New Space and Tech

Lasermotive Wins Share of the NASA Sponsored Power Beaming Challenge

By Marc Boucher
April 8, 2013
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The NASA sponsored Power Beaming Challenge, also known as the Space Elevator Games, is guaranteed to give out some prize money this year after a stellar performance by Team Lasermotive in the first day of the competition.

For Lasermotive of Seattle, It was their first attempt of the day and they accomplished what they never could before. And that was actually climbing the complete length of a tether in competition. And what a run it was. With their attempt they qualified for at least a share of the 1st level prize money of $900,000.
After an initial glitch where their climber would not climb, they reset it and then it shot upwards at an estimated 3.1 meter per second along the 900 meter competition cable.

The other two teams in the competition, the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team (USST) and the KC Space Pirates, will attempt qualify for the 1st level prize tomorrow. As well teams will also be vying for the 2nd level prize of $1.1 million. The competition runs for another 2 days. The event is organized and managed by the Spaceward Foundation for NASA. You can watch the event live starting tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. PST at this web site

SpaceRef co-founder, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, nature lover and deep thinker.