NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,027 9 December 2022 (Space Life Science Research Results)

SPACELINE Current Awareness Lists are distributed via listserv and are available on the NASA Task Book website at
Please send any correspondence to Shawna Byrd, SPACELINE Current Awareness Senior Editor,
Call for articles to cite in the weekly lists: Authors at NASA Centers and NASA PIs—do you have an article that has recently published or will publish in the upcoming weeks within a peer-reviewed journal and is in the scope of space life sciences? If so, send it our way! Send your article to the email address mentioned above. Articles received by Wednesday will appear within that week’s list—articles received after Wednesday will appear the following week.
Papers deriving from NASA support:
Dunn Rosenberg J, Jannasch A, Binsted K, Landry S.
Biobehavioral and psychosocial stress changes during three 8-12 month spaceflight analog missions with Mars-like conditions of isolation and confinement.
Front Physiol. 2022 Dec 7;13:898841.
PI: K. Binsted
Note: From the abstract: “Prior theories about individual and team adaptation to living and working in an isolated and confined environment (ICE) have been derived from the experiences of individuals who winter-over in Antarctica or deploy for long durations in submarines. These theories are typically described as a 3- to 4-stage process with phases of excitement and elevated alertness, then followed by difficult phases, including depression and volatility. To further evaluate the applicability of these theories to long-duration human spaceflight missions, longitudinal stress responses to prolonged isolation and confinement of three 6-person crews during 8-12 months simulated Mars missions were characterized through metabolite profiling (biomarkers in hair and urine samples), wearables monitoring (sleep and activity levels), and self-reported ratings of stress, mood, social participation, and perceived health.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.755
Funding: “The overall HI-SEAS missions were funded by NASA grants awarded to KB PI for HI-SEAS. The stress research protocol in data presented here was opportunistic research added onto the primary HI-SEAS research and was funded additionally through two grants from the Weldon Research Foundation for Jocelyn Dunn Rosenberg’s laboratory work with Amber Jannasch conducted at Purdue University’s Bindley Bioscience Center, with some materials and shipping costs supplemented by Purdue Graduate Student Government research grant.”
Smith T, Peterman A, Donoviel D.
Exponential medicine: Challenges of human spaceflight bringing innovations for Earth—A case study.
In: Friebe M, ed. Novel Innovation Design for the Future of Health: Entrepreneurial Concepts for Patient Empowerment and Health Democratization. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2022. p. 71-8.
Note: From the abstract: “Long-duration deep space human spaceflight poses many health risks that have never been encountered on Earth and will require new technologies to keep astronauts healthy. The distance from Earth presents many communications challenges and the lack of any possible expedient return to Earth presents an opportunity for a new kind of clinical training and decision support. The Translation Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH), partnered with NASA, has identified the need for digital twin technology and contextual artificial intelligence to autonomously support an astronaut diagnosing and even treating an acute condition during a mission.”
Funding: “This work was supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health through NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A.”
Olthoff C, Kaschubek D, Killian M.
Dynamic thermal interactions between spacesuits and lunar regolith in permanently shaded regions on the Moon.
Acta Astronaut. 2022 Dec 7. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Future human space exploration missions are planned to take humans into permanently shaded regions (PSRs) at the lunar south pole. These areas are among the coldest places in the Solar System and represent a novel operational environment for spacesuits. In addition to this technical challenge, there is scientific interest in volatiles that are cold trapped in PSRs. This paper presents results from several simulations performed to assess the effect of the thermal interactions between the lunar surface and a comparatively warm spacesuit in a permanently shadowed crater on the Moon.”
Journal Impact Factor: 2.954
Funding: “This research was supported by an appointment to the NASA Postdoctoral Program at the NASA Johnson Space Center, administered by Universities Space Research Association under contract with NASA.”
Pohlen M, Carroll D, Prisk GK, Sawyer AJ.
Overview of lunar dust toxicity risk.
npj Microgravity. 2022 Dec 2;8:55. Review.
Note: From the abstract: “This paper explores known and potential human risks of exposure to lunar dust (LD) which are thought to be important in planning upcoming lunar missions and planetary surface work.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.97
Funding: “Support for this paper was provided by UC Space Health, UCSF Orthopaedic Surgery, and Translational Research Institute of Space Health via NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AO69A.”
Bello JW, Rickrode GA, Harlan NP, Buckey JC Jr.
Systemic prostacyclin analogues for frostbite require careful monitoring.
J Burn Care Res. 2022 Nov 29;irac178. Online ahead of print.
PI: J.C. Buckey Jr
Note: Clinical case report.
Journal Impact Factor: 1.819
Funding: “PI reports NCC 9-58-TD00402, Improved Bubble Detection for EVA project funding.”
Leung CN, Howell DM, De Toledo SM, Azzam EI, Howell RW.
Late effects of heavy-ion space radiation on splenocyte subpopulations and NK cytotoxic function.
Front Astron Space Sci. 2022 Nov 7;9:949432.
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Astroparticle Experiments to Improve the Biological Risk Assessment of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation in the Exploratory Space Missions” ( The Research Topic also includes an article from previous Current Awareness List #993 This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.055
Funding: “This study was supported by NASA NNJ13ZSA002N and NIH R01 CA198073.”
Freitag M, Schwertz H.
A new role of NAP1L1 in megakaryocytes and human platelets.
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 24;23(23):14694.
PI: H. Schwertz
Note: This article is part of Research Topic “Molecular Research on Platelet Activity in Health and Disease 2022” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 6.208
Funding: “In the preparation of this manuscript H. Schwertz was supported by a Lichtenberg Professorship from the Volkswagen Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, Space Biology 80NSSC22K0255).”
