Press Release

Planck Satellite Maneuver Aims at L2 Arrival

By SpaceRef Editor
June 5, 2009
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Planck Satellite Maneuver Aims at L2 Arrival

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Beginning today, ESA’s Planck satellite will carry out a critical mid-course maneuver that will place the satellite on its final trajectory for arrival at L2, the second Lagrange point of the Sun-Earth system, early in July.

The maneuver is scheduled to begin at 19:28 CEST on 5 June 2009, and will last for up to 30 hours.

Planck’s main thrusters will conduct repeated ‘pulse burns’ during this time, switching on then off for 6 seconds every minute. This pulse-burn technique is necessary because Planck is slowly spinning as it travels through space, rotating at 1 rpm. The thrusters, which are fixed to the spacecraft and are not steerable, can only burn when they are oriented in the correct direction, which occurs for 6 seconds during each 60-second rotation.

Maneuver Provides Mid-Course Correction

The maneuver is expected to provide an overall change in speed of 550.8 km/hour. As of 5 June, Planck was travelling at a speed of 105 840 km/hour with respect to the Sun and was located 1.19 million km from Earth.

“Throughout the maneuver, we will closely monitor the spacecraft behavior and its dynamical state. Once the maneuver is complete, sometime late on Saturday, the Flight Dynamics team will analyze the burn performance and determine Planck’s new orbit. Based on the results, we also have a slot available for a ‘touch-up’ maneuver on 17 June,” says Matthias Muck, Planck Flight Dynamics specialist at ESOC, ESA’s European Space Operations Centre, in Darmstadt, Germany.

Muck says today’s maneuver is programmed to slightly undershoot the actual desired end-speed, so the touch-up maneuver on 17 June will probably be necessary to provide a final 5- to 10-m/s correction.

Orbit Insertion Maneuver Planned Early July

After 17 June, the satellite will continue on the last leg of its journey to L2. A final major maneuver is planned for the first week in July to boost Planck into its operational orbit: a Lissajous orbit with an average amplitude of about 400 000 km around L2. This weekend’s critical activity will be conducted by the Planck Flight Control Team at ESOC, supported by Flight Dynamics specialists, industry representatives and other experts.

Named after the German Nobel laureate Max Planck (1858-1947), ESA’s Planck mission is the first European space observatory whose main goal is the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background – the relic radiation from the Big Bang, with an accuracy defined by fundamental astrophysical limits.

ESA PIO Source:

Monica Talevi
Science Programme Communication Officer
ESA – Communication Dept.
Tel: +31 71 565 3223
Fax: +31 71 565 4101

SpaceRef staff editor.