NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,037 17 February 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)
![NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,037 17 February 2023 (Space Life Science Research Results)](
Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Call for articles to cite in the weekly lists: Authors at NASA Centers and NASA PIs—do you have an article that has recently published or will publish in the upcoming weeks within a peer-reviewed journal and is in the scope of space life sciences? If so, send it our way! Send your article to the email address mentioned above. Articles received by Wednesday will appear within that week’s list—articles received after Wednesday will appear the following week.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Pundyavana A, Gilad Y, Stahn AC, Basner M.
Cognition test battery survey: Development of a single alertness and mood score for short- and long-duration spaceflight.
Applied Sciences. 2023 Feb 12;13(4):2364. Early access version.
PIs: A.C. Stahn, M. Basner
Note: This article is part of Section “Aerospace Science and Engineering” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 2.838
Funding: “This study was supported by NASA through 80NSSC18K0765 and NNJ14ZSA001N. The Cognition test battery and the Alertness and Mood Survey were developed with funding from the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) through NASA NCC 9-58.”
Harris KM, Arya R, Elias A, Weber T, Green DA, Greaves DK, Petersen LG, Roberts L, Kamine TH, Mazzolai L, Bergauer A, Kim DS, Olde Engberink RH, Zu Eulenberg P, Grassi B, Zuccarelli L, Baldassarre G, Tabury K, Baatout S, Jordan J, Blaber AP, Choukér A, Russomano T, Goswami N.
Pathophysiology, risk, diagnosis, and management of venous thrombosis in space: Where are we now?
npj Microgravity. 2023 Feb 16;9:17. Review.
PI: L.G. Petersen
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.97
Funding: “We are thankful to the European Space Agency and NASA for financial support of this project. The European Space Agency provided funding to cover the open access cost of this publication. Publication costs were covered specifically from the ESA-sponsored Topical Team on ‘Pathophysiology, risk and clinical presentation of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and its evaluation of its prevention, diagnosis, mitigation and management strategies in spaceflight’ (Grant number 4000131108/20/NL/PG/pt) and NASA Grant number 80NSSC19K0020, PI. The project was funded by the European Space Agency and KBR GmbH. The funder (KBR GmbH) provided support in the form of salaries for the authors T.W. and D.A.G. but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”
Hinshaw RG, Schroeder MK, Ciola J, Varma C, Colletti B, Liu B, Liu GG, Shi Q, Williams JP, O’Banion MK, Caldarone BJ, Lemere CA.
High-energy, whole-body proton irradiation differentially alters long-term brain pathology and behavior dependent on sex and Alzheimer’s disease mutations.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 10;24(4):3615.
PI: C.A. Lemere
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Recent Advances in Radiotherapy” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 6.208
Funding: “This research and the article processing charge were funded by NASA Grants NNX14AI07G and 80NSSC18K0810 (Lemere).”
Pekas EJ, Anderson CP, Park S-Y.
Moderate dose of dietary nitrate improves skeletal muscle microvascular function in patients with peripheral artery disease.
Microvascular Research. 2023 Mar 23;146:104469.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.75
Funding: “This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [R01 HD106911-01A1 and R01 AG077803] and Center for Research in Human Movement Variability [P20GM109090], the University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Grant [32105], the University of Nebraska at Omaha Graduate Research and Creative Activity (GRACA) grant, the NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowship, and the NASA Nebraska Space Grant [NNX15AI09H and 80NSSC20M0112].”
Thosar SS, Taqui S, Davidson B, Belcik T, Hodovan J, Rice SPM, Lindner JR.
Resting coronary flow drives the daily pattern in coronary flow reserve in patients with chest pain without obstructive epicardial stenosis.
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jan 25;10:1057692.
PI: J.R. Lindner
Note: From the abstract: “Ischemia with no obstructive coronary artery disease (INOCA) is a risk factor for major adverse cardiovascular events and is characterized by abnormal coronary microvascular tone. In patients with INOCA, adverse cardiovascular events most commonly occur in the morning compared to other times of the day and night.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.846
Funding: “This research was supported by grants R01-HL078610, R01-HL130046, R01-HL163232, and P51-OD011092 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, United States and grant 18-18HCFBP_2-0009 [80NSSC20K0987] from NASA.”
Pekas EJ, Allen MF, Park SY.
Prolonged sitting and peripheral vascular function: Potential mechanisms and methodological considerations.
