NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,050 19 May 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)

SPACELINE Current Awareness Lists are distributed via listserv and are available on the NASA Task Book website at
Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Call for articles to cite in the weekly lists: Authors at NASA Centers and NASA PIs—do you have an article that has recently published or will publish in the upcoming weeks within a peer-reviewed journal and is in the scope of space life sciences? If so, send it our way! Send your article to the email address mentioned above. Articles received by Wednesday will appear within that week’s list—articles received after Wednesday will appear the following week.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Landon LB, Marquez JJ, Salas E.
Human factors in spaceflight: New progress on a long journey.
Hum Factors. 2023 May 15:187208231170276. Online ahead of print.
Note: This article is an editor’s intro in Human Factors to a special issue on spaceflight.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.598
Funding: “L.B. Landon is affiliated with NASA Johnson Space Center. J.J. Marquez is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center.”
Meer E, Grob S, Antonsen EL, Sawyer A.
Ocular conditions and injuries, detection and management in spaceflight.
npj Microgravity. 2023 May 16;9:37. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “Ocular trauma or other ocular conditions can be significantly debilitating in space. A literature review of over 100 articles and NASA evidence books, queried for eye related trauma, conditions, and exposures was conducted. Ocular trauma and conditions during NASA space missions during the Space Shuttle Program and ISS through Expedition 13 in 2006 were reviewed.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.97
Funding: “We would like to acknowledge the Translational Research Institute of Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A for support of this work. This work was also substantially supported by the UC Space Health, UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, and the UCSF Department of Ophthalmology.”
Patterson C, Greaves DK, Robertson A, Hughson R, Arbeille PL.
Motorized 3D ultrasound and jugular vein dimension measurement on the International Space Station.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):466-9.
Note: From the abstract: “Internal jugular vein (IJV) congestion occurs during spaceflight. Historically, IJV distension on the International Space Station (ISS) has been quantified using single slice cross-sectional images from conventional 2D ultrasound with remote guidance. Importantly, the IJV is an irregular shape and highly compressible. Consequently, conventional imaging is susceptible to poor reproducibility due to inconsistent positioning, insonation angle, and hold-down pressure, especially when controlled by novice sonographers (i.e., astronauts). Recently, a motorized 3D ultrasound was launched to the ISS that mitigates angulation errors and has a larger design, allowing for more consistent hold-down pressure and positioning. This short communication compares IJV congestion measured with 2D vs. 3D methods during spaceflight.”
Journal Impact Factor: 0.889
Funding: “The authors thank the support teams at CADMOS, CSA and NASA.”
Gangeme A, Simpson B, De La Torre GG, Larose TL, Diaz-Artiles A.
A comprehensive look behind team composition for long duration spaceflight.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):457-65. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “This narrative review highlights areas of consideration for building cohesive teams in long duration spaceflight environments. The authors gathered information from a variety of team-behavior related studies that focused on team composition, cohesion, and dynamics, as well as others topics such as faultlines and subgroups, diversity, personality traits, personal values, and crew compatibility training.”
Journal Impact Factor: 0.889
Funding: “This work was partially supported by the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity NSTGRO, grant number 80NSSC20K1226 (Benjamin Simpson) and grant number 80NSSC21K1263 (Ana Diaz-Artiles).”
Guez-Barber D, Colon LM, Raphael D, Wragan MA, Yun S, Eisch AJ.
Female and male microglia are not different in the dentate gyrus of postnatal day 10 mice.
Neurosci Lett. 2023 Apr 23;803:137171.
PI: S. Yun
Note: This article appeared in a previous Current Awareness list in the “Other” section. The article is being included in this list along with the funding note.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.197
Funding: “…SY is supported by a 2019 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, a 2020 University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate Research Foundation grant, an NIH R01 grant (NS088555-05, PI: AM Stowe), a 2021 NASA HERO grant (80NSSC21K0814), and a Foerderer Award for Excellence from CHOP. …”
López-Pozo M, Adams WW, Polutchko SK, Demmig-Adams B.
Terrestrial and floating aquatic plants differ in acclimation to light environment.
Plants. 2023 May 9;12(10):1928.
PI: B. Demmig-Adams
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Photosynthesis under Environmental Fluctuations” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.658
Funding: “The data presented here are based on research supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health through Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A, National Science Foundation awards DEB-1022236 and IOS-0841546, and the University of Colorado.”
Farrag M, Dwivedi R, Sharma P, Kumar D, Tandon R, Pomin VH.
Structural requirements of Holothuria floridana fucosylated chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides in anti-SARS-CoV-2 and anticoagulant activities.
