NASA MUREP PBI/HBCU Data Science Equity, Access and Priority for Research and Education (DEAP)

Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2022 (EONS–2022)
Appendix N: MUREP PBI/HBCU Data Science Equity, Access and Priority for Research and Education (DEAP)
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) entitled Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) – 2022, solicits proposals for competitive funding opportunities in support of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP), administered by NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM). EONS-2022 is an omnibus announcement that includes a wide range of NASA STEM Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities will be issued periodically throughout the year as Appendices to this solicitation with individual requirements and milestones.
The following Appendix to EONS-2022 has been released: Appendix N: MUREP PBI/HBCU Data Science, Equity, Access and Priority for Research and Education (MUREP DEAP)
Full Proposals due at 5:00pm Eastern Time on Monday, October 24, 2022
NASA OSTEM’s MUREP program solicits proposals from Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to establish Data Science Institutes (DEAP Institutes) for data-intensive research in science and engineering that can accelerate discovery and innovation in a broad array of NASA Science Mission Directorate research domains. The DEAP Institutes will lead innovation by closely collaborating with NASA mentors for harnessing diverse data sources and developing and applying new methodologies, technologies, and infrastructure for data management and analysis research. The DEAP Institutes will support convergence between science and engineering research communities as well as expertise in Data Science foundations, systems, and applications. In addition, the DEAP Institutes will enable breakthroughs in science and engineering through collaborative, co-designed programs implementing NASA open science principles and architecture to formulate innovative data-intensive approaches to address critical national challenges.
Successful MUREP DEAP proposals will be funded as multi-year cooperative agreements not to exceed three (3) years. Please see the full Appendix N: MUREP DEAP for more details.
For general inquiries, please contact:
A pre-proposal teleconference for the MUREP DEAP opportunity will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. During this session, the MUREP DEAP team will give an in-depth overview of the opportunity and highlight information contained in the EONS 2022 document regarding proposal preparation and requirements. Please visit the MUREP DEAP landing page in NSPIRES for information on how to join the call. Any changes to this session will be posted here as well. Proposers are strongly advised to check for updates prior to the call.
For more information regarding this opportunity, please visit the ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN NASA STEM (EONS-2022) page on the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and click on ‘List of Open Program Elements’.