New Space and Tech

New NASA Online Science Resource Available for Educators and Students

By Keith Cowing
April 8, 2013
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“NASA has a new online science resource for teachers and students to help bring Earth, the solar system, and the universe into their schools and homes. Called NASA Wavelength, the site features hundreds of resources organized by topic and audience level from elementary to college, and out-of-school programs that span the extent of NASA science. Educators at all levels can locate educational resources through information on educational standards, subjects and keywords and other relevant details, such as learning time required to carry out a lesson or an activity, cost of materials and more. “NASA Wavelength not only lets users find nearly everything they want to know about NASA science, but it also allows them to provide direct feedback to NASA to enhance our products,” said Stephanie Stockman, education lead for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in Washington. “This truly is a living, digital library of resources that will allow educators to find and share the best of NASA science education resources to advance their teaching.” More

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