PLoS ONE. 2023 May 11;18(5):e0285539.
PI: R. Tandon
Journal Impact Factor: Not available for this journal
Funding: “This work was supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health [1P20GM130460-01A1-7936 (Vitor H. Pomin), 1R03NS110996-01A1 (Vitor H. Pomin), and 1R01DE031928-01A1 (Ritesh Tandon)], NASA #80NSSC19K1603 (Ritesh Tandon) and the University of Mississippi. The graduate student in Pomin’s laboratory, Marwa Farrag, is funded by a full scholarship (GM 1110) from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Arab Republic of Egypt.”
Other papers of interest:
Shi S, Han Y, Shao Y, Ma W, Shao Z, Wan G, Lu C, Lu W, Gu X.
Gene expression changes reveal the impact of the space environment on the skin of ISS astronauts.
Clin Exp Dermatol. 2023 May 12. Online ahead of print.
Note: ISS results.
Winkler L.H.
Human physiological limitations to long-term spaceflight and living in space.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):444-56. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “Despite all our dreams and enthusiasm, the essential question of whether our species can ever live permanently in space remains unanswered. The 1975 NASA Ames Design Study on Space Settlements demonstrated how human physiology constrains and determines human habitat design in space. Our scientific understanding about the risks of and standards for microgravity (and rotation rate if centrifugally generated), ionizing radiation, and atmosphere pressure and composition, remains inadequate a half century later. In addition, there are newly recognized physiological challenges to living safely in space, including spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS), extravascular hemolytic anemia, and other factors that affect every human cell and organ system. A comprehensive review was conducted to establish what we have learned and what is still required to know about the pathophysiology of long-term space travel and living in space since my first report in 1978.”
Reeves IA, Blue RS, Auñon-Chancellor S, Harrison MF, Shah R, Powers WE.
Tolerance of centrifuge-simulated commercial spaceflight in a subject with hemophilia A.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):470-4.
Note: Case report. From the abstract: “With increasing engagement of commercial spaceflight participants in spaceflight activities, the evaluation of individuals with medical conditions not previously characterized in the spaceflight environment is of particular interest. Factors such as acceleration forces experienced during launch, reentry, and landing of spacecraft could pose an altered risk profile in some individuals due to known disease. Bleeding diatheses present a unique concern in the spaceflight environment given hypergravity exposure and, particularly, the potential for injury resulting from transient or impact acceleration.”
Babu B, Pawar S, Mittal A, Kolanthai E, Neal CJ, Coathup M, Seal S.
Nanotechnology enabled radioprotectants to reduce space radiation-induced reactive oxidative species.
Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanomed Nanobiotechnol. 2023 May 16;e1896. Review. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Interest in space exploration has seen substantial growth following recent launch and operation of modern space technologies. In particular, the possibility of travel beyond low earth orbit is seeing sustained support. However, future deep space travel requires addressing health concerns for crews under continuous, longer-term exposure to adverse environmental conditions. Among these challenges, radiation-induced health issues are a major concern. Their potential to induce chronic illness is further potentiated by the microgravity environment. While investigations into the physiological effects of space radiation are still under investigation, studies on model ionizing radiation conditions, in earth and micro-gravity conditions, can provide needed insight into relevant processes.”
Fagliarone C, Mosca C, Di Stefano G, Leuko S, Moeller R, Rabbow E, Rettberg P, Billi D.
Enabling deep-space experimentations on cyanobacteria by monitoring cell division resumption in dried Chroococcidiopsis sp. 029 with accumulated DNA damage.
Front Microbiol. 2023 May 17;14:1150224.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “The Impact of the Space Environment on Microbial Growth and Behavior” ( The Research Topic also includes articles from previous Current Awareness Lists #1,009,, and; #1,041; #1,046 Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Bieg T, Reisinger M, Fröhlich P, Hametner B, Möstl S.
Task performance with touchscreen interfaces under conditions of head-down tilt bedrest.
CEAS Space Journal. 2023 May 12.
Note: From the abstract: “The present study investigated changes in performance with a touchscreen-based interface under head-down tilt bed rest conditions (HDT).”
Dugan C, Parlatescu I, Popescu BO, Pop CS, Marin M, Dinculescu A, Nistorescu AI, Vizitiu C, Varlas VN.
Applications for oral research in microgravity – lessons learned from burning mouth syndrome and ageing studies.
