New Space and Tech

International Space Apps Challenge Is Happening This Weekend

By Keith Cowing
April 8, 2013
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The International Space Apps Challenge will take place this weekend, April 21-22, 2012. Nearly 2,000 people are registered to attend in 24 cities around the world.

NASA is working with 8 other government agencies and over 100 organizations world wide to host the two-day technology development event. Solutions to over 60 challenges related to open source software, open hardware, citizen science platforms, and data visualization will be worked on throughout the event, including an opportunity to launch your code to space on NASA’s phonesat!

The locations include:
San Francisco, Miami, Boulder, and New York City, USA;

Vancouver and Montreal, Canada;

Istanbul, Turkey; Nairobi, Kenya; Tel Aviv, Israel;

McMurdo Station, Antarctica;

Sao Paulo, Brazil; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Santiago, Chile;

Bangalore, India, Tokyo, Japan;

Exeter and Oxford, United Kingdom; Lausanne, Switzerland; Stuttgart, Germany; Dublin, Ireland;

Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, and Sydney, Australia.

The International Space Apps Challenge represents the latest in NASA’s technology acceleration and innovation emphasis as well as the commitment to the Administration’s Open Government Initiative. The event emphasizes quick, collaborative development, and offers immeasurable opportunities for citizens to contribute to NASA’s mission through hardware and software development, diverse participation, and validation of the immense value of spaceflight data to improving life on Earth.

The International Space Apps Challenges meets a commitment by NASA as part of the Open Government Partnership’s U.S. National Action Plan. The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral initiative between 55 nations around the world who are committed to promoting transparency, participation, and collaboration between governments and citizens. President Obama and other heads of state committed to these principles at the United Nations in September 2011.

For more information on the International Space Apps Challenge visit For more information on the Open Government Partnership visit

SpaceRef co-founder, Explorers Club Fellow, ex-NASA, Away Teams, Journalist, Space & Astrobiology, Lapsed climber.