National Day of Civic Hacking

This June, thousands of people around the United States will join together for the first ever National Day of Civic Hacking. The national event will take place June 1-2, 2013, in ~80 cities across the nation. The initiative is a united effort to connect citizens and government in a partnership focused on improving people’s daily lives through technology. This event will bring together techies, entrepreneurs, do-gooders, activists and others like you from across the nation to collaboratively create, build, and invent tools using publicly-released data. We hope to create solutions that are directly relevant to our neighborhoods, our cities, our states and our country.
We are excited about partnering with 14 other government agencies as well as a number of other organizations and organizers everywhere on the National Day because we believe it is an opportunity to once again leverage the expertise and entrepreneurial spirit of those outside federal, state and local government to drive meaningful, technology-based solutions for government and society. It demonstrates what’s possible when we all work together to strengthen our society and our lives. National Day of Civic Hacking will bring innovation out of your neighbors and you. It is meant to make innovation within reach rather than something you hear about in tech-savvy cities.
National Day of Civic Hacking brings together communities together over two days, but helps you share and communicate with communities across America about issues you care about most. Anyone can participate to collaboratively create, build, and invent new solutions using publicly-released data, code and technology. You don’t have to be an expert in technology, but you do have to care about your neighborhood and community to participate.
We encourage you to find an event in your city and to get involved If there is not an event planned near you, start one! You can visit and see all the event details as well as the challenges that we’ll be working on, including the challenge offered by NASA – “We Love Data.” Our challenge recognizes that government agencies like NASA have vasts amounts of information that can be used to improve our lives. We want to see what you can do with space data to empower citizens everywhere in their daily lives while at the same time connecting them with our nation’s exploration and aeronautics missions.
For more information visit
Source: open.NASA