J Med Life. 2023 Mar;16(3):381-6. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “The negative consequences of microgravity for the human body are central aspects of space travel that raise health problems. Altered functions of the same systems and treatment options are common points of spaceflight physiology, age-related diseases, and oral medicine. This work emphasizes the convergence of knowledge between pathophysiological changes brought on by aging, physiological reactions to microgravity exposure, and non-pharmacological and non-invasive treatment methods that can be used in spaceflight.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Jiang N, Lv J, Zhang Y, Sun X, Yao C, Wang Q, He Q, Liu X.
Protective effects of ginsenosides Rg1 and Rb1 against cognitive impairment induced by simulated microgravity in rats.
Front Pharmacol. 2023 Apr 24;14:1167398.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Exploring the Key Targets and Compounds That Manipulate Brain Neurocircuits Against Mental Disorders and Psychiatric” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Miglietta S, Cristiano L, Espinola MSB, Masiello MG, Micara G, Battaglione E, Linari A, Palmerini MG, Familiari G, Aragona C, Bizzarri M, Macchiarelli G, Nottola SA.
Effects of simulated microgravity in vitro on human metaphase II oocytes: An electron microscopy-based study.
Cells. 2023 May 9;12(10):1346.
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Role of Microenvironment in the Control of Cell Proliferation, Death, and Autophagy” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Pala R, Cruciani S, Manca A, Garroni G, El Faqir MA, Lentini V, Capobianco G, Pantaleo A, Maioli M.
Mesenchymal stem cell behavior under microgravity: From stress response to a premature senescence.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 24;24(9):7753.
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Molecular Biology of Senescence” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Reynolds RJ, Day SM, Kanikkannan L.
Viability of internal comparisons for epidemiological research in the US astronaut corps.
npj Microgravity. 2023 May 12;9(1):36.
Note: From the abstract: “This study aims to determine whether astronauts who have not flown in space can provide an unbiased comparison to astronauts who have flown in space when analyzing long-term health outcomes such as incidence of chronic disease and mortality.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Hagemann V, Watermann L, Klonek F, Heinicke C.
Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission.
Acta Astronaut. 2023 May 16. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “In this study, we hypothesized that communication quality affects two key team outcomes, performance and task satisfaction, and that these effects can be explained by increases in workload (effort and frustration).”
Kagelmann N, Janke D, Maggioni MA, Gunga H-C, Riveros Rivera A, Genov M, Noppe A, Habazettl H, Bothe TL, Nordine M, Castiglioni P, Opatz O.
Peripheral skin cooling during hyper-gravity: Hemodynamic reactions.
Front Physiol. 2023 May 15;14:1173171.
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Cold, Heat and Hypoxia as a Medical Tool: The Use in a Healthy and Diseased Population” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Shaharuddin S, Nik Abd Rahman NMA, Masarudin MJ, Alamassi MN, Ahmad Saad FF.
HIF-1 sensor in detecting hypoxia tolerance at high altitude.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Jun 1;94(6):485-7.
Arbeille P, Zuj KA, Besnard S, Mauvieux B, Hingrand C, Delaunay PL, Hughson RL, Clot C.
Ultrasound assessments of organs and blood vessels before and after 40 days isolation in a cavern (deep time experiment 2021).
Front Physiol. 2023 Apr 24;14:1174565.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Markina E, Andreeva E, Buravkova L.
Stromal lineage precursors from rodent femur and tibia bone marrows after hindlimb unloading: Functional ex vivo analysis.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 May 11;24(10):8594.
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “New Insights into the Use of Mouse Models for the Study of Musculoskeletal Diseases” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Rutkove SB, Callegari S, Concepcion H, Mourey T, Widrick J, Nagy JA, Nath AK.
Electrical impedance myography detects age-related skeletal muscle atrophy in adult zebrafish.
Sci Rep. 2023 May 3;13:7191.
Note: From the abstract: “Age-related deficits in skeletal muscle function, termed sarcopenia, are due to loss of muscle mass and changes in the intrinsic mechanisms underlying contraction. Sarcopenia is associated with falls, functional decline, and mortality. Electrical impedance myography (EIM)—a minimally invasive, rapid electrophysiological tool—can be applied to animals and humans to monitor muscle health, thereby serving as a biomarker in both preclinical and clinical studies.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Suzuki M, Miyaji K, Matoba K, Abe T, Nakamaru Y, Watanabe R, Suzuki T, Nakazono A, Konno A, Hinder D, Psaltis AJ, Wormald PJ, Homma A.
Mental workload during endoscopic sinus surgery is associated with surgeons’ skill levels.
Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Apr 24;10:1090743.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Insights in Healthcare Professions Education: 2022” ( and may be obtained online without charge.