NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,051 26 May 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)

SPACELINE Current Awareness Lists are distributed via listserv and are available on the NASA Task Book website at
Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Call for articles to cite in the weekly lists: Authors at NASA Centers and NASA PIs—do you have an article that has recently published or will publish in the upcoming weeks within a peer-reviewed journal and is in the scope of space life sciences? If so, send it our way! Send your article to the email address mentioned above. Articles received by Wednesday will appear within that week’s list—articles received after Wednesday will appear the following week.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Faerman A, Clark JB, Sutton JP.
Neuropsychological considerations for long-duration deep spaceflight.
Front Physiol. 2023 May 19;14:1146096. Review.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Brains in Space: Effects of Spaceflight on the Human Brain and Behavior-Volume II” (—volume-ii#overview). The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,041 and #1,046 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.342
Funding: “Support from the Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A is gratefully acknowledged. JS is supported by the Friedkin Chair for Research in Sensory System Integration and Space Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.”
Shelhamer M, Antonsen E, Reynolds R.
The need for a systems approach in spaceflight health and medicine.
2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference. 2023 May 15.
PI: M. Shelhamer
Note: This article is a conference proceeding published by a peer-reviewed journal.
Journal Impact Factor: 0.88
Funding: “MS is supported by NASA 80NSSC19K0487.”
Shelhamer M, Gersh JR.
A mission architecture to integrate human and spacecraft functional performance.
2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference. 2023 May 15:1-8.
PI: M. Shelhamer
Note: This article is a conference proceeding published by a peer-reviewed journal.
Journal Impact Factor: 0.88
Funding: “MS is supported by NASA 80NSSC19K0487.”
Hilditch CJ, Pradhan S, Costedoat G, Bathurst NG, Glaros Z, Gregory KB, Shattuck NL, Flynn-Evans EE.
Sex differences in perceptions of sleep inertia following nighttime awakenings.
Sleep Adv. 2023;4(1):zpac043.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This work was supported in part by the Naval Medical Research Center’s Naval Advanced Medical Development Program (MIPR N3239820WXHN007) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Airspace Operations and Safety Program, System Wide Safety.”
Saint-Guillain M, Vanderdonckt J, Burny N, Pletser V, Vaquero T, Chien S, Karl A, Marquez J, Wain C, Comein A, Casla IS, Jacobs J, Meert J, Chamart C, Drouet S, Manon J.
Enabling astronaut self-scheduling using a robust advanced modeling and scheduling system: An assessment during a Mars analogue mission.
Adv Space Res. 2023 Apr 5. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Human long duration exploration missions (LDEMs) raise a number of technological challenges. This paper addresses the question of the crew autonomy: as the distances increase, the communication delays and constraints tend to prevent the astronauts from being monitored and supported by a real time ground control.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2.611
Funding: T. Vaquero and S. Chien are affiliated with NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. J. Marquez is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center.
Schroeck H, Whitty MA, Martinez-Camblor P, Voicu S, Burian BK, Taenzer AH.
Anaesthesia clinicians’ perception of safety, workload, anxiety, and stress in a remote hybrid suite compared with the operating room.
Br J Anaesth. 2023 May 16;S0007-0912(23)00203-9. Online ahead of print.
Journal Impact Factor: 11.719
Funding: B.K. Burian is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center.
Li M, Lee JD.
Modeling goal alignment in human-AI teaming: A dynamic game theory approach.
Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet. 2022 Oct;66(1):1538-42.
PI: J.D. Lee
Note: This article is a meeting proceedings that published in peer-reviewed Sage journals. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.598
Funding: “This work was supported by NASA Human Research Program No. 80NSSC19K0654.”
Buettmann EG, Chlebek C, Lockard CA, Clayton SW, Lewis KJ, Collins KH.
Post or perish? Social media strategies for disseminating orthopedic research.
J Orthop Res. 2023 May 10. Online ahead of print.
PI: E.G. Buettmann
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.103
Funding: “Dr. Evan Buettmann was supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) through Cooperative Agreement with NASA (NNX16AO69A). Dr. Kelsey Collins was supported by NIAMS (Grant K99AR078949).”
Other papers of interest:
Almosa AS, Lockwood MB, Green SJ.
Effects of spaceflight on the human gastrointestinal tract microbiome.
J Indian Inst Sci. 2023 May 23. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “In this short review, we summarize the current state of knowledge on the effect of space travel on the human gut microbiome, including research designs that include animals (rodents), humans, and novel simulations. Experiments were conducted under conditions of spaceflight, ground-based, and analogous flight simulation.”
Ejova A, Searston RA, Stephens R, Semmler C.
Clear thinking in deep space: A guide by cognitive scientists.
