NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,065 8 September 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)

SPACELINE Current Awareness Lists are distributed via listserv and are available on the NASA Task Book website at Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Call for articles to cite in the weekly lists: Authors at NASA Centers and NASA PIs—do you have an article that has recently published or will publish in the upcoming weeks within a peer-reviewed journal and is in the scope of space life sciences? If so, send it our way! Send your article to the email address mentioned above. Articles received by Wednesday will appear within that week’s list—articles received after Wednesday will appear the following week.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Kremsky I, Ali S, Stanbouly S, Holley J, Justinen S, Pecaut M, Crapo J, Mao X.
Spaceflight-induced gene expression profiles in the mouse brain are attenuated by treatment with the antioxidant BuOE.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Sep 1;24(17):13569.
PIs: M. Pecaut, X. Mao
Note: This article and an article below in the “Other” section (Atiakshin et al.) are part of Special Issue “Cellular and Molecular Signaling Meet the Space Environment 2.0” ( The Special Issue includes articles from Current Awareness lists #1,034, #1,048, #1,058, and #1,064 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.6
Funding: “This research was funded by the NASA Space Biology grant number NNX15AB41G, NASA 80NSSC18K0310, and LLU Department of Basic Sciences.”
Ulanowski A, Ban N, Ozasa K, Rühm W, Semones E, Shavers M, Vaillant L.
Time-integrated radiation risk metrics and interpopulation variability of survival.
Z Med Phys. 2023 Sep 3. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “This paper demonstrates the impact of interpopulation variability of survival curves on values and uncertainty of the estimates of the time-integrated radiation risk of cancer.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2
Funding: “M. Shavers was supported by the NASA Human Health and Performance Contract with NASA Johnson Space Center.”
Cheburkanov V, Du J, Brogan DM, Berezin MY, Yakovlev VV.
Toward peripheral nerve mechanical characterization using Brillouin imaging spectroscopy.
Neurophotonics. 2023 Aug 26;10(3):035007.
Note: From the abstract: “We aim to assess the feasibility of Brillouin microspectroscopy for peripheral nerve imaging of elasticity, with the ultimate goal of developing a new diagnostic tool for peripheral nerve injury in vivo.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.3
Funding: “Vsevolod Cheburkanov was involved in the experimental design, data collection, data analysis, composition of the original draft and editing. Junwei Du prepared a sample. David Brogan, Mikhail Berezin, and Vladislav Yakovlev were involved in conceptualization, supervision, manuscript review, and editing. V.V.Y. acknowledges partial funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) (CMMI-1826078), AFOSR (FA9550-20-1-0366, FA9550-20-1-0367), Army Research Laboratory (ARL) (W911NF-17-2-0144), and National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01GM127696, R21GM142107, and R21CA269099). This material is also based upon work supported by NASA, BARDA, NIH, and USFDA, under contract/agreement No. 80ARC023CA002. M. B. acknowledges support from the NIH (R01 CA208623 and R21CA269099).”
Roychoudhry S, Sageman-Furnas K, Wolverton C, Grones P, Tan S, Molnár G, De Angelis M, Goodman HL, Capstaff N, Lloyd JPB, Mullen J, Hangarter R, Friml J, Kepinski S.
Antigravitropic PIN polarization maintains non-vertical growth in lateral roots.
Nat Plants. 2023 Sep 4.
PIs: C. Wolverton, J. Mullen, R. Hangarter
Note: From the abstract: “Lateral roots are typically maintained at non-vertical angles with respect to gravity. These gravitropic setpoint angles are intriguing because their maintenance requires that roots are able to effect growth response both with and against the gravity vector, a phenomenon previously attributed to gravitropism acting against an antigravitropic offset mechanism. Here we show how the components mediating gravitropism in the vertical primary root-PINs and phosphatases acting upon them-are reconfigured in their regulation such that lateral root growth at a range of angles can be maintained.” This article may be obtained online without charge. A research briefing of this article is available at
Journal Impact Factor: 18.0
Funding: PIs report NASA funding.
Lungeanu A, DeChurch LA, Contractor NS.
A tale of three teams: Effect of long-term isolation in SIRIUS-21 on crew interpersonal networks.
Acta Astronaut. 2023 Nov;212:617-23.
PIs: L.A. DeChurch, N.S. Contractor
Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
Funding: “This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under awards No. 80NSSC18K0221, 80NSSC18K0276, NNX15AM32G, and 80NSSC21K0925.”
Bozzuto C, Ives AR.
Differences in COVID-19 cyclicity and predictability among U.S. counties and states reflect the effectiveness of protective measures.
Sci Rep. 2023 Aug 31;13(1):14277.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.6
Funding: “This work was supported by NASA-AIST- 80NSSC20K0282 (A.R.I).”
Alwood JS, Mulavara AP, Iyer J, Mhatre SD, Rosi S, Shelhamer M, Davis C, Jones CW, Mao XW, Desai RI, Whitmire AM, Williams TJ.
Circuits and biomarkers of the central nervous system relating to astronaut performance: Summary report for a NASA-sponsored technical interchange meeting.
Life. 2023 Aug 31;13(9):1852.