J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Feb 16. Review. Online ahead of print.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.880
Funding: “R01 HD106911-01A1/HHS | National Institutes of Health (NIH); R01 AG077803/AG/NIA NIH HHS/United States; U54 GM115458/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States; 32105/University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative; NNX15AI09H/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Nebraska Space Grant.”
Ntoumani M, Dugué B, Rivas E, Gongaki K.
Thermoregulation and thermal sensation during whole-body water immersion at different water temperatures in healthy individuals: A scoping review.
J Therm Biol. 2023 Feb;112:103430. Review.
Journal Impact Factor: 3.189
Funding: E. Rivas is affiliated with NASA Johnson Space Center.
Borrell JA, Fraser K, Manattu AK, Zuniga JM.
Laterality index calculations in a control study of functional near infrared spectroscopy.
Brain Topogr. 2023 Feb 9.
Note: From the abstract: “Hemispheric dominance has been used to understand the influence of central and peripheral neural damage on the motor function of individuals with stroke, cerebral palsy, and limb loss. It has been well established that greater activation occurs in the contralateral hemisphere to the side of the body used to perform the task. However, there is currently a large variability in calculation procedures for brain laterality when using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) as a non-invasive neuroimaging tool. In this study, we used fNIRS to measure brain activity over the left and right sensorimotor cortices while participants (n = 20, healthy and uninjured) performed left and right-hand movement tasks.”
Journal Impact Factor: 4.275
Funding: “This research was funded by NASA Nebraska Space Grant under Federal Award #80NSSC20M0112 and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number [R01 NS114282].”
Other papers of interest:
Dickerson BL, Sowinski R, Kreider RB, Wu G.
Impacts of microgravity on amino acid metabolism during spaceflight.
Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2023 Feb 12;15353702221139189. Review. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Appropriate knowledge of daily protein consumption, with a focus on specific functional amino acids, may offer insight into potential combative and/or therapeutic effects of amino acid consumption in astronauts and space travelers. This will further aid in the successful development of long-term crewed space mission and permanent space habitats.”
Le Roy B, Martin-Krumm C, Trousselard M.
Mindfulness for adaptation to analog and new technologies emergence for long-term space missions.
Front Space Technol. 2023 Feb 13;4:1109556. Review.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Space Analogs and Habitats” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Smith CM, Segovia MD, Salmon OF.
Impact of reduced weight on motor and cognitive function in astronaut analogs: A simulated lunar gravity workload study.
Acta Astronaut. 2023 May;206:19-29.
Note: From the article: “The present study utilized positive pressure treadmill (
PPT) walking as the method to induce altered gait through a reduction in weight bearing capacity. Both simulated reduction in weight through the utilization of positive pressure and microgravity alter gait patterns.”
Gorgori-González A, Perez-Poch A, González DV, Salvia R, Rico LG, Ward MD, Bradford JA, Petriz J, Viscor G.
Effects of rapid gravity load changes on immunophenotyping and leukocyte function of human peripheral blood after parabolic flight.
Acta Astronaut. 2023 Feb 11. Online ahead of print.
Note: Parabolic flight results.
Radstake WE, Jillings S, Laureys S, Demertzi A, Sunaert S, Van Ombergen A, Wuyts FL.
Neuroplasticity in F16 fighter jet pilots.
Front Physiol. 2023 Feb 15;14:1082166.
Note: To view a full press release of this article on the SpaceRef website go to This article may be obtained online without charge.
Chen Y, Zhang Q, Wang D, Shu YG, Shi H.
Memory effect on the survival of Deinococcus radiodurans after exposure in near space.
Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Feb 7;e0347422. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “The aim of this article was to investigate which factors influence survival after near-space exposure. The results suggested that there was a memory effect on the survival of D. radiodurans after exposure.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Lv H, Yang H, Jiang C, Shi J, Chen RA, Huang Q, Shao D.
Microgravity and immune cells.
J R Soc Interface. 2023 Feb 15;20(199):20220869. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “The microgravity environment experienced during spaceflight severely impaired immune system, making astronauts vulnerable to various diseases that seriously threaten the health of astronauts. Immune cells are exceptionally sensitive to changes in gravity and the microgravity environment can affect multiple aspects of immune cells through different mechanisms. Previous reports have mainly summarized the role of microgravity in the classification of innate and adaptive immune cells, lacking an overall grasp of the laws that microgravity effects on immune cells at different stages of their entire developmental process, such as differentiation, activation, metabolism, as well as function, which are discussed and concluded in this review.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Smith N, Peters D, Jay C, Sandal GM, Barrett EC, Wuebker R.