In: de Zwart M, Henderson S, Culton J, Turnbull D, Srivastava A, eds. Human Uses of Outer Space: Return to the Moon. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. p. 31-47.
Oxlad M, Whitburn S, Carter AJ.
Optimizing mission success: A holistic approach to selecting the best people to travel to space.
In: de Zwart M, Henderson S, Culton J, Turnbull D, Srivastava A, eds. Human Uses of Outer Space: Return to the Moon. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. p. 5-29.
Sakaki T, Koizumi T, Ikeido Y, Soga K, Wakabayashi K, Hoson T.
Increase in steryl glycoside levels and stimulation of lipid raft formation in azuki bean epicotyls under hypergravity conditions.
Life Sci Space Res. 2023 Aug 23;38:53-8.
Note: A centrifuge was used in this study.
Lv W, Peng X, Tu Y, Shi Y, Song G, Luo Q.
YAP [Yes-associated protein] inhibition alleviates simulated microgravity-induced mesenchymal stem cell senescence via targeting mitochondrial dysfunction.
Antioxidants. 2023 Apr 23;12(5):990.
Note: A 2D clinostat was used in this study. From the abstract: “Weightlessness in space leads to bone loss, muscle atrophy, and impaired immune defense in astronauts. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) play crucial roles in maintaining the homeostasis and function of the tissue. However, how microgravity affects the characteristics MSCs and the related roles in the pathophysiological changes in astronauts remain barely known.” This article is part of Topic “Advances in Astrobiology” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Shamei A, Sóskuthy M, Stavness I, Gick B.
Postural adaptation to microgravity underlies fine motor impairment in astronauts’ speech.
Sci Rep. 2023 May 22;13:8231.
Note: From the article: “The authors declare that the data used within this analysis was obtained from publicly available sources, and all research was completed in accordance with human research ethics guidelines and regulations. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) provides audio and video for a selection of missions through the public NASA images archive, which contains audio and video files of Astronaut interviews for selected missions. Audio files from each mission were selected because they feature substantial speech data (between 70 and 120 s of speech) of astronauts immediately before and after their respective missions, allowing direct comparisons of vowel space before and after adaptations to microgravity. We evaluated vowel formants from four astronauts across four STS missions: (i) STS-129 (ii) STS-133, (iii) STS-134, and (iv) STS-135.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Yue Y, Yang J-Q, Lu S-Y, Ge J, Nie H-Y, Liu K-G, Liu F, Li H, Yan H-F, Zhang T, Sun P-M, Sun H-W, Yang J-W, Zhou J-L, Cui Y.
Simulated microgravity altered the proliferation, apoptosis, and extracellular matrix formation of L929 fibroblasts and the transforming growth factor-β1/Smad3 signaling pathway.
Skin Res Technol. 2023 May 8;29(5):e13341. Online ahead of print.
Note: A rotary cell culture system was used in this study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Zhang Y, Huang H, Yao C, Sun X, He Q, Choudharyc MI, Chen S, Liu X, Jiang N.
Fresh Gastrodia elata blume alleviates simulated weightlessness-induced cognitive impairment by regulating inflammatory and apoptosis-related pathways.
Front Pharmacol. 2023 May 3;14:1173920.
Note: Hindlimb unloading study. This article is part of Research Topic “Exploring the Key Targets and Compounds That Manipulate Brain Neurocircuits Against Mental Disorders and Psychiatric” ( The Research Topic also includes an article from previous Current Awareness List #1,050 Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Sim HJ, So HS, Poudel SB, Bhattarai G, Cho ES, Lee JC, Kook SH.
Osteoblastic Wls ablation protects mice from total body irradiation-induced impairments in hematopoiesis and bone marrow microenvironment.
Aging Dis. 2023 Jun 1;14(3):919-36.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Zhang Q, Gerweck LE, Cascio E, Gu L, Yang Q, Dong X, Huang P, Bertolet A, Nesteruk KP, Sung W, McNamara AL, Schuemann J.
Absence of tissue-sparing effects in partial proton FLASH irradiation in murine intestine.
Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 13;15(8):2269.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Waldbaum JDH, Xhumari J, Akinsuyi OS, Arjmandi B, Anton S, Roesch LFW.
Association between dysbiosis in the gut microbiota of primary osteoporosis patients and bone loss.
Aging Dis. 2023 Apr 28. Review.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Badakva AM, Miller NV, Zobova LN.
Integration of vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive inputs in the cerebral cortex during movement control.
Hum Physiol. 2023 Apr 27;49(2):176-82. Review.
Kelly KR, Palombo LJ, Jensen AE, Bernards JR.
Efficacy of closed cell wet-suit at various depths and gas mixtures for thermoprotection during military training dives.
Front Physiol. 2023 May 24;14:1165196.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.