Note: This article is a summary report and is part of Special Issue “Current Challenges in Space Neuroscience” ( The Special Issue also includes an article from previous Current Awareness List #1,042, #1,046, #1,052, and #1,053 Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.2
Funding: “This technical interchange meeting was funded by NASA Human Research Program, through the Human Factors and Behavioral Performance Element in conjunction with Space Radiation Element and the Human Health Countermeasures Element.”
Other papers of interest:
Atiakshin D, Kostin A, Shishkina V, Burtseva A, Buravleva A, Volodkin A, Elieh-Ali-Komi D, Buchwalow I, Tiemann M.
Space-flight- and microgravity-dependent alteration of mast cell population and protease expression in digestive organs of Mongolian gerbils.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Sep 2;24(17):13604.
Note: This article and an article above in the “NASA” section (Kremsky et al.) are part of Special Issue “Cellular and Molecular Signaling Meet the Space Environment 2.0” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Song C, Kang T, Gao K, Shi X, Zhang M, Zhao L, Zhou L, Guo J.
Preparation for mice spaceflight: Indications for training C57BL/6J mice to adapt to microgravity effect with three-dimensional clinostat on the ground.
Heliyon. 2023 Sep;9(9):e19355.
Note: A 3D clinostat was used in this study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Song X, Li T, Gu H, Yin H.
Space exposure enhanced pectin-degrading enzymes expression and activity in Aspergillus costaricaensis.
World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2023 Sep 2;39(11):295.
Note: From the abstract: “Aspergillus is a well-studied fungal genus that is widely used in the processing of plant biomass in industries. This study investigated the effects of space exposure on the ability of Aspergillus costaricaensis, a filamentous fungus isolated from rotten orange peel, to degrade pectin. These fungal spores were carried into space by the Long March 5B carrier rocket and exposed to cosmic radiation for 79 h. After the flight, these spores were resuscitated, and then the growing strains were screened with pectin as the sole carbon source, and the pectinase activity was evaluated.”
Cinti S, Singh S, Covone G, Tonietti L, Ricciardelli A, Cordone A, Iacono R, Mazzoli A, Moracci M, Rotundi A, Giovannelli D.
Reviewing the state of biosensors and lab-on-a- chip technologies: Opportunities for extreme environments and space exploration.
Front Microbiol. 2023 Aug 17;14:1215529. Review.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Rising Stars in Space Microbiology: 2022” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,020 and #1,026 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Cucinotta FA, Saganti PB.
Residual radiation risk disparities across sex and race or ethnic groups for lifetime never-smokers on lunar missions.
Life Sci Space Res. 2023 Sep 7. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Missions to the Earth’s Moon are of scientific and societal interest, however pose the problem of risks of late effects for returning crew persons, most importantly cancer and circulatory diseases. In this paper, we discuss NSCR-2022 model risk estimates for lunar missions for U.S. racial and ethnic groups comparing never-smokers (NS) to U.S. averages for each group and sex.”
Aboouf MA, Thiel CS, Borisov SM, Tauber S, Bönzli E, Schetle N, Ullrich O, Gassmann M, Vogel J.
Expression of hypoxia-inducible genes is suppressed in altered gravity due to impaired nuclear HIF1α accumulation.
Sci Rep. 2023 Sep 4;13:14514.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Chen X, Zhang J, Lin Y, Li Y, Wang H, Wang Z, Liu H, Hu Y, Liu L.
Mechanism, prevention, and treatment of cognitive impairment caused by high altitude exposure.
Front Physiol. 2023 Sep 4;14:1191058.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Neurological Dysfunction and Diseases in High Altitude” ( The Research Topic also includes an article from previous Current Awareness List #1,037 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Cruz TL, Chiappe ME.
Multilevel visuomotor control of locomotion in Drosophila.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2023 Oct;82:102774. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “Vision is critical for the control of locomotion, but the underlying neural mechanisms by which visuomotor circuits contribute to the movement of the body through space are yet not well understood. Locomotion engages multiple control systems, forming distinct interacting ‘control levels’ driven by the activity of distributed and overlapping circuits. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying locomotion control requires the consideration of all control levels and their necessary coordination. Due to their small size and the wide availability of experimental tools, Drosophila has become an important model system to study this coordination. Traditionally, insect locomotion has been divided into studying either the biomechanics and local control of limbs, or navigation and course control. However, recent developments in tracking techniques, and physiological and genetic tools in Drosophila have prompted researchers to examine multilevel control coordination in flight and walking.”
Nishimura Y.
Technology using simulated microgravity.
Regen Ther. 2023 Dec;24:318-23. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “This review will focus on the features of each device designed to simulate microgravity on Earth, as well as the stem cell experiments performed with those devices.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Perrenoud Q, Cardin JA.
Beyond rhythm – A framework for understanding the frequency spectrum of neural activity.
Front Syst Neurosci. 2023 Aug 31;17:1217170.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Rising Stars in Systems Neuroscience: 2022” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Yanase S, Suzuki M, Zhang-Akiyama Q-M, Sakashita T.Short-term γ-ray irradiation with hyperoxia induces lifespan extension in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Biological Sciences in Space. 2023 Aug;37:12-9.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Marin-Farrona M, Wipfli B, Thosar SS, García-Unanue J, Gallardo L, Felipe JL, López-Fernández J.
UCLMuevete: Increasing the amount of physical activity, work-ability, and cardiorespiratory fitness capacity in university workers through active breaks.
Work. 2023 Aug 23. Online ahead of print.