New Space and Tech

Spaceward 2008 $2M Beam Power Challenge: Goals Announced

By Marc Boucher
April 8, 2013
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From the Spaceward Foundation comes details from this years power beaming challenge. The Spaceward Foundation announces the goals for the 2008 Space Elevator Power Beaming Challenge.

“Building on the results of the 2007 Challenge, the goals for 2008 have been set at 1 km height, 5 m/s minimum speed, for a prize level of $2M.

An intermediate prize level of $900k will be given for a speed of 2 m/s. Additionally, teams that can reach an altitude of 1 km at between 1 and 2 m/s will be awarded a prize of up to $50k.

The 1-km climb will be supported by a unique pyramid-anchored balloon system, providing the teams with a stable tether to climb on. Illustrations of the challenge over two potential sites are shown at, showing the challenge as it would look if held over Meteor Crater in Arizona, and if held over the 2007 venue.”

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.