SPG Tests Advanced Hybrid Rocket Motor

Space Propulsion Group, Inc. (SPG) today successfully completed a major technology development test of its 22-inch-diameter, Liquid Oxygen/paraffin-based advanced hybrid rocket motor. This cutting-edge hybrid propulsion technology has practical applications for numerous space-related industries, including transportation, defense, suborbital research and tourism.
SPG’s flight-weight Liquid Oxygen/paraffin rocket motor competes effectively with traditional solid and liquid propulsion systems in terms of performance, cost and safety advantages. The life cycle cost of this advanced hybrid propulsion system has the potential to be five to ten times less expensive than existing propulsion technologies. Paraffin is also a non-toxic, environmentally sound, high-performing alternative fuel.
As transporting people and objects into space continues to be challenging and increasingly expensive, SPG strives to lower the cost, failure rate and barriers to entry by developing propulsion systems with reduced complexity and increased reliability.
“We believe propulsion drives the cost of access to space and that complexity generally drives propulsion system cost,” said Arif Karabeyoglu, president and chief technical officer of SPG. “By using a commercially available paraffin-based fuel, we have created an economically viable alternative that could significantly reduce the price of space accessibility, as well as help preserve the environment.”
Karabeyoglu said today’s test of the Liquid Oxygen/paraffin rocket motor demonstrates the company’s success in scaling the design to the flight weight class, and the company’s readiness to move forward with full production and licensing of this innovative technology for a variety of applications.
For more information about SPG and its services, visit www.spg-corp.com.
About SPG
SPG aims to be a global market leader and trusted partner offering world-class, reliable and innovative solutions in hybrid propulsion. The company’s game-changing technologies reduce cost, lower environmental impact and increase safety of propulsion and power generation systems by replacing dangerous, toxic materials with safer, more abundant alternatives. These systems have dynamic, practical applications for terrestrial and space systems used in the transportation, defense, suborbital research and tourism, and power generation industries. Founded in 1999, the company is based in Sunnyvale, Calif. For more information, visit www.spg-corp.com.
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Sean Wilson
Griffin Communications Group
Office: 281-335-0200
Jessica Ballard
Griffin Communications Group
Office: 281-335-0200