Liquid Sky at NASA
NASA’s Liquid Galaxy: An Overview, open.NASA
“A few months back, Open.Gov Team Lead, Nick Skytland approached me with an idea to implement Google’s Liquid Galaxy project at NASA. I was immediately intrigued by the idea, and set forth researching what would be involved. Nick and I collaborated with others at Johnson Space Center (JSC) to come up with a way to implement our own Liquid Galaxy. We also collaborated with people from other NASA centers to come up with ideas to extend the project’s functionality, and to apply the same hardware to other activities. In the end, we came up with an exciting eight-display Liquid Galaxy “immersive cave” and a number of ideas to consider for the future.”
Note: This Open Government Initiative project (with the support of NASA Forward Maker Camp and the JSC ICA) highlights the intersection of clustered computing, open source, data visualization, and space-is-awesome.