McGinnis GJ, Holden S, Yu B, Ransom C, Guidarelli C, De B, Diao K, Boyce D, Thomas CR Jr, Winters-Stone K, Raber J.
Association of fall rate and functional status by APOE genotype in cancer survivors after exercise intervention.
Oncotarget. 2022 Nov 17;13:1259-70.
PIs: M. Weil, J. Raber/NSCOR
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 5.168
Funding: “G.J.M. was supported by an HHMI Medical Research Fellowship, the Collins Medical Trust, RSNA Research Medical Student Grants (RMS1703, RMS1416), an N.L. Tartar Research Fellowship, the Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute (OCTRI) grant number UL1 RR024140 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), the William Moss Kenneth Stevens Academic Development Fund of the Department of Radiation Medicine, and the development account of J.R. B.Y. was supported by the John S. Rogers Science Research Program as well as the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation. J.R. is partially supported by NASA NSCOR NNX15AK13G, NIH R21 CA223461, and NIH RF1 AG059088.”
Mansisidor AR, Risca VI.
Chromatin accessibility: Methods, mechanisms, and biological insights.
Nucleus. 2022 Nov 20;13:236-76. Review.
PI: V.I. Risca
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Journal Impact Factor: 4.590
Funding: “This work was supported by the Irma T. Hirschl/Monique Weill-Caulier Trust [Career Scientist Award] to V.I.R.; NIH Office of the Director [1DP2GM150021-01] to V.I.R.; National Institute of General Medical Sciences [F32 GM140551] to A.R.M.; NASA Space Operations Mission Directorate Human Research Program [80NSSC21K0565] to V.I.R.; Rita Allen Foundation [Scholar Award] to A.R.M.; V Foundation for Cancer Research [V Scholar Award V2019-011] to V.I.R.”
Other papers of interest:
Li C, Zhang X, Ye T, Li X, Wang G.
Protection and damage repair mechanisms contributed to the survival of Chroococcidiopsis sp. exposed to a Mars-like near space environment.
Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Dec 1;e0344022. Online ahead of print.
Note: From the abstract: “Chroococcidiopsis spp. can withstand extremely harsh environments, including a Mars-like environment. However, studies are lacking on the molecular mechanisms of Chroococcidiopsis sp. surviving in Mars-like environments. In the HH-21-5 mission, the desert cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis sp. was exposed to a Mars-like environment (near space; 35 km altitude) for 4 hours, and a single-factor environment of near space was simulated on the ground. We investigated the survival and endurance mechanisms of Chroococcidiopsis sp. ASB-02 after exposing it to near space by studying its physiological and transcriptional properties.” This article may be obtained online without charge.
Jiang M, Liu Z, Shao J, Zhou J, Wang H, Song C, Li X, Wang L, Xu Q, Liu X, Lin L, Zhang R.
Estrogen receptor α regulates phenotypic switching and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells through the NRF1-OMI-mitophagy signaling pathway under simulated microgravity.
Front Physiol. 2022 Nov 10;13:1039913.
Note: Hindlimb unloading study. This article is part of Research Topic “Mitochondrial Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases” ( This article may be obtained online without charge.
Ma Z, Li DX, Chee RKW, Kunze M, Mulet-Sierra A, Sommerfeldt M, Westover L, Graf D, Adesida AB.
Mechanical unloading of engineered human meniscus models under simulated microgravity: A transcriptomic study.
Sci Data. 2022 Nov 30;9:736.
Note: A rotary cell culture system was used in this study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Yin Y, Liu J, Guo L, Wang Y, Fan Q, Zhao S, Wu X, Liu Y, Li Y, Xu C, Lu W.
Proteomics identifies calcineurin as a potential target for cardiovascular disorders in rats exposed to simulated microgravity.
Microgravity Sci Technol. 2022 Nov 11;34:103.
Note: Hindlimb unloading study.
Sun H, Zhou Q, Qiao P, Zhu D, Xin B, Wu B, Tang C.
Short-term head-down bed rest microgravity simulation alters salivary microbiome in young healthy men.
Front Microbiol. 2022 Nov 10;13:1056637.
Note: Head-down bedrest study. This article may be obtained online without charge.
Lacombe J, Zenhausern F.
Effect of mechanical forces on cellular response to radiation.
Radiother Oncol. 2022 Nov 1;176:187-98. Review.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.
Qin Q, Lee S, Patel N, Walden K, Gomez-Salazar M, Levi B, James AW.
Neurovascular coupling in bone regeneration.
Exp Mol Med. 2022 Nov;54:1844-9. Review.
Jameson JT, Markwald RR, Kubala AG, Roma PG, Biggs AT, Lai K, Russell DW.
Sleep deficiency, operational fatigue and the interplay of compromising factors: Analysis to aid in fatigue management.
J Sleep Res. 2022 Nov 27;e13788. Online ahead of print.
Lee YY, Endale M, Wu G, Ruben MD, Francey LJ, Morris AR, Choo NY, Anafi RC, Smith DF, Liu AC, Hogenesch JB.
Integration of genome-scale data identifies candidate sleep regulators.
Sleep. 2022 Dec 3;zsac279. Online ahead of print.
Greenlee ET, Hess LJ, Simpson BD, Finomore VS.
Vigilance to spatialized auditory displays: Initial assessment of performance and workload.
Hum Factors. 2022 Dec 1;187208221139744. Online ahead of print.
Zhou Y, Cai CY, Wang C, Hu GM, Li YT, Han MJ, Hu S, Cheng P.
Ferric-loaded lipid nanoparticles inducing ferroptosis-like cell death for antibacterial wound healing.
Drug Deliv. 2023 Dec;30(1):1-8.
Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.