Off-world mental health: Considerations for the design of well-being-supportive technologies for deep space exploration.
JMIR Form Res. 2023 Feb 14;7:e37784.
Note: From the abstract: “In this perspective, we argue that digital technologies developed for spaceflight should be informed by well-being-supportive design principles and be cognizant of broader conversations around the development and use of digital health applications, especially pertaining to issues of autonomy, privacy, and trust. These issues are important for designing potentially mission-critical health technologies and may be determining factors in the safe and successful completion of future off-world endeavors.”
Reidy PT, Smith AD, Jevnikar BE, Doctor AK, Williams RW, Kachulkin AA, Monning JM, Fix DK, Petrocelli JJ, Mahmassani ZS, McKenzie AI, de Hart NMMP, Drummond MJ.
Muscle disuse as hindlimb unloading in early postnatal mice negatively impacts grip strength in adult mice: A pilot study.
J Appl Physiol. 2023 Feb 9. Online ahead of print.
Note: Hindlimb unloading study.
Zhang J, Tang S, Chen C, Jiang H, Liao H, Liu H, Wang L, Chen X.
A bibliometric analysis of the studies in high-altitude induced sleep disturbances and cognitive impairment research.
Front Physiol. 2023 Jan 13;14:1133059.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Neurological Dysfunction and Diseases in High Altitude” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Research Topic. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Law J, Cardy V.
Pharmacological relief of acute urinary retention in a remote environment.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Feb;94(2):90-3.
Note: From the abstract: “In spaceflight, acute urinary retention (AUR) could develop as a sequela of medication use, urinary tract infection, urolithiasis, or intentional urine holding. While AUR is generally treated with bladder decompression, urinary catheterization could be difficult operationally in terms of training and proficiency, supplies, and lack of space or privacy. This report discusses a case in which tamsulosin and lorazepam were used successfully on an offshore ship while awaiting medical evacuation, a situation that could arise in remote locations where aerospace operations are conducted.”
Abbariki F, Mikhail Y, Hamadjida A, Charron J, Mac-Thiong J-M, Barthélemy D.
Effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation applied at the onset of stance on muscular activity and gait cycle duration in healthy individuals.
Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2023 Feb 9;16:1065647.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Sensorimotor and Autonomic Contributions of the Brainstem in Physiological and Pathophysiological Conditions” ( and may be obtained online without charge.
Gaddini L, Bernardo A, Greco A, Campa A, Esposito G, Matteucci A.Adaptive response in rat retinal cell cultures irradiated with γ-rays.
Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jan 19;24(3):1972.
Note: This article is part of Special Issue “Molecular Mechanisms of Retinal Degeneration and How to Avoid It” ( Additional articles will be forthcoming and may be found in the link to the Special Issue. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Kumar A, Kaistha S.
Abdominal crunch syndrome creates a diagnostic challenge in treating a pilot with acute upper abdominal pain.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Feb;94(2):86-9.
Note: From the abstract: “A diagnosis in acute abdomen may remain elusive especially when the cause is rare. We report this interesting case of a fighter pilot presenting with acute abdominal pain. The case posed significant challenges in reaching the correct diagnosis of abdominal crunch syndrome. The syndrome is rare with only seven reports in the literature so far. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever report of this condition in an aircrew.”
Monin J, Rebiere E, Guiu G, Bisconte S, Perrier E, Manen O.
Residual sleepiness risk in aircrew members with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023 Feb;94(2):74-8.
Barnes CM, Guarana C, Lee J, Kaur E.
Using wearable technology (closed loop acoustic stimulation) to improve sleep quality and work outcomes.
J Appl Psychol. 2023 Feb 9. Online ahead of print.
Cezar-Vaz MR, Xavier DM, Bonow CA, Vaz JC, Cardoso LS, Sant’Anna CF, da Costa VZ, Nery CHC, Alves AS, Vettorello JS, de Souza JL, Loureiro HMAM.
Musculoskeletal pain in the neck and lower back regions among PHC workers: Association between workload, mental disorders, and strategies to manage pain.
Healthcare. 2023 Jan 28;11(3):365.
Gupta A, Kelty-Stephen DG, Mangalam M, McKindles RJ, Stirling L.
Walking speed and dual task input modality impact performance on a self-paced treadmill.
Appl Ergon. 2023 May;109:103986.
Note: From the abstract: “The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of visual and tactile-visual dual-task on gait performance.”