASA every day in various capacities that enable the Agency to be successful. Without their dedication, NASA would not be able to accomplish its robust missions. I hope this publication inspires additional small businesses to learn that they can support NASA in its upcoming missions.
NASA is an agency “Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference.”
Glenn A. Delgado
Associate Administrator
NASA Office of Small Business Programs